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GI Joe Classified Series

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I can understand that, though I still have a fair few wants that haven't been announced revealed yet so there's some way to go for me.

Only once I've got Dial Tone, Footloose, Leatherneck, Repeater, Classic Recondo, Lifeline, Frostbite, Iceberg, Blizzard, Airborne, Flash, Zap, Grand Slam, Short Fuze, Steeler, Barrel Roll, Bombstrike, Blackout, Tombstone, Mercer, Stiletto, Crimson Asp, Coils O'Doom, IG Destro and troops, Voltar, Darklon, Monkeywrench, Thrasher, Zanzibar, Zanya, Zandar, Battle Armour CC/Fred, Quinn, Dr Venom, Slice, Dice, Hit & Run...

..then there can be peace.

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I'm with you about the Vipers.  As much as it bums me to say, the Vipers are some of the worst figures, imo.  All of mine, especially my original CI ones, have the most-floppy drop-down hips of my figures.  I have them on stands in default standing poses because between the floppy hips, stiff vest (can't crunch to distribute weight), and heavy backpack, they're always falling over.  As you said, they look nice, that's about it.  It bums me out because Vipers are important figures to the line, and they're still using the mold.

If you want any suggestions for good Classified figures from head to toe, I suggest any BATs, Torpedo, Copperhead, Crimson Guard, Outback, just to name a few recent releases.

The three pack you mentioned is pretty dated at this point, yes it came out before they started improving the drop down hips.  Hopefully the next Viper has better tolerances, maybe they will redo some parts as they did BAT.

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The only characters on my wishlist that haven't even been announced yet are Flash and Tollbooth (and I'm feeling good about Flash, since Glenda has his gun). 

Still, I've been surprised by some figures recently that I didn't know I'd wanted until I saw how neat they were.  Tripwire, fer instance, so I can't swear I'm wrapping up my collection.  A Renegades Scarlett or the modern, tattooed Storm Shadow from the original art would get me to buy those characters again too.

It also turns out I'm more open to vehicles than I thought I would be.  The HISS and Dragonfly look great, and I could lie to myself about being able to find space for a HasLab Wolverine and Rattler.

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Posted by: @fletch

A Renegades Scarlett or the modern, tattooed Storm Shadow from the original art would get me to buy those characters again too.

I know a lot of the hardcore types are against it but I think it'd be really cool if they did versions of the characters from different lines like Resolute, Renegades, etc. I wouldn't necessarily want them all but there were some neat re-designs in there (the PoC Predator trio, Renegades Baroness, Scarlett and Ripcord, Resolute CoCo)


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So I sat down and scrolled the yo joe archives and I guess Classified has me for longer than I thought cuz I'd buy....

  • Classic Scarlett
  • Double jointed pinless Baroness
  • Blonde Covergirl
  • Porkchop Sandwhiches Blowtorch
  • Quarrel
  • Bombstrike
  • Agent Natalie Poole
  • Action Man Alex Mann
  • Dr X
  • Pythona
  • Crimson Asp
  • Zandar
  • Zanya
  • Volga
  • Cobra Commander V22
  • Cesspool
  • Gnawgahyde
  • Roadpig
  • Spearhead & Max
  • Voltor
  • Crystal Ball
  • G.I. Joe
  • G.I. Jane
  • Canary Ann
  • Steel Raven
  • Law & Order
  • Billy Arboc
  • Stiletto
  • Sparta
  • Doc 2
  • Shadow Tracker
  • Munitia
  • Hotwire
  • Daina
  • Headman

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@vicious7171 Yeah.. that sucks. I've always liked Vipers, but I really should have done even a modicum of research before deciding 'why not' and picking the set up at EB Games on a random Tuesday or whatever. Oh well. Live and learn. I do have Outback and I agree he's a pretty great figure. That's the one that got me back into Classified after a very long hiatus.
The other figures I'm just not overly interested in right now. I want to try to stick to my favorites or I could way too easily start going crazy overboard since I have nostalgia for practically the entire ARAH line-up. Torpedo is one I keep almost getting, but I think I'm going to hold off and see if they do Wetsuit. That was -my- underwater Joe. Same as waiting to see if they do v2 Eels.

@snake-eyes-8181 Well, I'm jealous that the effects work with -your- RNR. Maybe if I heat up the gun I can squeeze the muzzle to be a tighter fit. Hm..
As for the left-handedness issue - do you have a rough idea of where in the video that part is? I probably won't have time to watch that entire video for quite a while but I'm interested.

@slixta I'm kind of the opposite. Now that they've banged out a lot of main characters I don't care as much about, I'm more excited about the potential of the line going forward to start cranking out characters I like. We've gotta be getting close to an ARAH style Budo, right?

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Walmart sent my two retro carded Snake Eyes, in a padded envelope. One of the cards was pretty mangled, while the other was actually not too bad. I've had worse luck for sure. But these cards are like manila folder thin. It's almost irresponsible to call it cardstock. I have cereal boxes that are more durable. I don't know why they don't use the same stock as Black Series or Marvel Legends. The figure itself is ok, a nice homage to the original.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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They did say that the retro cards would be general releases going forward & specifically said they have much thicker card backs in future assortments.

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I ordered the Retro Snake Eyes yesterday and it was delivered today. Shipped and delivered in one day.

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@theknightdamien start at 44:20 in nut shell he explains why he did it but also admits it was an error. I think we will see Budo at some point in the next year or two. Anytime Vala steals a GI Joe concept. Hasbro usually retaliates by putting out the definitive version of that character. That being said I'm expecting Hit and Run to announce anytime now.

@slixta Nice list. I figured I was the only person who wanted a Spearhead and Max. Also Canary Ann, Crimson Asp and Quarrel with the Ram Cycle are big wants of mine. ARAH had strong female characters. But there was only what 4 - 5 of women and two hundred dudes with mustaches. Classified needs to have more female representation outside of ARAH. Which don't get me wrong I do feel they are doing.

In general I'm pretty open to any iteration of Joe not just ARAH. I'm cool with renegades and resolute as long as they keep them the same style as classified and not overly stylized like the cartoons ( like Star Wars does). Resolute Destro is actually a big want of mine. I'll take just about anything from Pursuit of Cobra. Especially series 2. Heavy Armor Destro would be awesome.(I'm starting to realize I would take a whole wave of Destro variants)

Even with starting to army build on the Joe side (yes I am one of those). I am basing it off the four original 60's Joes. Grunt - Action Solider, Steel Brigade - Action Marine, Torpedo - Action Sailor, Ripcord  - Action Pilot. I'm going to set up three of each. that's my max now for army builders. 

Slixta reacted
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@theknightdamien basically for the early figures weren't meant to be left handed but the hand articulation that we use to determine hand dominance was done just so they could hold the guns better.


This changed with the Stalker wave based on feedback. It's just that the line has a lot of reuse so alot of the left handed tooling is still getting used.

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Either my Cobra Valkyries 2pk or Snow Job is processing soon via Pulse. Not sure which one it is.

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its probably the Valkyries. I got an email this morning they are shipping soon

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It's the ladies. That's the only thing I have on order at Pulse at the moment.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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I'm in for anything from this line that looks cool.  I didn't grow up with the cartoon or comics, so I mostly just lived vicariously through a friend who's parents bought them the toys.  So for me, I'm very happy with the classic stuff they're putting out, but my greatest needs from a nostalgia standpoint are Slice & Dice!  

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