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Off the top of my head omega sentinel, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before kits are everywhere

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Well, Fury Road is almost 10 years old lol...

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With the renewed interest i would hope there would be something,  and sorry I ment for the left arm, though piecing one together might be your best bet. The body I'd go with a mix of Agent Helix and Zarana, if you want to stick to using joes. Maybe even some of the fortnite figures

TENIME reacted
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The almost simultaneous timing of the movie Deadpool Legends rerelease & @trunks3540 posting about finding $5 movie Snake Eyes, I finally realized a long-planned custom & even longer planned custom ideas originally intended for my 30th/PoC collection, I proudly present to my Classified display, mercenaries chaotic good Wade & lawful evil Slade: The Wilson Brothers!

Thank you again, Trunks, for helping me get the body fodder for cheaper than Amazon!

I carved a line down the middle of his face plate, well I got the nose to mouth down the middle...the forehead was offcenter a little. 😕 

I want to give him grey Timber Commando Snake Eyes' thigh sheathe/dagger, but I don't know where it is lol. Though, I should say, I don't know where the wave 1 SE dagger is, because I know I gave that figure* the corrected version from Commando, as I'd gotten one of the early sheathes that had to be dremeled out to fit the knife inside it.

*well, my ideal Snake Eyes, which is the Wave 1 body with my original movie head & feet (and I couldn't use that original body, as I'd used its neck & left arm for other customs lol)

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Ahh so that's what the deal was. I had to drill out my Snake Eyes 02 knife sheath as well. I thought maybe I got a dud, but I bought him off ebay so I figured I'd just fix it myself.

YW man. I try to help when I can. And that turned out really good. I love the use of the Iron Man helmet. That's inventive. I was just gonna slap maybe an old McFarlane Raiden head from MGS2 on my extra one and call it a day, but now I'm having new ideas. I'm not gonna copy you, it's just makes me wanna do something more with it.

TENIME reacted
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Thank you!

I don't remember what I would've done for the 1/18 figure (I'm sure I have the fodder somewhere - I know I started DP but never finished him), but I got the idea for the Iron Man face when I cosplayed Deathstroke!


Can kinda see my sword behind my head, can't see the motorcycle "gauntlets" on my forearms, though lol. I wore an actual eyepatch under the mask. Depth perception was worse than usual lol.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Can anyone tell me what other characters use Outback’s legs? Big Ben does, right? Anyone else? 

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Range viper (different boots)

General Hawk


Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Awesome, thanks a ton! 

Was hoping to find a pair that came in black, but don’t think I can justify buying a Range Viper just for fodder, lol 

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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This was what I was interested in the black legs for. Wanted to turn Big Ben into something that looked close to the old Action Force SAS trooper. Gave him TF Outback‘s hands and boots, Shipwreck’s rope, and some new guns. Turns out he uses Sgt Slaughter’s legs, but I don’t see myself going any farther for this fix up unless we get these parts all molded in black at some point. I’m pretty happy enough with him as-is to get the point across. 

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Was never a huge fan of how dark the brown was on the original Zartan, so I finally got my hands on a retro version and mashed the two up for something more closely resembling the original toy. 

This is the retro figure with the chest harness, thigh pads, and boots from the first Classified Zartan. Hits a lot more of the original notes for me. 

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Posted by: @boy_wonder

This was what I was interested in the black legs for. Wanted to turn Big Ben into something that looked close to the old Action Force SAS trooper. Gave him TF Outback‘s hands and boots, Shipwreck’s rope, and some new guns. Turns out he uses Sgt Slaughter’s legs, but I don’t see myself going any farther for this fix up unless we get these parts all molded in black at some point. I’m pretty happy enough with him as-is to get the point across. 

Rit synthetic dye. . Not sure if you have it where you're from. 


Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Posts: 411

Yeah, I think we have that here in Ohio

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So I was doing some organizing and I found this in a bin that I had put "away" only to be surprised.   I picked up this version (2009) of the RHINO somewhere around 2012 during the dying days of Zellers (Canadian Department store).   It was heavily discounted so I picked it up for this specific custom.

I don't remember how it came about, but I really liked the thought of the Dreadnoks getting a new vehicle.  So this was the result.  A birth of both Dreadnok assault sets in one (air and ground).

  So here it is......The D.A.M.A.G.E.  (Dreadnok Air Menace And Ground Eviscerator)  {or Exterminator, couldn't decide on which}:

vicious7171 reacted
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Oh I also found these two smaller customs:

Mini-Cat and Iron Grenadiers Cycle.  Both were early attempts at custom paint jobs so black was easy to use in case of mistakes.   I liked how the Iron Grenadiers Cycle turned out, especially the gold.   The Mini-Cat was fun, but definitely shows the early days of trying to paint.

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