I have 3. one of them the peg was really stiff in the neck so I see how someone could break it. it worked free just from the heat of my fingers. the heads that shipped on the figure did make a really loud "pop" when removing. louder than other figures I guess.
Thanks for the heads up on the Tele-Viper, peeps. I'll be extra careful swapping the head. Let's all just pray our Hisstank figures aren't shite. EDIT: practically boiled the heads to swap them and it went fine. At least switching to the masked head, didn't try the Caucasian head.
I have 3. one of them the peg was really stiff in the neck so I see how someone could break it. it worked free just from the heat of my fingers. the heads that shipped on the figure did make a really loud "pop" when removing. louder than other figures I guess.
It’s super-weird because I am ridiculously careful with all Classified swaps due to all the issues. I didn’t even use force: they just snapped with really minor movements even before trying to pop them off. I just went ahead and replaced the neck balls with extras from various compatible Hasbro figures: one from a Classified, one from a Marcus Brody Indiana Jones figure that I cannibalized to make a Hannibal Lecter custom, and then a couple more I had lying around. Strangely, every other double-ball neck peg I’ve worked with from Hasbro has been incredibly tough and virtually impossible to break, including the ones I substituted here and also the various Range Viper neck pegs I’ve dug out of the necks they were glued into. Those things are RUGGED, and yet these snapped easier than a plastic toothpick.
Man, I hate to hear about all of the breakage issues. My PP figures all just got charged at Hasbro Pulse and should be shipping soon. And I definitely planned to swap my Tele Vipers head, so he would have the head that was on the original RAH PP Tele Viper figure.
But I won't be doing that now. I don't want to risk breaking him.
They better not cheap out on the quality. This is one of the BEST LINES right now. I'd hate to see it fall apart because Hasbro cheaped out on the material.
I didn't have issues swapping my Python televiper's head but my STANDARD televiper's head was on there so tight I gave up because I knew I'd break him somehow. Definitely think there's an issue with that figure. I popped the unmasked head on the Python one and it wasn't easy but it didn't break fortunately.
I'll be cautious with Ripper - just got payment notification from Pulse for him, Hawk, and Helix.
Just saw pics of Big Boa and the 60th anniversary figure. Boa looks great, definitely a preorder for him. The 60th looks very well done, stacked with accessories, but he's so realistic as a real-world soldier i'll probably skip him. I appreciate the artistic effort of the realistic figures but the closer they get to real-life (like, the more they remind me of guys I know in the real world!) the less I'm into them as toys. (I know I'm in the minority there though. I'm way more into the ninjas, weird dudes with outlandish pets, and cockney punks from the swamp...)
Tried to.capitalize of game stops buy 2 get 1 free. Went to I can't even tell you how many game stops in jersey to find 1 figure I'd buy at each place lol. What I should've did was buy what I wanted at each store and other figures and then return the ones I didn't want for ones I wanted att other game stops. I ended up getting a crimson viper, steel brigade with reluctance and buyers remorse, and a star wars palace guard.
Skipped the ee deal, they didn't habe much. Was gonna get a few grunts, but don't think I want more than 1 grunt.
Didn't see much on Amazon, so skipped there.
Did hop on the game stop deal online and nabbed a few things.
Found like 4 or 5 target road blocks at a few Burlington. Granmbbed them for parts.
Anyone have a TCIN for any of the Ripper wave figs?
I didn't try changing heads on my Tele-Viper thanks to this thread.
I own two regular Tele-Vipers and switched the head on one with no problems. I always soak my figures in hot water before swapping heads and hands because it makes it easier to do and reduces risk of breakage, so that probably helped.
Or it could be they used cheaper plastic on the PP Tele-Vipers than they did on the regular ones.
I’ve been popping and swapping the heads of the 6 “regular” Tele-Vipers I own with zero problems since I opened them, with nary a whiff of stress or breakage on the neck-balls. Easy-peasy. Which made it all the more shocking that each Python T-V snapped in turn no matter what precautions I took. Unsettling, really. Never had anything like this happen before with such uniformity. Head-swaps in general have been simple and low-stress with Classified, so this was all quite jarring.
I opened Ripper yesterday and I can't tell if it was intentional or not, but his eyebrows seem off.
Is everyone's right eyebrow a bit shorter than the left, or is mine just misaligned from the printing?
Not like I plan on ever looking at him without the shades. They're likely getting glued on when I do the same with Buzzer's shades.
Big Boa is looking like a lot of fun. I’m not sure how often I will have him without the helmet and gloves but it’s nice to have options.
Sorry if I missed it.. Is Boa's helmet an alternate head or a wearable helmet?
I think it's an alt head.
From the looks of it they didn't bulk up the gloves from the render reveal. That's a bummer as it messed up the proportions and made him look much less imposing in my opinion. I'll still happily get him but I don't think he's going to be the home run I'd hoped for.
The 60th anniversary soldier looks insane. I'll be grabbing him for sure but I don't think he'll be going with the rest of my Classified figures. I agree that the more realistic approach actually makes him more of a black sheep than the wilder designs.
@mr-potatohead, I scanned the two figures my Target had. They were on the pegs, but the numbers aren't working for me in popfindr.
Shockwave, 87964009
Ripper, 88766887
@mr-potatohead, I scanned the two figures my Target had. They were on the pegs, but the numbers aren't working for me in popfindr.
Shockwave, 87964009
Ripper, 88766887
You are awesome, thanks! Been to 4 Targets and finally found Buzzer a few minutes ago. They had 8 of him, but neither of the 2 you listed. I wonder if that "Availability unknown" has anything to do with why they don't show up on popfindr.