Iron throne made out of guns and ammo containers? that is perfect.
Just an FYI since I've seen quite a few YouTube reviewers claim otherwise: there is rotation at the gauntlets.
Really helps when posing him with the missile firing FX
Duke will be on preorder tomorrow. Who's getting it?
Looks like Duke is going up for pre order tomorrow, not loving the picture i saw.
He really doesn't look good. Especially compared to the other ones. Snake Eyes looks sweet though
More pictures did not really help, this is an easy pass.
I got the preorder. Looks like it's inspired by Doc Savage. Really cool IMO
He really doesn't look good. Especially compared to the other ones. Snake Eyes looks sweet though
duke looks like coach buzzcut from bevis and butt-head.
bummer because destro is awesome and the others look good.
He looks like the big asshole football player from generic teen movies that spends the whole movie running around going "LET'S POUND SOME NERDS!" and tossing a football in the air.
duke looks bad, dont like the head sculpt.
I'm not tempted by this one. I have nothing preordered past Snake-Eyes and would probably cancel my Roadblock preorder to take a wait and see approach if I didn't have an NRD.
I feel like they don't get the Duke character with those head sculpts. I can't recall Mezco making drastic changes to heads after they're shown?
The problem is that he does not look like a hero, he looks like the asshole military guy in a movie in which the scientist is the hero. He's the "fuck it, lets just bomb new york" kinda military guy. He looks like Chip Hazard from Small Soldiers.