@mr-potatohead yeah, I'll definitely boil it and see if I can gently suggest a new position for it.
You're right about the accessories. I didn't think about the baton, but thought the shield could do with a peg to port onto his back. It's great he carry everything, just wish it wasn't literally "carrying".
Got an email earlier that the HISS is on its way, kinda figured it’d be later. Now I gotta find room for the darn thing, tsk!
@revox Where are you located?
I saw reports the the UK is getting emails that the HISS is shipping. Hopefully that means other areas are soon.
Oh man.... Snow Cat was my favorite Joe vehicle growing up. I don't know why exactly, but I loved it in a way that the standard green jeep, tank or helicopter couldn't do for me. I will not be able to pass that one up. I won't - and can't - be all in on Joe vehicles, but the Snow Cat is one I till definitely get.
I had the Snow Cat as a kid. Probably my first vehicle of that size in my collection. I was so enamored with the commercial, seeing that torpedo ski down the hill to blast some Cobra apparatus apart. I remember, it was a choice between the Cat and the AWE Striker. I enjoyed the Snow Cat for a while. Then started to realize how limited its missions became when I only had Frostbite and Iceberg. I guess Alpine accompanied on them on some missions, but my little imagination drew the line at allowing dudes with short sleeves out on arctic missions. And I quickly grew tired of the Snow Cat and wished I could have gotten the AWE Striker instead. That got remedied eventually when I got a HAVOC (then a second one accidentally for Christmas!)
I think I'd wind up applying that same logic to my adult collection. A Snow Cat is very impractical, especially with just Snow Job to ride it. I guess guys like Beachhead or Low Light could work with it. But even today, I'd rather have a 1:12 AWE Striker.
Got the rest of Python Patrol from Pulse. Love them! I have so much nostalgia for this team. Fortunately, I had no problems swapping Tele-Viper’s head—I love the fully masked head design.
I also found Shockwave, Hawk, Buzzer, and Ripper at Target. Exciting to find so much new stuff.
Shockwave, Snake-Eyes, and Marauders BBQ were my favorite Joes back in the day. So it’s nice to have new versions of them now. Shockwave came out great.
Got Pulse email saying my Hiss tank has shipped. I’m in Bay Area Cali
I also got the email, but FedEx link just says label created. I'm in Denver.
Holy carp! Tomorrow?!?!
Don't know why I thought of this but considering all the Snowcat love in this thread... how did I forget there was a Tiger Force snowcat too? (And would Hasbro double dip on a Classified snowcat in both paint apps?)
New FedEx email says my Hiss is at the local FedEx hub and new expected arrival date is tomorrow. That was fast. I had not even made room for it yet.
One of my HISSes is at the hub and scheduled for tomorrow delivery. No movement yet on HISS#2. Looking forward to outfitting one with the classic bits and one with the modern bits, crewing the classic HISS with the male driver and some Cobra troopers/officers, and then crewing the modern one with the “gunner” (aka the female driver) and Valkyries, then have one set of the included figures separate just to mess around with.
(And would Hasbro double dip on a Classified snowcat in both paint apps?)
I'm hoping they triple-dip. The Tiger Cat is an almost certainty, but it's the Army green HAVOC II I'm wanting.