I pried open one of my clearance Outbacks to steal the hips. I got a pair of needlenose and separated the bottom halves just enough to pull them out. I left very few marks on Outback that won't be visible if I ever wanted to use his torso.
Ripper is using Outback's legs because Ripper's hip sockets on his blue pants are larger than Outback's hip balls. So much so that his legs would be a floppy mess. I have another Ripper on preorder with Pulse, this one will make a decent alternative, rather than sending him back to Amazon. I decided not to swap boots. Ripper has longer legs and shorter boots compared to Outback, leaving them this way balances out his overall height.
I never tried this hip separation. I may have gotten lucky because I watched a YouTube of some guy destroying his Roadblock. He drilled him. I pried this apart with hot tap water and pliers without breaking an inner peg. Possibly weak glue?
Ripper was, maybe, my least favorite 3.75 Dreadnok, however, I definitely like Classified's version over Buzzer.
That stinks. I still hate the drop down hips. As nice as most of the figures are, I don’t feel like I can ever really enjoy them because I’m usually too nervous to really pose them given how fragile the hip pegs are.
I’ve been good about not paying full price on Classified stuff for a while. But when something new unexpectedly shows up at Target, I guess I’m a sucker. Found four Hawks on the shelf this morning. Grabbed one for me and one for FBD. They had two Python Bubbles too, but someone else said they tried I get one and got street dated.
Hawk’s neat. Wish his torso had some more movement. But his face has some subtle Jimmy Stewartness to it, which makes him extra cool.
Got a shipping label created by Target for the Python Exclusives.
Does anyone have recommendations of figures who have black trigger hands that I could use as replacements for the hands on Shockwave? The exposed fingers seem so wrong and for some reason they molded the wrist at some weird angle such that he can't really pose with his arm outstretched while using his guns. Also anyone try putting a beachhead head on shockwave because I'm not really feeling the head sculpt on shockwave. Thinking about painting one blue and going with that.
Hmm. My Target Python Patrol Copperhead, Officer, and trouble bubble order came in by mail today. A week early too. Nice.
Got General Hawk tonight and dig him a lot. A step above the average Classified in design, execution, and plastic quality. His plastic is really stiff without being stuck, holds a pose great and the paint is pretty clean on mine. His weapons are a little boring, but the rest of his accessories and holsters are good. Could have used a pointing hand like the v1 artwork. Those goggles are making their rounds already. 9/10 from me. Now lets get the v3 one in the goofy space suit!
I was on the fence about Hawk. Yet another white, dude standing in front of the team sounded really boring, but I opted in solely because he's an Original 13.
Being a great figure is a nice bonus.
@spidey2378 Did you ever figure this out? Did you get Shockwave's hands out? Because fair warning, I wanted to try the Hawk hands for you and Shockwave's hand ripped at the peg. First time I've had that happen on a Classified.
Cracked open the new Target Python Patrol stuff last night. It's funny, I know the Tiger Force/Python Patrol stuff was super frustrating to find that first year, but with the recent additions I'm really loving how fleshed out the variant sets are (Python and Crimson specifically... Tiger Force could use a lil love next year maybe). I hadn't been planning on it but now that we've got eight or nine Pythons, a separate display might be in order. The color palette is goofy and glaring but that just makes it a real throwback to the 80s.
I swore off doubles of figures but I didn't realize the new Python officer had two head options - if I see one in the wild I may pick up a second so I can use both of the heads. (The trouble bubble is too expensive/space-intensive to justify army building, I think, but I love that it comes with all those options for the range viper.)
All FOUR of my Python Tele-Vipers snapped at the neck peg with minimal force, even if I managed to get the heads off (which I was, with two, with great care). Unless I happened to just be INCREDIBLY unlucky, looks like this will be a widespread issue.
I wonder when Hasbro will announce the regular classic Cobra Commander once the Mickey Mouse one is delivered with the Hiss Tank.
Isn't he going to be in that retro wave with Duke, Scarlet, and Recondo?
All FOUR of my Python Tele-Vipers snapped at the neck peg with minimal force, even if I managed to get the heads off (which I was, with two, with great care). Unless I happened to just be INCREDIBLY unlucky, looks like this will be a widespread issue.
Like I said on the last page, I've noticed the drop in quality on these where they are starting to feel like Lightning Collection figures.
I hope they course correct quickly.
@vicious7171 I got a recommendation to use scrap iron hands so i got some off ebay. Still waiting. Will post once i give it a try. Also someone said the cobra officer hands might work but i dont have that figure
This page has three breakages posted. I got a new Ripper. This one felt like he had tighter hips than the one I broke. I made sure to use heat and shock oil this time.
I didn't try changing heads on my Tele-Viper thanks to this thread.