So why are this not on BBTS? where can i actually buy them? are the older figures still at retail?
It's apparently against the contract for Hiya to distribute these 'directly' in the US. BBTS is too big an operation to worry about one line in terms of trying to hook up a 'backdoor' connection through another retailer like SmallJoes is likely doing. SmallJoes, being dedicated to GI Joe as their focus kinda have to carry this line so they're assumedly putting in that effort - maybe to the point they're not making any money off the deal at all.
and you can get them directly from China too
They showed off Tiger Force Flint, which looks decent considering I always thought the TF figs were hideous garbage.
Gung Ho was shown
not bad
Zartan is OK I won't get him though his elbow area is just ugly
but Spirit... WOW!!!!
The elbow hinges are separate-piece inserts from both the forearm and hindarm; and may simply not be shoved all the way into place in these pics.
The elbow hinges are separate-piece inserts from both the forearm and hindarm; and may simply not be shoved all the way into place in these pics.
OK I see now why they did that to get a better pose with rifles
I'm a bit confused as to why this are direct copies of the classified figures, that seems like it would be a big no no.
I'm a bit confused as to why this are direct copies of the classified figures, that seems like it would be a big no no.
How so? Hiya isn't doing this line without Hasbro's permission, and is limited to doing only what Hasbro allows.
They both used the Operation Blackout designs when they were starting out, though we know hasbro is doing their thing now. Hiya seems to still be using at least the basic designs and making tweaks when they need to.
Those designs weren't created by the game company, but were always Hasbro's source design given to the game company as reference. The designs simply showed up first in the game. Hiya make be making some choices but none of them are going through without Hasbro's okay.
No kidding gi joe is a hasbro property? Like I answered they're not copying each other. Hiya seems to still be using the design, while hasbro has moved on.
Apologies, I thought you were participating in the ongoing conversation and not just interjecting without relevance.
It's crazy how many of these have been revealed and we still only have 2 of them released, right? Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes?
Funny I thought that's what you were doing. He asked why they seem to be copies of each other and I answered. We can keep this going if you like