Let's look at some Vehicle Drivers today. Their vehicles may be cost prohibitive, but single figures are not out of the question.
How would folks care for Wild Weasel?
Over on the Joe side how about his classic adversary from the comics, Ace?
The Dreadnoks didn't have a pilot, but they did have a pirate. Would folks like Zanzibar?
And for our re-do, he's had several vehicles. We have some more great options for Sgt. Slaughter!
I think Wild Weasel and Ace are both givens for the line, but while I'd love single-carded versions I assume that they'll be like Wild Bill, and released as Haslabs. They're both the perfect driver figures, and their corresponding vehicles would make for perfect Haslab releases.
I'm betting Zanzibar gets a release too--he's too fun for Hasbro not to do. If the Dreadnoks prove really popular, and if they do a Thunder Machine, then we might even get an Air Skiff with him, similar to Serpentor and his Sky Chariot.
Love these picks. Keep 'em up!
Instant buy - Wetsuit
Easy pass - Star Brigade
unless, you know, they look awesome.
I’d buy Wet Suit, still waiting on that version of Gung Ho with the headband. Dress Blues version isn’t something I would buy but Im willing to bet it would sell out quickly.
Footloose, Slice, Dice, and both of those versions of Snake Eyes are also wants of mine. Honestly any Classified figure will probably be pretty good so almost all of those characters shown are appealing.
T.A.R.G.A.T. should be a Target exclusive though.
Easy pass
unless, you know, they look awesome.
That's what I said about the Crimson Strike Team, and having multiple Vipers, and... most of the things in the giant pile of unopened toys next to me. First world problems.
How about Fast Draw? He was left out of the movie, but not out of our hearts.
For our Cobra how about the man responsible for so many Joe deaths in the comics - S.A.W.-Viper?
Everyone (mostly) loves Ninjas, but we've never gotten the Soft Master. He let us all believe anyone could be a ninja.
And for our re-do how about Dusty? Anyone with a pet coyote has to be a badass.
I can see the S.A.W viper being released with two heads, one for troop builder and one for a more "established" person seeing how in the comics he was such a dominant character for a few issues. How many Joes did he take out? 3? 4?
Fast Draw seems like a natural foil for Metal Head (who we’ve recently seen), so I vote yes. Also Fast Draw has one of those quasi science fiction specialities that seems stupid as hell, but in real life would be kind of a useful capability if you could miniaturize the munitions and somehow still have the desired effects.
One character I would advocate for in conjunction with the Jungle Viper (as cool as that figure is) is the Night Viper. Very similar concept to the Jungle Viper, but a little less extra in its design.
Also I would take Operation Flaming Moth repaint versions of the relevant Vipers as well.
How many Joes did he take out? 3? 4?
I thought it was higher, but the internet is telling me it was 4 with 3 more getting away from him then blowing up in a captured vehicle.
We're definitely going to get a SAW Viper for the line. Not only will it be an army builder, but a lot of non-army building collectors will still pick him up because of the narrative history. But from your choices I actually want Dusty and Sandstorm the most! I passed on the original Dusty because I prefer this version more. Plus, more animals in the line is always a bonus 🙂
And I wouldn't say no to a three pack of the Hard Master, Soft Master, and Blind Master. Hint hint, Hasbro.
POC Dusty is GIJ design firing on all cylinders; as with some other modern releases in this scale, they found a way to reinvent a classic character with a modern twist AND make him troop-buildable. I'd absolutely pick up one or two, depending on if they included a Dusty head. Really just want the masked head, though.
In a related note, I'd love to see a remake of Desert Storm Shadow to go with him:
Speedrun how many ninja stars you can lose any%
Speaking of the SAW-Viper, gimme that bitchin' sweet OverKill design from the shitty JvC line. He'd go great with pretty much all other 6" lines, too. He'd be a great villain against Marvels/DCs/Whoever else, and wouldn't even be totally out of place with SW figures, imho.
Love seeing three of my favorite kinda ridiculous figures from childhood in this thread already. Sci-Fi was so dumb and so fun, Wet-Suit pretty much never left the rotation (I never had Torpedo as a kid so he was my first diver), and Fast Draw was so cool my brother and I fought over who he belonged to all the time.
I'm hoping they do another Dusty with the coyote at some point. Give me all the untrainable animals in Classified. Spearhead and Max is the hill I will die on, give me the pointman and TRAINED ATTACK BOBCAT.
I’ll take ‘em all as long as they are made well. I find myself liking Nunchuk a lot and I have no idea who he is. V3 and V4 Snake Eyes should be planned next year. Enough with the repaints of V2. Need Kwinn the Eskimo also. Ambush would be fun.