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Recondo was a favorite of mine as a kid, so I’m very happy to be getting that version now. Happy to add Quick Kick, Boa, Techno Viper, and Airborne as well. Duke and Scarlet look perfect. I POed all of those, but didn’t watch the livestream and missed the email, so I didn’t know what was actually going up. I wound up placing three separate orders for singles of each.

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This line just keeps firing on all cylinders.  Out of all these new reveals, there isn't one dud, and that's become the norm.  It's a lot of fun to see.

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Posted by: @canprime

@justice Has anyone been to a Ross that is limiting purchase numbers?

I saw on Lyle's Figure Files stream yesterday that supposedly there have been reports of Ross limiting people to a certain number of figures per purchase (2 I think).

Just wondering if anyone has seen this in the wild?

I can't imagine that being a company-wide policy for a store like Ross but there may be a few managers who decided to do so if they thought they were re-sellers.


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Snagged a CrocMaster set at Ross for $12 to get Fiona, who's a *great* figure to go with my 18th Joes and even the JW & BotM dinos I have.

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Well,  was able to order all of the newly dropped figures at Amazon except Techno-Viper.    That one sold out so my Pulse order for that guy will remain.   I do hope the T-V comes back in stock at Amazon.   I'm a sucker for that purple color scheme and want a handful.

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Techno Viper was one I had as a kid. Loved it. Will most likely only get one though. I'm really at a point where I'm treating all of the expanded Vipers as individual specialists and not army builders. 

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Posted by: @normdapito

Techno Viper was one I had as a kid. Loved it. Will most likely only get one though. I'm really at a point where I'm treating all of the expanded Vipers as individual specialists and not army builders. 

After buying a handful of Cobra troopers early on I decided to do the same. They've put out so much so quickly that it's much more feasible for me to treat everyone as an individual and avoid any troop building.


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Posted by: @h-bird

Posted by: @normdapito

Techno Viper was one I had as a kid. Loved it. Will most likely only get one though. I'm really at a point where I'm treating all of the expanded Vipers as individual specialists and not army builders. 

After buying a handful of Cobra troopers early on I decided to do the same. They've put out so much so quickly that it's much more feasible for me to treat everyone as an individual and avoid any troop building.


Hahah that didn't stop me. With those first few troop builders, like the standard Cobra Trooper, Officer, Viper, BAT, and Crimson Guard, I wound up getting about four of each. I have two of each Crimson versions. But once it came to specialists, I've resigned to a hard ONE of each. Alley Viper, Range Viper, Televiper, Snow Serpent, Eel (whenever Amazon fulfills or the retro card is released).. etc. I think it's even the reason I ordered two HISS tanks, so I could have doubles of the crew.


mr potatohead
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I've been wanting to do this a couple years now, but automatically buy 2 of them without thinking.  Damn reflex action!

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This is my thinking too.  For the sake of my sanity, and especially my wallet, I’ve rationalized the various Vipers as individual specialists. Army building only the Cobra troopers, Eels, and Snow Serpents.  

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Haven’t bothered with this line for a while but I ordered a Boa and I’ll be all in on cobra la figures.

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I ended up with more troopers than I normally would have with the earlier wave when they were really hard to get, cos I'd order one from each of the stores I liked to shop at and hope the orders would get filled but then forget where I'd ordered from. Now, though, I'm in the "the rest of these guys are specialists" camp unless they come with alternate heads. Got enough basic troops to set up a nice display but if they don't have a swappable look I'm all set with one. The crimson alley viper being discounted is super tempting but I actually LOVE that figure as a unique in the collection in particular. (Including the extra heads with some of the Python Patrol figures has me wondering how many more times they'll get me for two figures in the future, though. I'm an an easy mark for different heads on the same figure.) 

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Posted by: @valo487

Who at Hasbro loves Nemesis Enforcer? I don’t mind that we’re getting him, I actually like that they’re not erasing some of the stranger characters like Raptor, but it seems like the rest of Cobra-La are rare to get but they make Nemesis Enforcer in most modern incarnations and not only do they make him, they get to him quickly. I don’t really feel like I need Golobulus or Pythona, though the Royal Guard could be interesting, but has there ever been a reason given why Nemesis seems to be a priority? 

I actually thought the exact same thing.  I'd love to get Nemesis Enforcer, but I have no need for him without at a minimum Golobulus.

I always hated that I never had a good place for my 25th version and eventually just sold it.


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I ended with 8 regular BATs, and 6 Cobra Officers, but have stuck to 2 of the others I've gotten (regular and PP Vipers, Alley Vipers, CGees, Crimson BATs & Vipers, PP Vipers). 

I ordered Quick Kick, but will wait on Boa.

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Sweet Jesus, the HISS is great. 

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