I doubt we get another version of the HISS. Luckily there is a HISS 2 in the vintage line, which technically is larger but no reason it can't be smaller. Just color it like the HISS 2 and you are set.
I’ll be more direct then. As Hasbro offers more vehicles in the coming years it is in their best interest and that of their customers to find a way to release a Classified sized version of the HISS not wrapped in a $300 package which in this case includes four figures, lights, and plug on accessories. Granted they’ve made thousands of units. Diligent collectors may be able to find an offering to their liking to add this iconic Cobra vehicle to their collection. This HISS is very nice but dream project, I’d tap the breaks a bit.
@leor I would be absolutely pleased with an upscaled 1/18 HISS. I mean, the HasLab looks great, but it's a lot more than I need for a lot more money than I want to spend right now. Especially since it'd end up in a box in six months or less since I have no realistic place to put it where it won't get super dusty.
There's no chance they're going to do a retail version of this. Keep dreaming!
Enh. Maybe not. But never say never.
Stripping it down, removing the electronics, taking out all the bonuse, I wouldn't say never either. I don't think they'd pass on the opportunity, especially with the line seemingly exploding right now.
I finally picked up the second version of Timber & Snake Eyes cuz it was on sale for $22 at Wal-Mart.
I just wanted the set for Timber, so that pricepoint was perfect.
The Animals have been some of Hasbro's best work.
I wish that Big Boa came with a Kangaroo like his international version.
We have all these Tiger Force figures, give us a Tiger!
I'll buy all the animals they decide to put out, I want more!
Question: how many (classified) bats are there? and is there a blue version?
@nightwolf OG Black/Yellow, PP, Crimson, Arctic. So they've released four classified BATs. There isn't a blue one and afaik there has never been a blue one (but I'd still dig if they made one).
I finally picked up the second version of Timber & Snake Eyes cuz it was on sale for $22 at Wal-Mart.
I just wanted the set for Timber, so that pricepoint was perfect.
The Animals have been some of Hasbro's best work.
I'll buy all the animals they decide to put out, I want more!
I did the same because I wanted yet another Snake Eyes. The white wolf will go great with the grey one on either side of my ML Weapon X Wolverine for an outdoorsy look!
Over the weekend I grabbed Lowlight. I'm behind on my collecting so it's not like anyone here doesn't know this already but he's just SUPER. Pulling off that shouldered rifle pose like an absolute boss. This is the kind of figure that makes me want to do dioramas and such - build him a nice little sniper nest. Loads of fun.
I'm still trying to take it easy on the Joes, and also trying to only pick up figures that are direct translations of the ones I really liked when I was young, or that I fell in love with later in the 25a era. Lowlight is only sort've in that second group. I bought the modern era figure of him (I think that was 30th anniversary, right? or was it POC?) and really liked it, but I don't want to say it was ever a favorite of mine. So this guy maybe breaks the rules I made for myself just a little bit. But he's SO fun and I haven't bought a Joe in a while.
Some of these new reveals, though. Oh man. I might be in trouble. Those classic 12" Joe homage figures hit some totally different nostalgia buttons that have me all worked up. Airborne is a figure I fell in love with during the 25a days, and the Classified figure looks like it's going to be pretty awesome in all the same ways as the 25a figure. Techno-Viper is RIGHT up my alley in the kind of stuff I like from my Cobra figures; kind of goofy but also kind of sinister and has a laser gun that feels less like the cartoon and more like Warhammer 40k 'it might blow up when you use it, good luck soldier!'
STILL waiting for that proper Ninja Force Storm Shadow, though. Come on, Joe Team. You know just as well as I do that the first attempt was bad and the best version of Storm Shadow deserves better.
I got my Hiss Tank yesterday. I expected it Monday, so I'm glad I was home to get it and sign for the package since it was a day early.
I love this thing. And getting this just made me even more excited for the Helicopter next year.
I Also saw some figures shipped from Pulse today. Nunchuck and Buzzer. Then I guess Shockwave is shipping in a couple days.
The technician.. his box is signed. Is that the case on all technician boxes? I wasn't sure, so I kept it unopened.
I was surprised to see that too. I didn't find anything definitive after a short search, but I also didn't find pictures of any that weren't signed.
Mine was signed. I think they all are as it was part of the selling point for a repaint.
Got General Hawk tonight and dig him a lot. A step above the average Classified in design, execution, and plastic quality. His plastic is really stiff without being stuck, holds a pose great and the paint is pretty clean on mine. His weapons are a little boring, but the rest of his accessories and holsters are good. Could have used a pointing hand like the v1 artwork. Those goggles are making their rounds already. 9/10 from me. Now lets get the v3 one in the goofy space suit!
Is your Hawk's left arm kind of warped at the bicep and reveals a gap?
I have two Hawks, didn't notice any gaps. The Nunchuk I got a couple days ago has a small gap where the right boot connects to the lower leg and pops off very easily. Kind of like how the arms pop off of some figures.
Regarding BAT question. Super 7 made a blue colored version of the BAT. It’s 7” scale. It looks nice. Not sure how it articulates.
Ok, who was it that said they'd sell me their three extra MM CoCos for $25 apiece? Darn forum exploding, I don't have the PMs anymore. @@supercamel-1982 was it you? Or maybe @salemcrow ?
I still haven't opened mine, though I did manage to sell my extra to a local guy. He was thrilled with the price and I was thrilled to get the big box out of my house! My backlog of Classified to open is getting a little silly, I really need to get on it. The last figure I opened though (Buzzer)... oof. He put a bad taste in my mouth. I appreciate that they like to make these as customizable and "realistic" as possible, but enough with the removable glasses. His 100% will not stay on and it ruins the figure for me. I don't think gluing them on would even help as one of the arms just isn't long enough to go behind his ear so it will always just be sticking out awkwardly to the side. It sucks.