Thank you for the Amazon links. I've been refreshing Pulse since "5pmEST" and nothing's popping up.
EDIT: It's all up on BBTS, too.
EDIT AGAIN: Sure, now they're up on Pulse, lol.
Man, once again, I am bummed about the Haslab. I want Wild Weasel, but I can't afford the f-ing Rattler, too.
Him & Wild Bill, man. F- you, Hasbro. Seriously. You couldn't include them in variant colors, exclusive to the HasLabs, and then release the TRADITIONAL colors as single figures, later on!? F- us poor people like usual.
Eat the f-ing rich, man.
POed Road Pig and Raptor. I was going to skip Gnawgahyde and Road Pig, but ya got me, Hasbro.
Amazon link:
Exactly with you on this. After seeing how good Road Pig came out, I'm reassessing my decision to skip Gnawgahyde. I'll get around to it.
My expectations flipped on Sniper and Halo jumper, was expecting to like the Sniper more but the Halo jumper is just too cool! Ordered them both along with Road Pig, who is a chonky boy. Yeah he looks a little less in-shape than we remember him, but he's so unique, I have to get him. Waiting on Raptor, not sure if I need him just yet. I'm writing this, I realize he would look great posed trying to take down the dragonfly. Welp.
@trunks3540 I really like the set. One of the twins' shoulders needed some heat to get full up/down movement which was annoying but with a little attention he worked fine, and as has beens said, Baroness' hair could stay on a little better, but I really like the set overall. I even saved the packaging, which I rarely do.
It’s still military escapism……just that the enemy can be ancient snake and bug people. And there are ninjas and samurais on your team….and theirs.
The point is that the existence of all these things as major elements of the mythos makes it not really military escapism. It's sci-fi/fantasy with military elements. Like... Warhammer 40k. I was more directly mocking (gently and lovingly, but also with absolute scorn and derision) the wild group of Joe fans that think G.I.Joe should basically only exist as olive drab soldiers fighting blue soldiers and anything more fun than that is some type of 'awful' that 'ruins the brand.'
The kind of people that say the only time Snake Eyes was good was v1 before he was considered a ninja.
I unno, I just can't bring myself to preorder Sniper. I think it's the price. I know why it's $36, but I'm not sure I want it that bad. I may wait for a sale. I know those aren't guaranteed. But I'm just not sure I can do full price on her. Maybe I'll change my mind.
I see what you mean. Like Starship Troopers.
I saw Gnawgahyde at Target yesterday. Man, that is an awesome set. Can't wait to get him.
I kind of dig Road Pig's bloat, then again, I had never heard of him until this line came out. Look forward to getting him as well.
The kind of people that say the only time Snake Eyes was good was v1 before he was considered a ninja.
Hey, now. I'm one of those people.
I grew up with Joes as sincere military figures and had aged out by the time we got to the more outlandish stuff. It was a time when the strangest thing in the Joe arsenal was a guy carrying a laser and maybe the jet pack.
My point is, there ARE people who prefer G.I.Joe how it was when they were kids regardless of how it evolved after. And they're no more wrong than somebody who doesn't think the line's complete without a tax consultant with a bird fetish.
And yeah, Snake Eyes was cooler (to me) when he was a mysterious commando than he was as a ninja with a dog, and my shelf reflects that.
@fletch Yknow what’s weird though concerning V1 Snake Eyes. I had first seen him overseas and had no idea who he or Gi Joe was. Didn’t even know he was a military commando. My kid brain, along with martial arts flicks being big on the 80s, automatically assumed he was a ninja since he was dressed in all black. Imagine my shock a couple of years later finding out he really was a ninja. Lol.
But I think V1 SnakeEyes will always be by fave look for him also. Then V3 and V2 being third. V4 I did not like but I think I am actually looking forward to a Classified version of V4.
Can't we all just be happy the line survived snake eyes origins and gold paint apps?!
I loved the reveals, but I'm honestly surprised I'm seeing so many people saying they're going to wait or pass on the sniper, everywhere not just here. Slap all those accessories on a grunt and LFG!
Leatherneck--to end on a more positive, less nitpicky note, Leatherneck looks great!
I hate to be that guy, but I am very disappointed by the new Leatherneck due to what most would consider a nitpick. Leatherneck is a figure I’ve had on my short list since the line was announced- he’s my favorite Marine figure. For whatever reason, the design team decided to give the arms rolled sleeves similar to what one would wear in garrison, unlike the classic figure. In the Marine Corps a persons sleeves would not typically be rolled above the elbow in a deployed or combat setting. Additionally, the Marines have a very particular way of rolling their sleeves. As a recon Marine, Leatherneck should not be going into battle with those lazy looking Army-ass sleeve rolls.
It’s still military escapism……just that the enemy can be ancient snake and bug people. And there are ninjas and samurais on your team….and theirs.
The point is that the existence of all these things as major elements of the mythos makes it not really military escapism. It's sci-fi/fantasy with military elements. Like... Warhammer 40k. I was more directly mocking (gently and lovingly, but also with absolute scorn and derision) the wild group of Joe fans that think G.I.Joe should basically only exist as olive drab soldiers fighting blue soldiers and anything more fun than that is some type of 'awful' that 'ruins the brand.'
The kind of people that say the only time Snake Eyes was good was v1 before he was considered a ninja.
The great thing about GI Joe is that there is enough character representation for both the "realistic" and the "sci fi/fantasy" fans. If you really dislike one or the other, you can ignore those figures and you will still have plenty, PLENTY of characters to choose from to fill a shelf. That was true for the vintage line and it is now also true for Classified. I'm glad this line has gone deep enough for this to be the case.
Road Pig looks amazing. I'd seen pictures of the character and was eagerly awaiting the figure itself. Is he a comics-only character, or has he shown up in some of the animation?
Mostly in the comics. He got some play in the Marvel run in the 80s and 90s issue numbers, I believe. He's used occasionally in the DIC cartoon series but that series is not very good.