my elementary school lunch room had a sticky finger from a gumball machine stuck to the ceiling lol.Speaking of combat medics and cereal, I hope Lifeline isn't too far off. I remember as a kid my friends and I were launching him in the elementary school cafeteria and he landed on the ledge near the roof, never to return.
Road pig is fat. Where's his big muscles?
Can't wait to grab a few of them tf sets on clearance so I can get a few road block bodies for parts.
Rattler sounds great, space? Ugh.. the issue as always. But thats one of my favorite joints , so you already know I'm getting it. The patches need to be replaced lol. Thats weak.
Got doc. Haven't opened him yet, probably stripping his webgear off. Not feeling that in anyway.
Just got an email ee sent my 5 ninja creepers and beach head
Not really feeling alot of these future releases. I feel since they put out the 3 retro figs, the classified main line is gett8ng strange looking and losing m I think they are doing his on purpose so those of us that want the new visioned stuff, it's there and those of us that want classics, the retro is there and probably makes no sense to continue buying the main line if you are after vintage looking stuff. That Raptor, just not feeling that cat at all. I mean he already was a trash of a character, but I'm not feeling it. Reminds me of the gi joe collectors club version for the modern era.
Not sure if I want to gamble and pay the 50 or whatever to become a member to get that once was a man cc. I habe a huge feeling we are all mostly missing out on that guy.
Just seen an email about some black cg 2 pack with a steel brigade. Gonna go check that out in a second. I haven't really kept up with any news yet. Seen a few things. Zander looks idk, Lacking in color. Figures like him and ss tell me that this main line is going into something similar to the original idea and appease the other half with classic looks. This will end up hurting sales in my opinion.
@unclassified Even in a line like Joe which has hundreds of characters, they will eventually run out of figures to do. I mean they are almost at 150 in the numbered line, not counting all the stuff they have released that isn't part of the numbered line (60th) So I'm thinking the Retro line was a way to double dip on fans. Get us buying the regular release and then give us the more classic look in the Retro line to buy the same character again.
I'm guilty of this, and will probably keep double dipping for the foreseeable future.
Just checked out the steel brigade and twilight figure. Guess the steel brigade is nf. That twilight guy is silly. Why not have a trooper head in it? The cg head and cape just looks silly. The purple is dope. They couldve just did a black and purple trooper. What they really shouldve did was make the tru night watch trooper with the blue and black camo pants. I was goona make them few months ago but ended up chanhing my mind and made otger things.
I was half excited about this set, but i only get nf for parts and the trooper could be really cool with a standard head. Maybe ill get this set in the future and make some cool troopers and use the sb for parts. Im sure that set is hitting clearance.
I don’t quite get the griping over Road Pig. Yeah, he has a little different body type than the original, but also every figure in the line was roughly the same size. Classified lets the team play around with different heights and builds to add more character to the figures.
It’s not like he even has a big gut hanging over his belt. He just looks like a power lifter. He’s much more interesting looking than if he was just a new head and parts on the Gung Ho body. He’s one I probably wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.
Although now they can’t use the exact same parts for an eventual Guile and Blanka in the Street Fighter Classified line that I’m willing into existence.
You have to remember Roadpig was Lenny’s dream figure. He seems thrilled with how he came out and he is probably one of those figures that’s better in person. The body isn’t fat, but as Boy Wonder mentioned, is more in line with a power lifter physique than a body builder. Power lifters are far stronger but they may not look it from our skewed perceptions of strength (ie six pack and shredded bodies). I think he’s going to be a hit once we get him in our grubby hands.
I snoozed on the SB/Twilight Guard set. It's not bad. If this were announced during a lull I'd be all over it, but tougher sell when I just pre-ordered $150 worth in the last days (Rookie numbers compared to many here no doubt). Digging the soft goods and the TG just in general, but not so much the Steel Brigade and his weird blue guns. Would have preferred an alt balaclava head ala Pursuit of Cobra over these blast effects.
Looking at Road Pig again, I am very excited, but I'm not sure if I like the belly tattoo. More importantly, I think Rawkus should be a bigger pitbull. Big beefy torso, more like an American Bully, would match Road Pig a lot better. Is Rawkus a repaint of Junkyard? Kind of looks like it. Either way, very excited to get Road Pig on a motorcycle with his big cinderblock hammer, it's going to look amazing.
Yeah he’s on the Junkyard body with new heads. I think a Pomeranian would have been a better pet for Roadpig. Big, beefy dude with this tiny, fluffy, yappy thing he would kill for.
Holy shit, Road pig looks amazing, must have. Will buy 2 Raptors and make a Native American custom with one of them. Road pig will sell out just for the articulated Pitbull alone.
I'm doing a cabin weekend and am only barely keeping tabs on the SDCC goings on. Has SDCC Cobra Commander gone up on Pulse yet?
@yojoebro82 Not yet. His order page showed up on Pulse a few days ago but was removed shortly after but you could not make an order even when the page was up though.
Some online rumors from people at the con said he might go up on Pulse for order on August 5 for non con goers like us.
Whew... back from San Diego and it was a blast. Super fun seeing the figures revealed, seeing the prototypes and examples up close in the booth. Got my Once-A-Man early on Thursday Morning and enjoy it in hand. Got my Wal Mart set ordered Friday morning as I got on the bus to the con from my hotel. Got Road Pig, Raptor and the Marine Sniper pre-ordered on my phone from the con floor. The Marine is the only one of the anniversary generics I've ordered so far. I don't like the higher price for them - but there are so few females in the line comparatively I decided to pull the trigger on that one just to show support. If the Halo jumper goes on sale I could see myself picking it up, as it does look good - but the asking price is too high for a single figure.
It is nice to be back home though where I can take some time and appreciate my stuff.
The HALO Jumper is the first one I've preordered so far. Something about the Marine...disappoints me? (Definitely not the gender - f*ing incels raging on Pulse's Facebook about that just makes me embarrassed to have been AMAB) I dunno what it is.
I bookmarked the CCOAM page when it was first up, but I'm getting a 404 now. I'd like to get him, but thankfully I'm not champing at the bit.