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Ramen tank inbound

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@leor, nothing official I've seen.  A size comparison photo shows it about the same size as the Ramen Racer (little shorter, little wider) and that sells for $250.  But also all the tread wheels have full suspension, so that's probably a bump.

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Is that 250 estimation going to include all the swappable options between tank, wolverine, and bridge layer?  

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@leor, that $250 is really kind of a made up number.  I was just saying that's what they charged for something of about the same size.

The racer also had add-on packs like the Inferno Pack which added to the base price, so I think it's fair to assume that you'd be able to buy a bridge-layer and then add on a missile pod for an added price.

What those prices are is anybody's guess, but in the case of the Ramen Racer, it's $250 for the car and an extra $30 to add in the flaming tires. But nobody official has even hinted that's the same price range for the tank.

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Ah, ok. I’m still interested in this tank if it becomes a reality and under $300. I’ll pop in this thread to keep up with news. 

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Ace did a live stream today and he showed off more of the AV. He discussed they are planning how to present it and Joe Fest would be the official presentation with pricing and first ordering. 

Oh my freaking fish!

What he showed was impressive. Mauler style tank turret only more rounded off. Very good size. I’m sure he’s talked fine before but 14” long maybe slightly longer. He had a Valaverse figure sitting in the turret hatch. It was shorter than Racer if I remember in the yellow preview. Maybe it’s 12”? It looked bigger on live stream.

The base has articulated wheels for the treads. Looks like quite a bit of riveted sculpt. There is interior control station sculpt, two seats, controls, and its varied in colors inside. The seats fold forward for characters to stand on them out of the hatches. It is modular as shown. A dual hatch attachment with magnetic side cannons that do attach to the top of the base. They are positioned to either side of the sliding lateral hatch covers.

There’s a big ole twelve missile turret that attaches. He showed of that all missiles removed and he is making long strong translucent blast effects for the missiles. I’d say 9” long or more. It will have the venting blasts on back of the launching tubes. 

There’s also a massive ratcheted folded bridge piece with a deploying apparatus. It looked big! He was clear not sure how they plan on offering the variations but mentioned the amount of variation Ms they offered with Racer was a challenge for his team. They are looking for simple ways to sell it. 

What I saw is with $200 for a base and $50-100 in accessories options. I’m sure he will shoot for something less. It’s definitely worth H.I.S.S. money if getting a Mauler and Wolverine option for that price. I’m interested!


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Sounds very interesting. 

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Oof, that's a beast; It seemed smaller in the test shots. I missed it if he said anywhere, but has anybody seen the measurements for it? I'd been guesstimating maybe 13" x 11" based on comparison shots with the Ramen Racer, but it seems like I have to go back to worrying about shelf space. 

On the other hand, it looks even better in-hand than the renders showed, so I'm still pretty stoked. If anything, I now want it more. Before this, I only wanted bridge layer and Wolverine options, but tank mode looks awesome, so now I'm all-in.

And not for nothing, I'm always impressed when a toy designer is willing to say he took inspiration from another line or from fan feedback. I love the ego-less transparency.

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It's cool. defiantly bigger then I thought. Based of the comparison with the Racer I'm guessing its about 16 inches and about 21 inches to the turret. The Bridge part is huge. folded out it must be around 24 inches. 

I am almost positive I won't get it but I am waiting for the final version to make my decision. its defiantly missing some of the finer details and I want to see it with the final paint apps and Tampo's.

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@snake-eyes-8181, this picture suggests the full bridge is 3' long. 

I don't think I'm ready. 

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@fletch That's what she said!

Joking aside that's huge. The DragonFly is 34 inches so it would be longer then that. I just made a new section in my display for vehicles which is 39 inches. it would fit but it would be tight. I think its a pass for me. If I do pick it up I would defiantly being getting the Bridge layer version but I also can't see it being cheaper then $300. I know when Ace first put up the Raman Racer he did put at a cheaper price point put I don't know how much cheaper he could make it. 

It's funny when he first went about doing the Racer the big selling point he was trying to get across is that it would be cheaper then the EOV but when you factor everything in (shipping, lack of figures) it works out to be pretty much the same thing

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@snake-eyes-8181 Yeah outside of getting in on the preorder price it is actually more expensive than the EOV Haslab when you factor in everything. 

I just watched the live stream he did where he showed off the tank and WOW!!  It does look great, and the optional turret swap outs are exactly what I want for vehicles that probably aren't popular enough for a Haslab, or even Pulse exclusive.  The size is good and the blast effects look pretty crazy.  

I can't believe he is also doing a black and red version ala the CAT with the futuristic double laser turret.   It kind of gives off the vibe of being a natural progression from the HISS to a more durable main battle tank.   I love it.

Unfortunately I think the price might keep me away.  If it comes in around the same price as the Ramen Racer with more than one turret I might bite.  However there are so many big ticket items coming this year that I might want ahead of it so.....

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Ace posted a JoeFest "exclusive" version will be up for pre-order during the con. As far as I can tell,  you don't have to be at the con to order, it will just become available to order during the con. 

Two interesting factoids from this:  1) the tank by itself will be $180 shipped, and B) 20" long is the first official measurement I've seen for the AV.



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  • Well damn. Now I have weigh getting a Mauler like tank and a Wolverine like armored missile launcher.

Him offering the desert color tank would seem to indicate Haslab isn’t Mauler. I mean Ace does risky stuff but I doubt he would offer a tan tank when Hasbro was.

20” is pretty solid. I think that is the length plus the cannon. So it’s still pretty stocky.


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$180 shipped for the tank alone?  Is that factoring all the extras that the tank is supposed to do. Where and when does the preorders happen for the regular tank? Do they charge credit card  upfront or wait until shipment whenever that may be?  Never dealt with this company so I don’t know the specifics. 

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I have a true 1/18 tank with a 17.25" hull length (add another inch with the box at the end, (auxiliary power unit, thanks reddit)). I'm torn, on one hand the Ramen tank seems small, but on the other hand you want something in a manageable size and cost.


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