Finally confirms all the leaks in the past couple months.
While a nice looking set I am not going to be going in on this. Got the recent cheap-o sets for $5Cdn and they weren't worth that. The KREO sets from years ago were pretty good, but got rid of them as well.
This set should be great quality, but I just don't see the need for me personally. Especially at $81US ($125Cdn). Maybe I would bite if it was at least (at least) half off.
🤣 they're insane
Right now the midwest hardware retailer Menards has the cheap Lego knock-off ones in their Christmas toy aisle.
{oh I hate that random assortment sent if you buy those online things!}
anyway Mega Blocks is NOT Lego
$81 is way too much!
Looking over the Lego site, the price/piece count seems about on par with Lego. While I agree Mega isn't the same quality I've not found them to be terrible far off with the MOTU sets I have.
Boy is that underwhelming. After getting my hands on some Megablok Call of Duty military vehicles a while back, I'd thought it'd be a perfect match with G.I. Joe. Now that it's here, it doesn't live up to the size and accuracy of those COD sets at all.
@goldbug Up here (Canada) our largest dollar store chain (Dollarama) got most of these sets in and was charging $5 per set. However we never got the Rattler, Night Raven or Snow Cat. The Rattler and Snow Cat look like they are the best of the offerings from the line while the rest are pretty underwhelming. Although I don't think the HISS or FANG are as bad as was made out online.
Still not worth it overall at $5 and while I agree that Mega Construx is pretty much on par with Lego, $81US ($125Cdn) is not worth it.
I only want the figures.
I only want the figures.
Actually that is where I have to give Mattel credit. They do the mini-figs better than anyone, even Lego. I much prefer the attempt to look like the actual characters rather than just paint on a plain body with maybe a few touches like hair.
I have a lot of the MotU ones, not sure where I left off. Had to backtrack on the TMNT ones, some of which got pricey. I have a Hellboy one from a couple years ago, but would love some GI Joe ones to go with the MotU and TMNT. I'm just a sucker for the '80s properties done in the same style so they can "coexist" within the same universe (display). I just wish they didn't have those minifig C grip hands. They could use the same universal clasp inner sculpt but actually sculpt the hand details.I only want the figures.
Actually that is where I have to give Mattel credit. They do the mini-figs better than anyone, even Lego. I much prefer the attempt to look like the actual characters rather than just paint on a plain body with maybe a few touches like hair.
I ordered from the Mattel site yesterday and got a shipping notice this morning.
I put these guys together. They're pretty great. The H.I.S.S. appears small, but I think it's actually pretty close. The figures are much wider than normal so it throws the perspective off.
I just wish they didn't have those minifig C grip hands. They could use the same universal clasp inner sculpt but actually sculpt the hand details.
Drives me bonkers, too. The CoD hands do have some good glove detailing, fwiw. While I knew all innovation and cleverness at Construx would die the moment Mattel bought them out I've always hoped and felt we deserved some good outer detailing for pretty much all the lines but esp their biggest license (Halo).