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I kinda wonder if normal Falcon will start drying up particularly when fans find out (if) the head swap is just pop and go. Remains to be seen. 

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Posted by: @fletch

Spongy reminded me how much I want to see more effort on the combined Hasbro Universe.  Give me a Jem and some Misfits, Matt Trakker, Miles Mayhem, an articulated scale Ravage,


It boggles the brain how much a Hasbroverse has whimpered along, especially when there have been so many references and bread crumbs over the years. I hated how so many of the Transformer/Joe crossovers weren't in the main comic continuity, but I can kinda get it from a writers point of view. The IDW run started off ok with the shared stuff, but when the turned the M.A.S.K team into teenage runaways framed for crimes they didn't commit, just felt like a waste of potential stories.  I dont know if I'm misremembering or making it up, but I believe M.A.S.K was the governments answer to Destro's MARS, under the military direction of Miles Mayhem but using emulated cybertronian tech, which I thought was a cool aspect and totally makes sense. Then Miles Mayhem went rouge and blamed it on Trakker.  They tried to wrap in ROM the space knight and Micronauts, which those two together worked fine, but didnt gel with Joe/MASK/Transformers imo.  The new "Energon" universe is starting to ramp up, so with everything being shared from the get-go, hopefully we can get some good crossover action going on.


Posted by: @fletch

toss in a Hector Ramirez while we're at it


He is destined to be the Phil Coulson of the Hasbroverse


Posted by: @canprime

@spongyblue Sir I give you all the kudos and claps I can muster!!!

I love it, and I want to see all of them in figure form now.   I will disagree with you on the Joes just having to dance instead of playing music.   I need Rock N' Roll playing a guitar!!   C'mon Hasbro give me a deluxe release of a figure with musical instruments that can be used to make the Average Joe Band.

Fair. Here.

I believe it's mentioned that Rock N' Roll was a roadie for Jem

Posted by: @docsilence

@spongyblue This is the post of the year, I think.

I'm here all week, try the fish, tip your waiter.



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I can’t believe I remembered that Average Joe Band and its members. Yeah the Joe/Jem mash up was fantastic. 

I was so happy to see Quarrel. I have no real attachment to Action Man. I just love the continuation of international characters in the Night Force sub team. Quarrel joins Big Ben. I think it may open the door for more. 

Man it’s going to be a fantastic couple of weeks! More Joes coming! Tiger Force from Target. I got the Walmart Shockwave and RAM. Most of the new wave has come. Just missing Doc. Night Creeper showed up today. 

Just fun!


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Is Quarrel a character that would get a regular/non-Night Force costume made? Or should we only expect to see this version? In an effort to avoid spending all of my moneys I'm trying to stay away from the specialized teams/outfits, but I'd also like to pick up as many unique characters as I can. Have any other characters been made in subteam outfits that we wouldn't expect to get a "regular' version of?

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@h-bird As far as I know, she was only ever in that green & black deco, so wouldn't expect any other version of her. She was part of Z Force, which was green-black infantry camo pretty much across the board, only Gaucho (not-Gung Ho) ignored it.

Be nice if they followed the Collector's Club down the line and gave us a Skip, Gaucho and Jammer. And a classic Big Ben would mean we could just pop the gas mask head on the NF Ben to sub for the SAS team lead, Eagle.

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It's Friday and there are hardly any Tiger Paws in the area.  It's a two per store item at the moment and several stores, like mine, still don't have any.  Does start listing at Midnight Central time?

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Posted by: @revox

@h-bird As far as I know, she was only ever in that green & black deco, so wouldn't expect any other version of her. She was part of Z Force, which was green-black infantry camo pretty much across the board, only Gaucho (not-Gung Ho) ignored it.

Be nice if they followed the Collector's Club down the line and gave us a Skip, Gaucho and Jammer. And a classic Big Ben would mean we could just pop the gas mask head on the NF Ben to sub for the SAS team lead, Eagle.

Thanks for the info! In that case I'll try to pick this set up. I never got the first Falcon release so he can work too.

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Got a notification from Pulse that NF Spirit and Lowlight 2pack will be shipping soon. 

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So.... just got a notification that Wal Mart has shipped out my Night Force Shockwave and Cycle -  the full priced one that I cancelled a million years ago when I decided it was too expensive.    I already have my NF Shockwave in hand that I ordered when they dropped the price by $20 -  so I definitely don't want this second, much more expensive one.      I know for sure that I cancelled that order -  I had verified on their site more than once.   Of course now my order history has been wiped away on their nonsense site,  so I can't see it.   So when they deliver this package I'm going to have to take it to the store and wait in the horrible return line for a refund and then they are only going to offer to refund me the sale price -  because of course they are.     I hate Wal Mart so much.

Joined: 1 year ago
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Posted by: @leor

Anyone get notification or movement  for the Nightforce Shockwave?  






I decided to jump on one at 38 for parts and it shipped today. 


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Posted by: @unclassified

Posted by: @leor

Anyone get notification or movement  for the Nightforce Shockwave?  


I decided to jump on one at 38 for parts and it shipped today.

Got mine two days ago, and got to open it last night.  I think I like this Shockwave better than the first one, at least as far as the paint applications.  The bright blue just wasn’t doing it for me.  I had a slight deformity on one of his knives that I’ll have to trim, but otherwise no complaints.  The shield would’ve been a nice inclusion, but I get why they didn’t.  


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Posts: 228

Posted by: @nik

Posted by: @nik

@normdapito Yeah that seems like exactly the problem. First time I've had that particular issue in my decades of collecting, and the only other QC problem I've had with Classified was my Range Viper missing the drum to his grenade launcher. In that case they had no replacement Range Vipers to send me so they sent me a Falcon, which I sold on ebay and then took the 10 bucks I got for it after shipping and fees and bought a loose grenade launcher from an ebay seller. It was a bit of a hassle, but it worked out in the end. 

Hopefully there will be no problem sending me a replacement Torch since he isn't a sold out Wal-Mart exclusive like the Range Viper was. On the bright side, if I do get a replacement Torch I can still use the defective one's accessories for other figures. Might mod the flamethrower by removing the permanent flames from the skull's eyes so he can have one that's all the way off when it's stowed. Although it is very Dreadnok to be so dangerous as to have a constantly flaming skull hooked up next to a fuel tank on your back. 


Unfortunately I just got an email from Hasbro and Torch is out of stock in their warehouse so they are sending me "a figure of equivalent value". Hopefully not Falcon again, please. I just ordered another Torch from Amazon, since they still have him in stock. Hopefully whatever Hasbro sends me I can sell easily so I can somewhat defray the 50+ bucks I've now spent on getting Torch in my collection. The figure is so great besides the defect, I'm honestly not even that mad about the whole thing. 


so you preordered something and it's not in stock at their warehouse so they are gonna send you something on their discretion and you still have to pay for it? 


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Posted by: @vicious7171

Torch arrived today and he's fantastic.  I kinda knew what to expect since he shares a lot of parts with Mindbender, but he still impresses.  Most of all, his plastic tolerances are perfect for this line and price.  Like his limbs feel solid and not bendy, but his hands are softer than the older figures which helps hold weapons.  I can bend them open and there's no stretch marks on the plastic.  I wish the old Cobra Troopers had hands like these so they could properly hold their guns better, but it's a solid improvement moving forwards.  Normally I hate soft plastic but on the hands it's kind of perfect.  I worry about them tearing at the wrist joint so it would be wise to be careful and move the wrists at the wrists, not by twisting the hand.

EDIT:  Long post but one more note about the hands, they kind of have a weird angle for holding guns, like some McFarlane figures have where they're tilted inwards toward the body instead of straight with the forearm.  And this is one time where I'd have preferred in-out wrists on the left hand to make holding the torch easier.

the Torch nd his hands are just garbage. I even tried to switch arms. Just not happy.


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Posts: 228

Posted by: @spongyblue

Posted by: @canprime

@prophet I only wish they had a scene where the Average Joe Band was battling Cold Slither at the same time.   A sort of live Battle of the Bands with back and forth playing against/off one another.

I also wouldn't mind if someone could flesh out the Cold Slither song, but I know that it was just a quick catchy hook (mostly).


Are we gonna go deeper on this? I know we can, I already worked it out in my head because I have nothing to do all day.

Cold Slither is on a nation wide tour. The opening band? The Misfits.

jem, the misfits, interview

Yeah, those Misfits. They know there is more to Cold Slither than meets the eye, but they have a huge boost in album sales, so they don't care. Their manager Eric Raymond just merged his record company


With his long long cousins from Corsica and CEO's of Extensive Enterprises, Tomax and Xamot Paoli

Joe-Tomax v5 animated

During the tour, Zartan and Pizzazz would spend a lot of time doing vocal warm ups together, usually in the back of the tour van. Pizzazz had to drop out of the tour for a few months for "health" reasons.  Years later Zartan introduced his daughter Zanya to the rest of the Dreadnoks.

zanya gi joe for Sale,Up To OFF 75%

Everybody always wondered where she inherited the green hair from.  Anyway, back to story at hand, the Joes have to musically combat Cold Slither and find a way to neutralize the hypno effects. Since Cold Slither is using Dr. Venoms brainwave scanner tech in their instruments, Joe has to get high tech as well. 

They reach out to Jerrica Benton from Starlight Music

Music producer Jerrica Benton

known for her advancements in music technology. The "Synergy" music platform gives them the edge in combating Cold Slithers effects so much, the Joes dont even have to play instruments anymore, just dancing along is enough.  GI Joe Satin


that is fantastic 


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Posts: 228

Posted by: @detectivehoag

Posted by: @unclassified

Posted by: @leor

Anyone get notification or movement  for the Nightforce Shockwave?  


I decided to jump on one at 38 for parts and it shipped today.

Got mine two days ago, and got to open it last night.  I think I like this Shockwave better than the first one, at least as far as the paint applications.  The bright blue just wasn’t doing it for me.  I had a slight deformity on one of his knives that I’ll have to trim, but otherwise no complaints.  The shield would’ve been a nice inclusion, but I get why they didn’t.  


I like the boots on the night force one better. I want to clean up any night force paint on the bike. They definitely could be picked a different character than Shockwave, so Shockwave could' come with all his supplies. 


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