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If the new vehicle price point is accurate, it’s interesting that it’s not that far from the price of the last HasLab, which makes me wonder if the price/size of the HasLabs will be increasing, or if they just think anything under 200 is safe to go straight into production. 

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I think it may also be that they want to pump out more Joe vehicles than 1/year.

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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Got Hawk from Amazon.  I know nothing about the character other than that he's the leader above Duke.  I don't quite get the helmet, but whatever, mine doesn't wear it because it bobbles around so much.  Just a warning to the folks using his smaller goggles on him, they tend to rub the paint off his eyebrow ridges, so mine wont be wearing those either.  It's a cool looking character in a bomber jacket, but I wish he had a knife or something other than 2 shotguns.  The 2 sidearms seem odd, as his "vintage" look doesn't really lend his look to having a modern handgun with an extended mag hanging out.  I'd probably have given him a 1911 sidearm, but overall it's a cool figure I think most will enjoy.  I've been cherry-picking ones I just think look cool, so I still have Nunchuk coming but that'll be it for a while.

Hawk doesn't have two shotguns. He has two pistols, a shotgun, and a grenade launcher.


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Just got my Ripper, he seems a lot sturdier than the rest of the wave for me. I do see that a few people have had defective figures though.

Saw new pics of Retro Scarlet and it looks like she has two versions of lipsticks? I definitely prefer the more neutral look over that bright red.

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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Got Hawk from Amazon.  I know nothing about the character other than that he's the leader above Duke.  I don't quite get the helmet, but whatever, mine doesn't wear it because it bobbles around so much.  Just a warning to the folks using his smaller goggles on him, they tend to rub the paint off his eyebrow ridges, so mine wont be wearing those either.  It's a cool looking character in a bomber jacket, but I wish he had a knife or something other than 2 shotguns.  The 2 sidearms seem odd, as his "vintage" look doesn't really lend his look to having a modern handgun with an extended mag hanging out.  I'd probably have given him a 1911 sidearm, but overall it's a cool figure I think most will enjoy.  I've been cherry-picking ones I just think look cool, so I still have Nunchuk coming but that'll be it for a while.

Considering that Hawk originally only came with a handgun, having a bonus shotgun & grenade launcher included is welcome! I don't like the helmet on Hawk either but, for different reasons. It's nice that the helmet is properly shaped like a modern helmet, bad that there's a general's star target on the front, also bad that the helmet has a couple of prominent dents which on modern ballistic helmets would indicate that it's badly damaged and compromised, they're no longer made from steel like the shrapnel helmets of WWII or Vietnam. I also don't like the rank, nametape, and insignia all over Hawk's jacket. It makes it look more interesting but, they weren't that prominent on the original figure. My Hawk will be at homebase during causal Fridays I guess.

I also got Buzzer, love this guy! My big issue is the ill-fitting separate glasses. The head sculpt and paint look great but the glasses won't stay on. I had to glue the glasses to his head, it's a shame to cover up that beautiful mug of his. If Grunt can get two heads, why can't Buzzer and Ripper with and without the glasses?


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Lord bless upon me the strength to pass on $150 vehicles I do not need such as the Snow Cat and Thunder Machine.

There's not enough winter figures to justify a winter display big enough to fit a vehicle, and imo the Dreadknoks don't need a car, especially when they look so good on motorcycles (Menards $4 dirtbikes ftw).

Also, spotted these on Hisstank (Leaks!):


These Retro figures look borderline perfect.  Especially stoked for Scarlett, she looks like she's going to give Zarana a run for her money as "best female Classified figure".

Not sure why Fwoosh is shrinking these images, larger sizes can be found here

mr potatohead
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The above TCIN for Ripper is now working on popfindr.  Shockwave's still isn't working, but I was able to get both and saw Hawk as well thanks to boshek's post.

mrboshek reacted
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Glad I waited on multiple Dukes, I'll probably get that one.  Possibly Scarlett too.  Definitely want that Recon Diver in multiples too.


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Received General Hawk and Ripper from Pulse yesterday, and found Buzzer at Target this morning, so I canceled him at Pulse. I kinda wanna save opening the Dreadnoks until I have Torch, but I’m sure I’ll cave within the week. 

I really like how Hawk came out. He’s one that I wished I had as a kid. This figure just has a great presence. I don’t know much about military uniform details, but I really dig the bomber jacket and helmet combo. I’m actually having him hold the helmet to show off his salt and pepper. I think it’s a great head sculpt that really shows weathered experience. 

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Posted by: @vicious7171

Also, spotted these on Hisstank (Leaks!):


These Retro figures look borderline perfect.  Especially stoked for Scarlett, she looks like she's going to give Zarana a run for her money as "best female Classified figure".

Not sure why Fwoosh is shrinking these images, larger sizes can be found here

I see the lotta lipstick/not so much lipstick difference with Scarlett but is there some difference I'm not noticing between the two Dukes? 

Everything looks great — those Action soldier sets look better than I was expecting.


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Posted by: @valo487

According to this YouTube video by It’s Chad! the Snowcat and the Thunder Machine are coming at a new $150-200 price point, non-Haslab. 

Also, according to t_wan_toy on Instagram Road Pig, Heartwrencher, Starduster, and Nemesis Enforcer are in the works, as well as an Iron Grenadier B.A.T. that I believe was originally reported by The Full Force Podcast. 

Sorry if this is already out but I didn’t see it posted in the last few days and it was new to me. 

Couple other highlights for me that haven't been mentioned here yet, but I guess because they aren't Classified related per se. 

- Hasbro is looking at possibly reviving the 4" modern figures (think 25th/ME/POC)?  I guess much like with Super7 and O-Rings, they are fine with competing with Hiya Toys.  Though I guess it isn't much competition since Hiya can only sell (officially) in Asia.  Also interesting they are looking at distribution avenues including memberships/subscription direct from Hasbro

- They are also looking at bring back vehicles for O-Ring/4" with the usual reissue molds.  Except for two never before reissued molds possible......The Whale and Night Raven.

I am already excited for the Classified stuff, but man-o-man if they were to reissue (with improvements) the Whale and Night Raven I would be over the moon!!!!


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Gawd, I LOVED the snowcat as a kid. I have not the space nor the need for multiple $150+ vehicles but nostalgia might get me on that one. There's only a few vehicles I have that much love for and the snowcat is one. 

Got Ripper, Hawk, and Helix yesterday. It's funny, this is the line I collect that I open and spend time with when the new figures arrive. Some other stuff might languish unopened for a few days or need to be popped into storage so I don't get overwhelmed but the Joes are staggered in their releases well enough I can keep the new ones on my desk and really check them out for a bit. The gray in Hawk's hair is a great touch. I really like how unique the head sculpts always are with these guys, even when it's just Standard Strong-Jawed Handsome Guy. On the other end of the spectrum, Ripper is amazingly ridiculous. As a kid the Dreadnoks kinda creeped me out but now I'm old and spent half my life around aging punks and bikers and I really appreciate the chaotic counterculture they represent opposite the Joes and Cobra. Hoping Buzzer ships soon so I can have two on the shelf together. 

Helix is a character I don't know much about but I have always liked her design even back with the 3.75 figure, and more women characters are always welcome to break up the display. I like her a lot. Only complaint is mine has a slightly warped left leg - the Joes legs are usually sturdy enough I don't see it but happens all the time with Marvel/DC/Star Wars figures I collect, so I'm sure a lil heat will fix it. 

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I just received Shockwave.

Awesome looking figure, and great to receive multiple all-new (I believe) accessories, in a line where reuse is becoming increasingly heavy. 

That said, this is probably the most poorly constructed Classified figure I've ever handled. Where the drop-down hips used to give me anxiety with their tightness and tendency to stress the plastic (hello, Spirit Iron Knife), Shockwave's are far looser, to the point where standing him upright takes a lot of finessing just to get the joints to hit the sweet spot. This, in my experience, has always been a line where it's almost a challenge to find a position they can't hold (except for maybe the original Alley Vipers).

The hip and upper leg joint is gapping, I can't force them together to close that up and get them flush. 

The lower right leg (knee to shin) on mine is either intended for the left leg or is majorly warped, I haven't figured out which just yet. 

The lower torso ball (?) joint into the waist is also very loose. This joint is usually overly-tight to the point of being restrictive on other figures, but this seems to be almost the other extreme, where I'm worried it'll get floppy pretty quickly. 

Just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues with this particular figure, or did I just get lucky?

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Duke and Scarlet both look really good.

Slixta reacted
mr potatohead
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@saintmacgowan Mine has the right-leg issue.  I just presumed it was warped and will try hot water.  Don't think I have the other issues, though.  My baton is almost a letter c, so I need to heat the h2o anyway.

I kind of wish you could store the baton inside the shield and also the shield on his back as I think that would look cool.  I'm surprised they didn't think of the 1st thing as that seems like it wouldn't have added any cost if they added a clip to either of the loops.

Figures Target would has this wave on their site after I go searching all over creation for them--and with a Circle discount too.  Rebought Ripper and Shockwave through the site to get the extra 20% off.  Just wish I could use it twice for Buzzer and Hawk.  Maybe we get lucky and there will be another offer next week...

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