There is such a wealth of ladies when you go beyond the toy line. I've been diving deep into all the various versions, action Force, the comics beyond Hama's initial run etc. I'd be very interested in figures of a lot of them, named in this thread too, but Red Scream was one I was excited for but hadn't seen anyone name her here yet.
My most wanteds are:
Crimson Asp
There was also a IG frogwoman I think, can’t recall her name though.
I'm still holding out hope that we get basic green shirts. Remember a few years ago when Hasbro had pulse exclusive army builders for Marvel Legends? I want that with Joe. Maybe a 2 pack female Green Shirt with Female Crimson Guard.
@spongyblue I really am resisting getting too deep with army building with this line, but... if they did that, I would probably not be able to resist. Maybe I can sell one male CG...
Female CG or Eels would be great. Valkyrie is basically that same model female Trooper as Sunbow had. I’ve just started reading the comics thanks to Compendium.
I’m 75% sure the next hunt for MASS pack will be a female Cobra frogman/woman with Baroness head or and maybe generic female head.
Valkyrie is one of my favorite Cobras for sure. I'm so glad I got that one.