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GI Joe Classified Series

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Posted by: @nik

I pop over to His Stank every once in a while to laugh at all the Valaverse drama, but for the most part I spent the blip like Doctor Manhattan on Mars, just sitting in a desolate wasteland. 

Got my Eel in the other day, and I actually think I like him better than Torpedo! It's that translucent visor on the mask and the jets on the backpack, I think. They are just those really nice little details that make this line the best toy line on the shelves, IMO. 


Valverse thread went down hill once product started arriving and the issues from wave 1 were mostly fixed. I saw someone call it a "vala-anon" thread that's about what it feels like these days.


Flexion Dynamo
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I'm not up to date on my Classifieds Collection purchases, as these are probably 3rd on my list of importance, but I just redid my shelves with my Summer Reset. Trying to leave space for some additions over the next 3 months. Probably the second best line out there at this price point.



Akatsuki and supermonkey reacted
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Posted by: @mentalmanipulator

I agree this is the best ongoing line of collectibles. From character selection, to design, exclusives, vehicules. A good time to be a GI Joe fan.


Can't wait to see classic Scarlett and Duke. Hope their render are revealed next month. 


I got a strong feeling we will see them and the commander at Pulsecon. I'm hoping they show commander before the HISS Tank comes in so I'm not tempted to open the commander that comes with it. 


Yeah the Valverse thread is different. I'm not interested in action force at all but I still found myself looking at it. Some of the conversations wtf


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I just received my shipping notice for retro Snake eyes from Walmart.  I wasn't a 100 perecent sure that they would actually follow through.  

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Nice I thought he was a nice improvement over the timber version

The Prodigal Son
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Easily the best line I am currently collecting. Next best line for me is my DC MAFEX collection but the releases are so slow that I'm not able to build a true collection fast enough for my tastes. GI Joe is hitting the sweet spot right now for releases and selection. Just top notch.

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Posted by: @jahue

I just received my shipping notice for retro Snake eyes from Walmart.  I wasn't a 100 perecent sure that they would actually follow through.  

Oh, this rocks.  I have been checking online for stock on this guy every other day for months now.  Just checked today after reading your comment and I have shipping info on my ancient preorder, figure should arrive Thursday.  

Love this line!  I hope we all get our Walmart pre-orders 🤗 


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Yeah, it was a nice surprise seeing that Walmart actually came through and shipped my Snake Eyes today with a tomorrow delivery date. Stoked.

emirate xaaron
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Posted by: @fletch

Classified is my absolute favorite figure line right now, prolly for all the same reasons as everybody else. In fact, I've recently started planning on which Legends or Lightning figures will be going into storage to free up a shelf for when the VAMP is released. 

I'm hoping they pull back a bit from the ARAH looks at some point, though. They really nailed it with Flint and Bludd's updated designs.

But if I had one wish for the line it'd be for more hands. Cupped hands, vertical hinges, that kind of thing. I'd even but a hands variety pack if they sold one. 

As much as I like ARAH, I do agree with the updated designs, I felr Flint was a really good update, I even liked Cobra Commander form the second wave which I believe many don't like now.


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After seeing some of the posts here, I went to Hisstank and read some of the Valaverse thread…it was quite an experience. I’m probably going to regret this, but why is that line so controversial? The creator seems like a tool, and I find it absurd that anyone looks at that line and feels they’re operating on a level above Classified, but I don’t feel any grievance towards it. 

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The creator of Valaverse is a complete tool.   So people love to hate him, which is justifiable to an extent.   I only pop into that thread occasionally just to see what's going on.  Some people do take it too far and would likely be better off (mental healthwise) moving on to other topics.

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Posted by: @ashtalon

The creator of Valaverse is a complete tool.   So people love to hate him, which is justifiable to an extent.   I only pop into that thread occasionally just to see what's going on.  Some people do take it too far and would likely be better off (mental healthwise) moving on to other topics.

He's not just a tool. He's an idiot, a loser, and a bad toy designer. But that thread on the 'Tank is absolutely fuckin' wild. There's guys there that definitely need a hobby beyond hating him because it's just to the point Bobby can't say 'hello' to someone without 38 posts about how it was some coded, passive-aggressive attack on his haters. And then you've got the Bobby Fan Club that have taken up permanent residence inside his colon, pretending that he's a smart businessman and that his toys are perfect and have no QC issues despite the wide ranging complaints about QC issues that, yes, are still ongoing; dude only manages to not have QC issues when he's just not releasing toys. It'll be fun to watch his shieldmaidens rush to his defense when the 200 dollar soccer mom SVU he's making falls apart in peoples' hands.

I've popped into that thread a few times (as a viewer, I don't even think I still have an active membership at the 'Tank) and, while I know things get heated here sometimes, I just can't imagine wanting to go to a place and post like that every single day. It's exhausting just reading a page or two of it. I can only imagine what it's like being in the thick.

I don't remember if this happened before or after the forums went down, or right at the same time, but I got that Viper 3-pack and I am feeling very mixed about it. It's ludicrously priced for three of the same figure. But damned if I'm not an absolute sucker for EFFECTS. I love effect parts so much. They're great. Buuuut..

I don't know. Did this pack come out a longer time ago than I thought? Or has Classified just not gotten better QC in the last couple of years? Because all the Vipers have problems with their hips. All of the figures have at least one hip that wants to 'snap' back into position all the time, so you can barely do any posing that involves the legs. And moving in the other direction is almost universally too loose. It's extremely frustrating, especially at this stupid price point.

Any who, who in the absolute fucking fuck, decided that the gun that comes with Rock N' Roll would have a muzzle port that is too big for the effect parts that come with other figures? Like.. an idiot? Was it an idiot that decided this? One thing I was really excited about when I got the set was to steal one of the big muzzle flashes for RNR, but it just falls out of his gun. Stooooooopid.

My experience with Classified is pretty limited, as I don't buy very many figures at all. But for all the praise it gets as one of the best collector lines going today, I'm really struggling to see what everyone else sees. Just seems like it's riddled with bad QC and bad decisions (why are so many figures 'left-handed?' how is this an issue that hasn't been dealt with at all? am I the only one bothered? WHO KNOWS!).

The Vipers -look- great. And once I had them posed on the shelf I was happy enough to look at them. But they're not nearly as nice as I was hoping for at that price.

Croc Master, on the other hand, is a figure I was not even going to buy until I saw him for like 50% off or something and just had no choice. He's pretty solid and looks great. And best 1:12 alligator/crocodile I've ever seen. Hard to top that. Still waiting for a proper Ninja Force Storm Shadow. Please don't let me down this time, Hasbro. Or I'll start that whole 'Hasblow' thing again. Remember that? Remember how everyone was so goddamn sick of how dumb that was? I'll do it. I will make that a thing again.


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I love this line when I'm opening the figures, but they're not figures I fiddle with. They just go into the display and that's it. I don't appreciate them as much as I could. Now that we're getting deeper into the line, I'm more concerned with finishing out rosters or "years". 1985 was the year I started collecting these, or at least the first figures I got as a kid were from that 1985 series. So I'm really looking forward to filling that wave out with Airtight, Footloose, who I had as a kid, and Quick Kick, who I didn't, plus the Dreadnoks Buzzer and Torch, who I also had as a kid, and Ripper, who I didn't. And still hoping that Amazon restocks the EEL, who I also had as a kid.

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Not going to touch upon Action Force much. I don't own any of the figures. it is defiantly the type of situation were I have a hard time separating the artist from the art. 

The Viper 3 pack was overpriced. But yeah the effects pieces are defiantly the best part of the set. I bought 3 of them for that reason. I've never found the Vipers the easiest to pose besides the janky hips the vest really limits movement. I'm actually surprised they haven't gone back and fixed the hips like the bat since we are getting a repaint every year of them. On a side note my RnR gun seems to fit the blast effects fine. Not sure if any one else is running into that. 

check out the video below for Cory explantion on the left hand issue. Good interview in general. 

and I also like the V1 Cobra Commander from Classified

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With everything announced so far, and the inevitable Scarlett re-do, I think my interest in this line will be approaching the dropping point.

Other than characters that come with animals and female figures there just isn't much left that I want or need.

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