Which three ladies of Cobra or Joes would you like to see figures of? Cartoon, comic, variant never made, redo of character already made… What figures would get you hype?
Dawn Moreno - the Snake Eyes legacy character has a great look and intriguing story.
Alyssa Renea Stall aka Bomstrike. I know very little about her story. I’ve seen here interacting with Helix and Dawn Moreno. I love the GI Joe shirt look and she’s designed by Dwight Stall of Marvel Legends fame. She’s interesting.
Female frogman/frogwoman(?) - I want a lady diver. Cobra Eel, Joe named or otherwise. Make it Quick Kick’s date from Sunbow Cartoon Amber. It can be Scarlet or Lady Jaye in gear. Baroness or just a trooper.
Dr. Biggles-Jones (so we can have another named cobra villainess)
Crimson Guard
Pizzazz from Jem (I'm never going to pass up an opportunity to mention her)
Canary Ann
Doc II
Tall Sally (from GI Joe Extreme. Yeah I went there.)
I had no idea about Canary Ann. That’s a fantastic repaint idea. Tall Sally is interesting too.
Dr Cassandra Nova:
Crimson Asp:
Mistress Armada:
Candy Appel
This thread made me realize that while there are VERY few classic women characters in this franchise, Classified has done a pretty good job of getting the biggest names out there to us in some way or another. It's not for lack of trying that it's a dude-heavy line!
My three picks:
- Zanya (has she been announced already? I can't recall)
- Pythona
- Heart Wrencher
Buuuuut honestly, any of the civilians they want to throw our way would be cool. I forgot Candy Appel even existed and man if that isn't the quintessential Joes silliness shining through.
OK - for sure number one is Daina - love me some Oktober Guard - but her especially.
Bombstrike is an awesome look - I'll take it.
The straight Lady Jaye repaintness of Canary Ann would be hilarious and I couldn't resist it, but honestly I'd love to see most of those mentioned in this thread. There's always room for more.
But if I was pushed and could only pick one more to add to those first two I listed it would be Crimson Asp.
The lack of Mara in this thread is depressing.
@boy_wonder Agreed, along with Honda Lou and Satin. Even though the last two aren't "Joes" per se. However if being technical neither is Daina
I’ve seen some awesome fan art of Honda Lou West in a tactical vest, jeans, boots , and a hat. Satin always struck me as Lady Jaye in disguise. I know it’s not but I get fooled every now and again.
Mara is interesting. She can be an alternate head for the lady Eel I am wanting.
Black Hat!
Selina with action pitcher!
Addendum since pilot Baroness is unlocked so it should increase the odds:
Night Raven Strato Viper.