I agree. Boa’s unmasked head is not how I pictured him. Crew cut for sure. But the ability to mod figures and get custom heads opens it up to whatever you want. I probably will have the helmet on most of the time. I had not had time to compare the torsos but Gung Ho size makes sense.
I have no doubt they will get to Pythona, Imperial Guards, and even Golobulus. Seems prime for an exclusive multipack. They already know the Pulse exclusive for Transformers. Seems there must be an inclining for the Joe exclusive. Nemesis Immortal/Enforcer is probably going to be a beast 8.5-9” tall. I’m not sure how they will do the wings but he’ll surely have the tentacles option.
I know there is a pretty good road map out there coming out of Full Force. I’m excited to get the Frosted Fudgee trio completed in 2024. Jinx can come with an apology head for Falcon. I’m curious to see what repaints we get. I know Iron Grenadier BATs will be one. Retro Eels and Snow Serpents will have some new sculpts for accessories. I still think the Slaughter’s Marauders are coming: repaints Spirit, Sarge, and maybe Low Light. I definitely think they will get Sarge out again. There’s that listing of a Marauder’s vehicle that came out in the Fall. It’s not unheard of for them to do repaints so close together. Mutt could be a possibility.
Very excited about Mutt and Junkyard. If he comes in next month he’s a top five Joe for 2023. Really ranking the offerings in 2023 is very tough. So many Classified. I may start being more choosy. I think when lines are new and fresh it’s easy to be all in. Now I gotta pair it down.
well I think this has to take the cake for worst-packed figure I've ever received in the mail
Congratulations to Walmart for inspiring their crew to do the absolute bare-minimum work in the worst possible way! 👏
That looks about like $4.97 to me.
I really liked most of the reveals in the stream, but I've been feeling strangely lukewarm about Duke and Scarlett. I finally think I figured out why. For Duke it's the colour of his shirt. For me it's too light/white/off-white, it needs to be more yellowed/darker/bolder, like the first release. I have a feeling that he's going to look and feel really boring on the shelf next to other characters, even the more classic-inspired ones. But I'm happy that he exists for people who still like him. He looks really good otherwise. I really really hope that his release means more people will be selling off their first versions of him, since that figure is expensive on the secondary market right now.
As for Scarlett I'm excited for her release, but I don't like the mold of the lower section of her torso. I don't know why they needed to sculpt the yellow portion of her suit to go so high up her hips and then only over half of her backside from promo shots. Like, I'm no prude, but it feels almost...unseemly. I like Scarlett as a character--she's a badass. She deserves better. They didn't need to sculpt/paint her suit this way when it would've been entirely fine and acceptable to simply have the yellow continue down the lower torso fully. Otherwise, the figure looks really great and I dig the quiver accessory. I only hope that there's some sort of crossbow storage as well.
well I think this has to take the cake for worst-packed figure I've ever received in the mail
Congratulations to Walmart for inspiring their crew to do the absolute bare-minimum work in the worst possible way! 👏
That sucks. Target sent me my 97 Bishop like that. At least when I complained the told me to keep it and refunded me.
That packaging doesn’t help the very weak card back. Sorry. No fun to receive your collectible looking like crap.
I think Duke’s shirt color is my mind’s eye of his original action figure. Sunbow cartoon is the more warmer colors. Duke like most of the original Joes were a muted color scheme. I think there is also some of Hasbro playing nice with Super 7. So they are not wanting to produce a color way too close to their product.
I think Retro Duke, Scarlett, and Snake Eyes will look great together. I’m really curious about the helmeted look for Duke.
Fire Team is coming! I just got back from a ten day stay in London, seeing mom. I’ve lived vicariously through YouTube unboxing videos. I’m gonna have some fun once I get things in order. My house is a wreck. Haven’t had much time to Christmas decorate or wrap gifts. Lots to do. But I should have all the pieces soon to unbox in my house.
My HISS has arrived!!! Went from no shipping notice, to it shipped AND was in Ohio simultaneously last night, to being delivered at 8:00am today! So keep an eye on your FedEx delivery manager.
This thing is absolutely incredible! Really really impressed. Now to figure out what I'm going to do with it...
i finally got around to open my Hiss as well after receiving it last Wednesday. What a beast. Glad to have gotten it. My kids can’t keep their hands off it.
Also Chun Li is obviously disguised as the female Hiss Gunner. There is no other possible explanation for it. Lol.
I really just bought Retro Jaye for her black hat, it looks great on the regular release, so no need to feel sorry that her card is all busted up (thank you though). Just thought it was poorly packed to the point of being funny. Retro Jaye also looks great with the no-hat hair from the regular release.
Also, received and opened Nunchuk and like him quite a bit. He could use some black paint on his dark grey gear, and I might have liked a lighter green like the original toy, but he's still a lot of fun. Saw a lot of early reviews trashing him and I don't get it, maybe they just don't like ninjas. I'm a sucker for ninjas in camo like Nunchuk and Firefly so this hits the spot. Now bring on Cobra Combat Ninja and Ninja Force!
My HISS has arrived!!! Went from no shipping notice, to it shipped AND was in Ohio simultaneously last night, to being delivered at 8:00am today! So keep an eye on your FedEx delivery manager.
This thing is absolutely incredible! Really really impressed. Now to figure out what I'm going to do with it...
Donate it to a Fwoosher in need? 😝
I received my two HISSes. One is staying sealed. One is enough to open. Speaking of opening, (I'll get to a review later), I only opened the driver and gunner. The technician.. his box is signed. Is that the case on all technician boxes? I wasn't sure, so I kept it unopened. None of the boxes have taped flaps except the actual tank box. The figures come packaged indivudually in a larger portfolio style outer box, while the tank and all of its parts are packaged together in another inner box, and both fit into a larger box with gorgeous graphics. I've chosen to display mine with the modern canopy, fuller tank tread side panels, but none of the extra artillery. I also didn't put batteries in. The thing really is gorgeous and SLEEK. It's like the sports car of tanks. I love little touches like the side ladders and the moving lever and stick shift in the cockpit, the weapon rack and seat in the back compartment, the folding platform and hitch on the back cab door. A lot of TLC went into this.
Now to find someone who'll buy my second. I would totally trade it too, specifically looking for a Mezco Keaton Batman.
The technician.. his box is signed. Is that the case on all technician boxes?
Yeah. Not sure I am gonna keep him myself, don't really need a third guy sitting on the inside and he could cover at least 25% of the cost.
@detectivehoag It makes a kind of sense as well. The Troopers and Officers are just that, the regular troops (green shirts) and then the Vipers/Crimson Guard are the more elite Troopers (Marines, Seals, whatever). Then every specialist Viper can simply be a counter to each specialist Joe rather than specialized troopers.
However I still end up buying at least two of every army builder, so far, and I probably won't stop. However lately I have been buying just one and waiting to see if I can snag another on sale.