OK.... so the new Nightforce 2-pack of Falcon and Quarrel looks great... but you're telling me that is what Falcon was supposed to look like this entire time?
It looks like an entirely different character. I'm not mad at it, like at all. But I'm still super mad at the garbage they sold me before. The set itself also isn't Hasbro's best effort in my estimation. For a Night Force theme - the bright green with red accents on Quarrel seems counter productive.
And I'm not a huge fan of including the helmets from the Steel Corps troopers with them. The looks aren't generic enough to tempt me to buy multiples to use as extra soldiers and it's hard to imagine me wanting to use their helmeted looks instead of their main portraits. But whatever.
Can't be mad at getting a proper Vincent Falcone portrait and a new character for the line.
Walmart Exclusive
(Sorry I can't link to pics from X from this machine)
I don’t need a lot of variants of characters, but just like Pimp Daddy Destro, I’d ABSOLUTELY buy a Cold Slither set.
Also… QUARREL?! DUDE! I maybe mentioned a couple weeks ago that it’d be cool to get Quarrel someday, but never did I imagine we’d get her this soon, especially so close to Glenda and Retro Scarlet. I’ve been assembling a little collection of Classified Action Force figures and she’ll fit right in with them.
So... I don't know if this is old news and I just hadn't realized it, but in looking over the ComiCon site listing the various retailers and their con exclusives they listed Hasbro's show exclusives with the prices and the list price for the Once A Man figure is $39.99. Seems a tad steep, to me, but ...
@spongyblue See, you could’ve had a career writing cartoons back in the ‘80’s.
Really, really glad I resisted the urge to buy Falcon. Both look great and I do love Night Force variants.
Agree on the Steel Brigade helmets — they will likely get thrown in a bag and never seen again — but the price for the set isn't too out of hand for an exclusive so I guess it's cool they threw them in there.
Here's the set:
Spongy reminded me how much I want to see more effort on the combined Hasbro Universe. Give me a Jem and some Misfits, Matt Trakker, Miles Mayhem, an articulated scale Ravage, and toss in a Hector Ramirez while we're at it.
Love seeing the Outback buck, every time. My favorite male and female bucks, with helmets, lots of stuff and two great head sculpts? I'm in
@spongyblue Sir I give you all the kudos and claps I can muster!!!
I love it, and I want to see all of them in figure form now. I will disagree with you on the Joes just having to dance instead of playing music. I need Rock N' Roll playing a guitar!! C'mon Hasbro give me a deluxe release of a figure with musical instruments that can be used to make the Average Joe Band.
$55 for the 2-pack isn't egregious... I guess. Though $50 would have been better. Throwing in those two garbage helmets doesn't increase the value by $5 guys.
@panthercult Yeah it is a bit beyond the usual deluxe pricing for the US right? ($35?)
However I think it isn't too bad since they are including the almost completely transformed CC as well. Also I can try and justify it to myself with the new tooling for the upper body and the fancy packaging (at least that is what I will tell myself if I can snag one).
It is a bit harder for me with Death's Head. That one is basically a standard figure with special packaging, but no extra accessories to make it feel like a deluxe(+) for $40US. However I am in for DH as well so I guess they figured it wasn't too big an ask.
@panthercult Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bastards! There's no way I can pass up that two pack, I need Quarrel, she was probably the first of the GI Joe figures I ever got as a kid, got her and the Z Force repaint of the bike.
Damn you Hasbro!
Once that new Retro Stalker comes in, I was already planning on painting a Z on the old Stalker’s chest and giving him CI Beachheads beret to stand in as AF Jammer. Then I’ve got my Retro Snake Eyes there too to act as AF Stalker (not confusing at all!) I’ll eventually grab a Recon Diver to fix up into an SAS Frogman and I’ve got a Big Ben fix up for the SAS Leader. Quarrel will look good with all them.
I may get that set. It looks pretty good honestly.
This Falcon/Quarrel set looks fine to me. Makes me glad I waited on Falcon. This is a big improvement.