Mine was delivered an hour-fifteen after I got to work, lol. Figures.
My Tiger Paw went from estimated delivery of the 29th to a shipping notice this morning and arrived this morning as well. Really can't count on Target delivery dates. Regardless, I'm very pleased, I barely had a chance to look at this set but I already love it. Hoping Wreckage has no QC issues, and hoping you all are able to buy/receive your orders. I'm thinking about giving the atv and helmet to someone else in Tiger Force, and take Wreckage along with NF Shockwave, putting these sleepy boys in with the Cobra ranks. NF Shockwave and TF Wreckage look like they've been up all night playing their favorite MMO.
Man, what a great way to start my week off. Amazon just dropped off Doc and I am so stinkin' happy.
Doc was always one of most favorite as a kid. I know it's a tad silly, but I always had a soft spot for the characters that looked like my dad - and there weren't a ton of them. G.I. Joe RAH had more than most toy lines for sure - and so I always had an affinity for those guys. I love Stalker because he reminds me of my pops... the portrait for the Classified Stalker looks so much like him it silly. (Alpine looks an awful lot like my older brother too, frankly). But my dad was an intellectual, and while he wasn't a doctor he was a lover of books and whip smart. And so Doc was my favorite because he wasn't just a grunt. He was a graduate from freakin' Harvard Medical School thank you very much and worked at Johns Hopkins. He was a pacifist who was part of the Joes to help and heal, not to harm. All of that struck a chord that resonated with me significantly back in the 80's. Doc was an essential part of any Joe team I was assembling for anything.
So getting this modern updated figure of this character today put the biggest smile on my face.
Also, Hasbro Pulse dropped off a retro Beachhead, and that I was not expecting. I thought I had cancelled all of my retro card orders at Pulse when I was able to order them at Amazon, but apparently I missed a spot. Huh.
Man, what a great way to start my week off. Amazon just dropped off Doc and I am so stinkin' happy.
Doc was always one of most favorite as a kid. I know it's a tad silly, but I always had a soft spot for the characters that looked like my dad - and there weren't a ton of them. G.I. Joe RAH had more than most toy lines for sure - and so I always had an affinity for those guys. I love Stalker because he reminds me of my pops... the portrait for the Classified Stalker looks so much like him it silly. (Alpine looks an awful lot like my older brother too, frankly). But my dad was an intellectual, and while he wasn't a doctor he was a lover of books and whip smart. And so Doc was my favorite because he wasn't just a grunt. He was a graduate from freakin' Harvard Medical School thank you very much and worked at Johns Hopkins. He was a pacifist who was part of the Joes to help and heal, not to harm. All of that struck a chord that resonated with me significantly back in the 80's. Doc was an essential part of any Joe team I was assembling for anything.
So getting this modern updated figure of this character today put the biggest smile on my face.
Also, Hasbro Pulse dropped off a retro Beachhead, and that I was not expecting. I thought I had cancelled all of my retro card orders at Pulse when I was able to order them at Amazon, but apparently I missed a spot. Huh.
Love this. That's a really cool connection to have to a character, and even better that the figure is awesome (I don't have it yet, but it looks great). Thanks for sharing!
@panthercult great story and loved hearing your personal connection to Doc. I too liked Doc as a kid. He always seemed like such a good guy on the cartoon. And having non-combatant in a soldier toy line and show was an interesting choice Hasbro made, but an incredibly good one. Characters like Doc wouldn’t be the best sellers on paper but they’re the heart and soul of the team and overall mythos of the universe. I’m thrilled he’s such a great figure and has a fantastic legacy as a character.
That is awesome to hear @panthercult I picked up the original Doc at some random store we stopped in while my mom was in the "big city" of Milwaukee and, let's face it, probably just wanted to shut me up. He came with that sweet, huge stretcher which made him very cool to my 6 year old self.
That's such a great story, @pathercult - thanks for sharing it with us.
Doc's always been a favorite too - I make fun of myself about being the world's angriest pacifist but even as a kid I loved that among all these toy soldiers there's one guy who won't pick up a weapon of war and is only there to put people back together again. When they killed him off in the comics the book really started to lose me, like something was gone it really needed.
All this to say he's the lingering preorder I have from Amazon (well him and Night Creeper but I have so many generics I'm in no rush for Creeper) and he's the one I'm MOST impatient to get.
Why did this wave get so split up in fulfillment? I've gotten Jinx and Torch from Pulse, but not Doc. I may not have even preordered Night Creeper.
I latched on to GI Joe too late to get a Doc figure from the original line, so Lifeline was my token pacifist. I did like having Shipwreck because he was Navy and so was my dad. But there were no Filipino characters in GI Joe to my knowledge. Closest we got was Asian guys like Quick Kick or Tunnel Rat, but I still, even then I knew those didn't count for true representation.
I was surprised by a Pulse shipment of Shockwave this morning. I was keeping the order open as an extra for part swaps, but only if it was shipping during a less busy week. I didn't see a shipping soon email like I did for Dinobot Swoop, who also shipped today.
I also got Buzzer, love this guy! My big issue is the ill-fitting separate glasses. The head sculpt and paint look great but the glasses won't stay on. I had to glue the glasses to his head, it's a shame to cover up that beautiful mug of his.
When you first posted this I was horrified at the thought of gluing an accessory in place, then I opened Buzzer.... and was horrified by how many times those damn things fell off. I just glued mine on.
Got to open the Tiger Paw and 2pack this morning. I have no idea who Wrecker is but I’m always glad to get a Joe I never had as a kid. Since this vehicle is just a straight repaint of the ferret, I can’t say much more that hasn’t been said before. A good vehicle that I still wish had turning wheels. I will say that the white paint job on the front looks a bit tacky to me. I’m not sure why it doesn’t bother me on the TF Ram cycle but it looks weird on the Tiger Paw. I think I would have preferred this vehicle be a solid orange color and maybe a slightly darker hue of orange. I only fiddled with Wrecker a little bit before driving to work. A solid figure but I couldn’t figure out if that little black remote(?) accessory could fit anywhere on his self or backpack. I just had him hold it. Also that helmet is hilariously loose on mine. Like so loose that if you flick it with your finger, the helmet will fly off Wrecker’s head.
Roadblock and Tripwire are good too. I like the colors on them. And holy crap I didn’t realize how much of my Tiger Force crew has grown. I’m not sure if TF ever had females, but it would be nice to get a TF female repaint in the line at some point. I vote for a Tiger Force Cover Girl for two reasons. One, since TF vehicles are repurposed Joe and Cobra vehicles, it would be nice for there to be a mechanic in this subteam and I think Cover Girl can “cover” that. Two, just like NF Falcon, a TF repaint of Covergirl can get a new headsculpt to replace the original if that first one was not to your liking.
A solid figure but I couldn’t figure out if that little black remote(?) accessory could fit anywhere on his self or backpack. I just had him hold it.
No I don't think it does. This was a complaint with Firefly, who actually came with the car for the remote control. Wreckage has the remote control but no car, and nowhere to put it. I suppose one could pretend it's like a James Bond-style controller to bring his ATV to him, lol. And I agree about the paint job, there's a little too much white and yellow and the nice orange with black stripes is kind of hidden in the middle, obstructed by the figure.
This is a little complaint about the Paw Patrol/Night Force Bike sets, both were missing parts from the original figures. Would it have killed Hasbro to include the stick of dynamite that goes on the bottom of the Cobra Island Firefly backpack that comes with NF Shockwave? It looks so ugly with that little peg coming off the bottom. And man, I would have LOVED if Wreckage came with a little Tiger Force RC car that fit on his backpack. Even if it wasn't painted, just give us the plastic, the backpacks look goofy with parts missing.
Wreckage has got to be a top 10 figure for me, this guy rocks!
Lol, your right that would be funny if the little remote was to control the Tiger Paw. I mean what else is he supposed to use it for? I guess it can remote detonate the land mines he comes with?
Not available yet, but the page for the SDCC Exclusive Once A Man Cobra Commander is up on Pulse.
Cobra Commander (Once A Man) - Hasbro Pulse
If anyone hears when these are supposed to be available to order, please share!
Falcon and Quarrel are up https://www.walmart.com/ip/G-I-JOE-CS-HB-ZORAK/5731714658