I desperately wanted a Flagg as a kid but I'm about to refuse to buy a dream 1/12 scale fully articulated dragon cos I I have nowhere to put it, and if I'm doing that, I can't find room for an aircraft carrier.
I think the single, only vehicle type item at this size I'd not be able to turn down because of space would be a 1/12 Millennium Falcon. That's where I draw the line of "it's as big as a table but I have to have it." I'm already pretty anxious they'll release a WHALE for Classified which is probably the biggest vehicle in this line I'd have a cataclysmic anxiety attack deciding if I could back it or not.
I think the single, only vehicle type item at this size I'd not be able to turn down because of space would be a 1/12 Millennium Falcon.
A true 1/12 Falcon would be 7 feet long and 3 feet wide. My guess is the closest you'd ever get would be a cockpit. That would probably only be about the size of a 1/2 car and could be reasonably priced even with some light and sound features. More of a playset/diorama than a ship at that point, but I'd still probably pick it up.
I think I mentioned before that I had the Flagg for six months because we moved and it got wrecked, but playing with it wasn't all that different from playing on the floor with a tower on the side. But still very cool to have it. But to me, I'd rather have a Pit play set or something. (Not the movie one, like the comics.) So I guess essentially a table with a hangar and trap doors leading to the playset beneath the 'ground'.
A seven foot Falcon does sound incredible..if you're going big for one thing, that would do it. Though... I'd have a hard time not finding a 1/12 Slave One. I wouldn't be able to afford it but I'd find a way for that by God.
So... if you kitted the bottom of a 1/12 Millenium Falcon with lights you could hang that bad boy from the ceiling and have yourself the world's best chandelier...
For me 1/12 vehicles are tough because they eat so much space. I decided that the HISS Tank was probably it for me for Cobra vehicles. I mean big vehicles - the ATV and the trouble bubble don't count. I did skip the jeep repaint though.
But for Joes I got the jeep, but the Whale and the Snow Cat would be the two I would find almost impossible to pass on. I've never been overly into tanks and planes take up too much footprint for what they give - but Snow Cat was always my favorite as a kid... and the Whale was the one I always wanted and never got. I couldn't not pull the trigger on either of those.
I think I’d cave on a 1/12 X-Wing. My preference would be the Millenium Falcon but realistically, there’s no place I could put that. The X-Wing, comparatively, has a chance.
@normdapito I would 100% cave on the X-Wing. I do have the snow speeder and it's... big, but it's no worse to find room for than a mid-sized Classifieds vehicle. I also think the profile of the X-Wing would run into similar benefits/challenges of the Dragonfly - long and relatively narrow. I haven't had any HUGE issues with space with the Dragonfly - in fact my main space-related issue with it right now is the packaging is beautiful and I don't want to throw it out, but it's like the size of a footlocker. the actual chopper sits very nicely on a bookshelf in my studio in profile.
And yeah, a properly scaled Falcon would be obscene. I just mean if they made one, it's the Falcon... I'd take out a loan, kit it out with lights, and find a way to hang it from my ceiling forever because it's the Falcon. But I actually hope they DO NOT MAKE IT so I never have to worry about that! An X-Wing would be far easier to swallow.
Also why I hope they don't go bananas and make an oversized Snow Cat. A 'cat that's like, 25% bigger than the VAMP? Sold, no hesitation, on it, buying it. Bigger than the HISS? I'm strugglin'.
I would not want the USS Flagg because you just know they would put an exclusive Keel Haul with it, and I've been waiting for Keel Haul.
Not to get too far off topic, but the discounted Black Series Tie-Fighter I bought at Target seemed like a better idea at the time. When you think about the cubic area of space that thing takes up, it must be over 50% air.
Hasbro's CEO Chris Cocks Wants To See A New G.I. Joe U.S.S. Flagg Vehicle Made
"The full interview with Hasbro's CEO Chris Cocks we told you about the other day is now up on Yahoo Finance..... Finally Cocks was asked what his favorite toy was growing up which which he says was the G.I. Joe U.S.S. Flagg vehicle. When asked if people can still get that, Cocks responded by saying they don't offer it currently but suggested people should write in and let them know if they would buy one because he wants to convince Hasbro designers that they should make a new one."
In that same interview, he says that the collector TF lines are going to go up in price to cover the tariffs on ALL products, because parents' incomes aren't as "liquid" as collector's are when it comes to spending. I assume ALL Hasbro "collector" lines are going to do the same this year.
He's going to overcharge toy fans in favor of "Hasbro Games" market, probably because they know down the line, eventually, they'll be able to turn it all digital. Dude came from Xbox, he knows all about selling digital product. Toy prices are already out of control. Hasbro's special/collector edition figure price hikes are a huge ripoff compared to Mattel's.
There are pictures now showing the legs for Armored CC, Monkeywrench, and a new Major Bludd. I assume they'll show up on something I can post here soon, heh.
This is the one posted on Reddit:
I know some of you can't see it and I'm sorry. CC is second from left, then Monkeywrench, and Bludd on the right.
Dice, CC, Monkey Wrench, Fireman, Bludd. Stoked for each and every one! Didn't know they were making this CC. I suppose they need to do them all instead of the black hooded version.
Bludd is getting Outback legs? That's amazing; improving one of the best figures in the line. I hope he gets other new parts and hope they don't butcher his face like on a lot of these Retros/new figures.