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GI Joe Classified Series

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So where do you think this will settle price-wise on the re-sell market?

I missed out when it was up and will be paying dearly I'm sure. Right now they are all around $600 on ebay.  I'm sure that will likely come down some.

What do you all think?

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Posted by: @threash


Anyone know off hand who this goes with? I found it on my floor.

Ever try's whobit accessory look up function? If this is Classified, nevermind. I don't think whobit has Classified.


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Posted by: @justice

So where do you think this will settle price-wise on the re-sell market?

I missed out when it was up and will be paying dearly I'm sure. Right now they are all around $600 on ebay.  I'm sure that will likely come down some.

What do you all think?

It's hard to say in the medium term.  In the short term it will definitely be high.  In the long term I don't think it will be too much over original Haslab price due to the number of units sold and the fact that modern Joe doesn't hold it's value over the long term.  Especially with Hasbro's propensity to continually rehash stuff, or update them.  Can 6" last?  Who knows.

In the medium term (5-10 year) I think it might stay above initial Haslab price, but maybe not too much above. 

I think one of the big questions will be how long will the Classified love last?  Eventually it will taper off and then the question is how many people will be left who want a massive HISS for hundreds of dollars? 


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Posted by: @fletch

Posted by: @docsilence

(And would Hasbro double dip on a Classified snowcat in both paint apps?) 

I'm hoping they triple-dip. The Tiger Cat is an almost certainty, but it's the Army green HAVOC II I'm wanting. 


Don't forget the Street Fighter Devastator!! 

I want me some purple Snow Cat goodness.  Hell they could just release it as a Dreadnok vehicle instead of having to tie it in to Street Fighter (and they own the Devastator trademark already).


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Snow Cat is so GI Joe. I think it will be interesting. The Snow Cat would probably be a bit under scaled. It is as big as HISS. So making it main line it can’t be Haslab quality as they can’t charge Haslab prices.

I’m very excited about my lone HISS but I think they will have to skirt a pretty good line. Haslab obviously had $100-150 extras with it.


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Since I'm in the northeast, my Hiss arrives early next week.  I might have to do a Walgreens hold.

I believe it's safe to say this is shaping up to be a very Merry Hiss-mas and Holiday Ssseason.

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Posted by: @docsilence

Don't know why I thought of this but considering all the Snowcat love in this thread... how did I forget there was a Tiger Force snowcat too? (And would Hasbro double dip on a Classified snowcat in both paint apps?) 

I actually tried to customize my Snow Cat with stripes to recreate this, because I just got sick of it being an arctic vehicle. I think I used Crayola markers and it pretty much ruined the toy. I think one of the hinges from the missile rack broke also, and maybe the windshield wiper hinge, so I was just fed up with that thing.


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Uh... there was a Snow Cat that was repainted to HAVOC colors??? I missed that. And now I WANT THAT.

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Posted by: @justice

So where do you think this will settle price-wise on the re-sell market?

I missed out when it was up and will be paying dearly I'm sure. Right now they are all around $600 on ebay.  I'm sure that will likely come down some.

What do you all think?

I missed the boat, too. I stayed away from this line as long as I could. I'm not even a Joe collector but this line is so fun I have fallen deeply in love.

I would imagine now is the worst time to try and get a HISS. Maybe come February the prices will get come down. I think at some point next year they will definitely get closer to retail. Everyone right now thinks they will double their initial purchase, and some might, but I don't see that lasting with the amounts of units this thing sold. 


I could be totally wrong. I was dumb enough not to back this ! 


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On, the Hiss Tanks's invoice # is "GIJoe". 

Despite all the recent new figures and Hiss, I'm still hoping to see Mutt and Junkyard before New Years.

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Posted by: @mrboshek

Ho Ho Ho,  He’s a jolly old elf.


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I backed two HISS tanks, but am very likely unloading one.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Crimson Vipers are also on sale on Walmart's site


Alley Viper

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Got 3 for the free shipping.

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