It's time for the 1991 edition. This was the year I stopped collecting Joes because my dad said I was too old for toys, but mom let me get two (Snake Eyes and Red Star).
For our Cobra, Desert Scorpion had a great look and came with a pet.
For our Joe, how about Tracker - I believe the only Joe to come with an inflatable accessory.
And from the Oktober Guard (although curiously not one of the ones from the comic) Red Star.
And for our Re-Do they had a new B.A.T. in 1991.
I'm on vacation and Fwoosh was down Wednesday, but we're back!
Let's go back to an O13 with Zap!
For our Cobra let's reach into the bag of Viper variants with Astro Viper!
For our lesser known reaching back into the Viper Variant bag, how do people feel about the ridiculousness that is Data Viper?
And for our re-do let's go back to the Z's with Zartan!
Desert Scorpion would be a nice enemy agent for Dusty.
Tracker looks like a yuppie jogger, I would pass on that design.
Red Star would be a sale for me. Need some Russians to combat my Cobras overseas.
I’d like an original Zap (although I suspect we’ll see Flash before we get him). BTW that comic panel pose is all sorts of screwed up.
A Cold Slither multi pack would be a fun exclusive to get.
I'd buy any of these that are wearing masks and stand out. So Bazooka Trooper and Red Star wouldn't be as tempting as Data Viper, rocking-out Zartan, or Astro Viper.
I'd love some desert scorpions and sand vipers too. Zap will definitely be closer to the OG look. Ninja force were some of the last figures I got, I'm do for all of them.
I like to think they are big fans of Cold Slither and want to do a duet album.
That is Cold Slither. Zartan is just that dang good.
And what about good ole' Hector Ramirez. 4 separate properties he showed up in and nothing! Short changed I tell ya.
Hector would be an amusing exclusive. Don’t think he’d sell well in a general release though.
We're headed up and up this round.
For our Joe, how about filling out a boat scene with Topside?
For our Cobra, how about the guy who I was pretty sure was based on my dad growing up because of the mustache, Rock-Viper?
And for our lesser known how about some of the highest ranking Joes like the original General Flagg (namesake of the Aircraft Carrier) or his son of the same name (whose card art must have been based on Lloyd Bridges)?
Last up for this round's re-do let's keep going with the man that became a General - Hawk!
Time for another round of suggestions:
For our Joe, @leor has recommended Ambush:
For our Cobra @supreme_d suggested Night-Viper
And for the wildcard slot, how about @classifiedcustoms choice of Voltar?
And for our re-do how about the time some Cobras pulled a Thunderbolts with the Phoenix Guard? (Minus General Rey who had a previous entry)
High-Tide (Copperhead)
Snake-Eater (Firefly)
Friday (Zarana)
Halo (Wild Weasel)
Mech (Scrap-Iron)
This round we're bringing the heat:
Ice Cream Soldier!
And for our re-do: Firefly!
Reading through all of these posts, I’m pretty sure the limiting factor on me buying these figures is simply space and budget. The Classified team does a great job with just about every release. Even their “meh” figures are as good as an above average Marvel Legend, and they feel like a better value in hand than the Black Series.
I’m confident that the GI Joe team could make just about any of the characters mentioned and knock it out of the park. So I’m excited for the expected stuff (Jinx, Doc), the weird stuff (gimme Eco Warriors Deep Six with a dolphin), and the new stuff (Shooter) that gets released. Even if I dont buy most of it, someone will- it’s that good.
With all the army builders they've done does anyone think we’ll see any dreadheads or skull squad troopers/vipers. Bludd needs more love, and I've always liked the idea of Bludd having is own subgroup