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Ramen tank inbound

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Ace is dropping hints that squarely point to a bridge layer.


With additional comments suggesting it'll be a more universal tank chassis for other, treaded vehicles. 

Now, I've never bought anything from Ramen and can't speak to the quality, but I'm cautiously excited to see this develop. Their Sewer Lair looks pretty great, and the Ramen Racer looks like it's coming together. 

But at the same time, I can't promise a Ramen tank would fit on any shelf I own. The Sewer Lair sure won't. 




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This is something I suggested as a possible Haslab during the Dragonfly funding.  A "tank" such as the Wolverine with a tier that has an alternate turret for the Bridge Layer.  I felt that the size, a somewhat smaller tracked vehicle than the MOBAT or Mauler wouldn't probably be enough to do a Haslab.  However having the ability to switch out turret systems to allow for two different vehicles would be more worth the Haslab treatment, and immediately push the army building options into overdrive.

Let's see what Ace comes up with here.  It could be pretty great, but I want to see what it looks like first.

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Oooh, I'm loving all these vehicles that are getting thrown out there. I'd be interested in this! I'd like to see the Ramen Racer (Hellcharger/EoV) in-hand before putting down money on another preorder. Same with the sewer lair, which I'm also interested in. Not to say they are behind schedule (December 2023 at the earliest for the Racer) or I have any reason to be skeptical of their products, I would just like some things in hand before getting too excited about what's next.

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I’m glad to see more factory made not 3D printed options. I’m not interested in bridge layer. A versatile tank with a missile turret is interesting. I want Hasbro to make an official Classified Skyhawk and FANG. But Ace can make to his heart’s delight other vehicles.


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I'm probably out if they do the bridge layer. I'm not picky about figure but I am about vehicles. Space and money is a big factor.  Really beyond 86 there is nothing I really want. For Cobra I will be happy with the HISS, Trubble Bubble and the Ferret. Cobra Claw and the water moccasin would be cool. For the Joe side I think I will be good with a Vamp, Ram and Dragonfly. Maybe the Snowcat and Shark. A tank would be cool but its going to take up a lot of room and I won't be able to display many figures on it. There a rumor going around that the rattler will be the next haslab. I like the rattler but is going to take up a lot of room to only display two figures that you can't really make out because they are in the cockpits.

My dream Haslabs even though I know they will never be made are the WHALE and the MORAY. Yes they are big but they can accommodate at lot of figures with different options to display them and not just sitting there. The vehicle I would never buy is the APC. its cool but I don't want a vehicle where everyone is sitting and being covered up by the canopy. Even with the HISS I don't see myself using the interior seat much since you will never be able to see the figure


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@snake-eyes-8181, you've got so much right here. Figure vs display real estate and figure visibility are two major considerations in a toy vehicle. 

Back in the day, I was pretty opposed to the idea of a Classified Dragonfly because it would take up so much space for just two figures. But then I actually saw it, was won over by how neat it looked, and had to trash the old Fwoosh forums in order to get rid of my negative comments. 

If I'm being honest with myself,  I'd probably back a similarly-sized Rattler, but only if it has foldable wings for shelf storage. 

As for the bridge layer, we're still in early reveals so it's basically still fantasy land, but I've always had a soft spot for it and Tollbooth and am very interested in seeing if it's even feasible for my collection. Like I said, Ramen doesn't seem to take my shelf space into consideration when designing their stuff. 

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@fletch don't get me wrong fletch if it is the Rattler I will end up backing it lol. There is no way I am missing Wild Wesel. The wings folding up would be a nice touch.

Dragonfly I already have a spot picked out. its at least not to wide and does give a few options for displaying figures with it.

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Full chassis  render of the Ramen Bridgelayer.  You can see where a turret would go for a MOBAT.

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@fletch I'm going to have to send Ace an email asking for some "royalties" for taking my idea!!!  😀

I posted in the Dragonfly discussion about how I would have loved for a multi-use "tank" for the Joes as a Haslab.  My idea was to use a common chassis for a Wolverine (the base offering) and then have a tier unlock that would allow it to be changed into a Bridge Layer.  My reasoning was that neither was big enough, or popular enough (Bridge Layer, not Wolverine) to warrant a release on it's own. 

Clearly Ace saw my idea and went with it!!!   I want acknowledgement!!!!  🤣 


In case anyone is unsure, I am kidding.  Not about my posts, because I did post that idea, but about Ace taking my idea. 

Looking at that latest render I like it, but I don't see a MOBAT as an alternate from that chassis.  I think it would be better suited to a Wolverine, or maybe a Lynx?    I would imagine if this has some kind of alternate turret system that the bridge arm at the front would removable.  Also the side guns.  Either way I can't wait to see what Ace has in store for this.

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@canprime, I remember really liking your idea for the Wolverine chassis. I'd imagined swappable Wolverine/Lynx turrets, but thought a toss n cross was a neat idea too. 

Ace has been pretty transparent about adding a tank turret in the future, but I think he's trying to keep the discussion about the bridge layer.

I've no business sense, so I don't know if it's a better idea to do a tertiary vehicle that is unlikely to be done by anybody else, or be the first to make a primary battle tank.

On the one hand, there are fewer people interested in a bridgelayer, but you get 100% of those sales. With the tank, there's way more interest, but maybe a percentage holding off assuming Hasbro will eventually make one.

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An update from Ace showing the actual scale. 

It's going to be a little small for a MOBAT, but my shelf space doesn't mind. I'm really only in it for the bridge layer and Wolverine options, and the size for those seems okay. 

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@fletch Looks good.  I really love the multi-display options.  It is something I really thought would make a good Haslab.  So this is hitting the sweet spot for me.  I guess the big thing will be price.  I'm hearing $300US as the upper limit, but seeing previous Ramen Toys releases I'm hoping for less. 

The tank turret mode is definitely the weakest, but I think that is due to the turret design.  I would have preferred a more angular look to make it more modern looking rather than the older round turret design.

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And it gets better!

No mention of a tow cable, though.

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More pics of it over on instagram. The black and red plasma canon version looks sweet. I've said elsewhere I'm a bit of a Joe dilettante, is this Ramen doing a broad interpretation of some older Joe stuff, or are they closely matching a specific previous design? 

Really wondering about the price on this. I keep going back and forth about any more big 1/12 vehicles due to shelf space (and the fact that the Roboskull is coming for me later in Summer), but boy the field is getting crowded fast!

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I might be interested in this tank. Depends on the price. Is there a ballpark estimation?

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