@grumpymatt This is why I decided to go ahead and preorder the firefighter. For whatever reason I feel like he's going to sell pretty well. Isn't he a reference to an older first responder style Joe line (forgive me, I'm a very casual Joe fan). What else did that line have that might fit with this guy?
Flint was unavailable on Amazon when I tried, but got Cover Girl and a firefighter from there. Ordered the full retro wave, plus doubles of Flint, and Snake Eyes and the bear on Pulse.
I got a pre-order in for Flint on Amazon at 10:01 so he was live there at least for a minute.
And, I get why people are eager for the Firefighter. I'm glad you like it.. and you may be right, it may have a wider appeal to certain folks. Firefighters are truly some of the most universally respected community heroes we have in our society. While there are certain segments that may take issue with the military or the police for whatever variety of reasons, Firefighters don't fall into that same category. They are heroes without an asterisk.
And it's not that I wouldn't want a nice Firefighter figure in my collection somewhere.... I just don't need it $35 worth. If they had released this guy with just the single head, the mask the tank and one axe for $25 I'd buy multiples. Heck if they released it with the second head as a variant I'd probably buy both and they'd get me for $50. But for $35 that second head and those extra axes and that shield ... all of that goes in a fodder bin so I get a $25 figure to display and paid a $10 premium for stuff I shoved in a drawer and I don't wanna.
And on the polar bear set — I should have known to add a few bucks to the price I thought they'd sell it. As much as I like the set, I'm waiting on it anyway. This is a $30-ish Christmas time markdown on Amazon if there ever was one. Or better yet it ends up on the shelves at Target. It'll be $28 before Halloween.
Even though I ordered two at full price... I hope this is true SO much. I will army build the crap out of some Polar Bears. - I thought I overdid with Owlbears when those hit serious discount (I only ended up with two white and three brown)... If these dip below $30 at any point I will have a Polar Bear army (and a lot of Snake Eyes custom fodder I guess)
@panthercult thank you for the kind offer but I'm going to pick it up on Entertainment Earth so I can get their $20 GC on $100 purchase offer.
Anybody else wondering what's up with this overlay bit on his belly? Probably nothing, WHAT IF it's a little storage area? Seems kind of random, none of the other pets have these kinds of overlays.
I think that's the compartment for when Han uses Luke's lightsaber to cut the belly open and stuff Luke in there to keep him warm so he doesn't die. And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!@panthercult thank you for the kind offer but I'm going to pick it up on Entertainment Earth so I can get their $20 GC on $100 purchase offer.
Anybody else wondering what's up with this overlay bit on his belly? Probably nothing, WHAT IF it's a little storage area? Seems kind of random, none of the other pets have these kinds of overlays.
I'm glad not all the MASS device line is Target exclusive. Looks like Breaker sold out already. I got one (alongside my two boxes of Frosted Mini Wheats for free shipping), but I'm sure lots of folks haven't even heard he's up for sale yet.
I had him in my cart and then didn't pull the trigger... I decided if I find him at Target I'll grab him but I'm already getting pinged to death with the Marvel Legends and Super7 Deluxe pre-orders I have with them and their stupid "verification" process and I can't do it with another thing. It drives my wife bonkers - I told her if we just opened a Red Card we wouldn't get the pre-order account pings but she doesn't want another card either. What she really wants is for me to stop pre-ordering stuff from Target altogether... sigh.
At least the bear is less than half what Mythic Legions is charging for their bear mount? Expensive day in any event. I skipped the firefighter because I can live without one but might grab one if they go on sale later. Tempted to pick up an extra Flint for completely irrational, what if I get a dud reasons. I think I'm going to stick with just the hatless Cover Girl but could talk myself into getting two to display one of each if I'm feeling weak.
Good stuff overall, though, can't wait to get this round of figures in hand.
I don't use Discord, so I joined the Facebook group Fwooshers Anonymous. But then I made everyone out themselves so I could match normal human names to our Fwoosh screen names.
Except me cause I don't use my real name on Facebook either lol.
When i was growing up we were told *not to put our real names and addresses on the internet. And somehow, someone thought the opposite and ran with it and now you can follow a ton of nobodies on the internet cause why not? And find out where they live, eat, work, shop, and how much they spend on toilet paper.
Sorry. Continue the toys talk. I shall buy Cover Girl and Flint, and probably that 2 pack with QK. That set looks good.
Went with Covergirl and Flint. Not enthralled by Flint's face, his last one was too chubby, this one's too young looking in my opinion. Casual GI Joe fan, but these seemed like the stand outs I'd need for the year.
Is the 2 pack for Wal Mart? I dont see it on bbts. Guess it's just the 2 for now.