@miraclemen now that you mention it, yeah, my Hawk's left bicep does have a bit more of a gap than the right. The gap is on the outside of the joint; it looks like there's just a little excess plastic on this inner half of the bottom bicep plastic causing the arm to have a slight angle at the joint. Maybe I'll give it a little trim and see if that helps.
@miraclemen now that you mention it, yeah, my Hawk's left bicep does have a bit more of a gap than the right. The gap is on the outside of the joint; it looks like there's just a little excess plastic on this inner half of the bottom bicep plastic causing the arm to have a slight angle at the joint. Maybe I'll give it a little trim and see if that helps.
Cool, if you do the mod LMK how it goes. It was something I noticed on mine and a few others. Not sure if it was a bad batch or universal
to those who got their HISS Tanks via FEDEX did you have to sign? im not gonna be home tomorrow and it says requires direct signature
to those who got their HISS Tanks via FEDEX did you have to sign? im not gonna be home tomorrow and it says requires direct signature
Yes. I've heard of some people who didn't have to, but you are supposed to.
@mechamajin I was expecting to have to, but they just dropped it at the front door for me. Fortunately I was home & ran to grab it, as it got delivered pretty early for a Sunday.
@mechamajin The guy was already walking away, package delivered, when I answered the door.
Then he came back for a signature. So they aren't enforcing it much. Your area may be different.
I think FedEx is going screw me, 6pm and still out for delivery. They've been to my house to drop off some wrestling figures 🤗, but I directed the Hiss to Walgreens because nobody would likely be home to sign.
@mrboshek Call Walgreens & check on it. I send all my Mezco & 4 Horsemen & Haslab orders there & I've had numerous times where something gets dropped off but not scanned in, so it never switches to ready for pickup. There's a good chance it's already sitting there.
@fuzzybluedemon I usually send my pricier POLs and other figures that need signing. I never had a pick up this late (now after 6:30). I might stop in because I have to drive past them to another store.
Update: it was behind the counter, not scanned. I figured FedEx does the scanning at drop off, but the girl said sometimes Walgreens scans the packages.
So what is this Hasbro Pulse thing that is supposed to happen next Monday? Is that the rumored Black Techno Viper/SMS missile launcher combo? Anything else Gi Joe speculated on that day?
Got my two HISStanks, opened one, it's so good. And the Retro Crimson Guard looks so good with it. I think he might have a permanent spot in the gunner's tower. I'll take some pics tomorrow, need to make space. Is it just me or is the step ladder really difficult to hinge down? It's the only POA I haven't fiddled with yet.
Ok, who was it that said they'd sell me their three extra MM CoCos for $25 apiece? Darn forum exploding, I don't have the PMs anymore. @@supercamel-1982 was it you? Or maybe @salemcrow ?
Wasn't me. I haven't backed ANY Haslab project thus far, no matter the property.
Regarding BAT question. Super 7 made a blue colored version of the BAT. It’s 7” scale. It looks nice. Not sure how it articulates.
It's the usual Super7 Ultimates articulation. So not as much as most 6" retail figures today. However it is still a fun figure, especially if you get it on sale. It's based on the comic appearance from one issue.
I have seen some people say they would use it as a sort of special BAT that Cobra created to lead the other BATs which is why it is a different colour and larger size. Not a bad idea I guess, but I am fine with just enjoying it for what it is.
I finally picked up my Desert Snake Eyes that I got on sale during Black Friday. Man I have to say it really does look great in person. I liked the design already, but having it in hand I really do like it more than I thought I would. He's with Dusty right now as part of a desert op, but I'm hoping to add more desert themed characters in the future (depending on how they look).
No breakage, but my Ripper & Buzzer's ankles are so loose, they can't stand even vanilla, let alone in a pose, holding their jaws/chainsaw.
Just got Hawk & Helix yesterday, and both are great. *shrug* Couldn't do my usual Obi-Wan headswap for Hawk, though. Socket is too big for the ball, skintones are too far off, and it's super undersized for the body. Oh well.
FedEx failed delivery on the HISS because they couldn't get a signature - my wife and I both work from home so we're definitely here! But we're on the top in a split level duplex situation, and I guarantee they knocked on the wrong door. Layout of the house makes it tough to catch the truck out front too. Guess I'll need to reroute it to a pickup location - last thing I want is them returning it after too many failed attempts!