@buttmunch Yeah I think the Energon universe comics would be the best option for an updated (new) Joe cartoon. The stories are updated just enough, as well as the characters, that it is still recognizable as Joe. There is also the more mature aspect that should be carried over to a cartoon.
So if they weren't going to do a continuation like X-Men 97, then the Energon universe would be a good place to go in my opinion.
In general I'm not a fan of AI art since it's basically just algorithmic plagiarism, but I thought some of these designs might make for cool looking figures. Again, I'm not a Joe expert, I just buy what looks cool to me, so the die hard fans may find it to be crap, but I thought it was an interesting montage.
@jtmarsh I recently fell down the rabbit hole of AI trailers for brands as movies. So this is the kind of thing I have been watching more of lately. I liked a lot of the character designs in this video, and I appreciate that it is still images. Watching the AI trailers can be a bit disturbing as the motion really makes for some weird looking effects.
Some of these designs are really great, but I do have to laugh when some of the designs really go over the top on the muscles like Sgt. Slaughter and Dr. Mindbender.
Stupid sexy AI Joes.
I've always wondered what a live action Sgt. Slaughter would look like.
Good thing we have AI to tell us what Sgt. Slaughter would look like if he were a real person. Can't imagine what we'd do otherwise. Truly, it is an age of wonders when AI can spark the imagination and let us see things that could never exist in our colorless and sad reality. Where, indeed, have all the cowboys gone?!
You know, I think it would be fun to get some Joe mini-series instead of an ongoing show. Self-contained arcs based on different eras of the toys/movies/etc. Give me a Joe Extreme 6-part cartoon, or a Joe Star Brigade 6-part cartoon. To me that would be way more interesting than an ongoing series focusing on the same Joes in basically the same situations as always.