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GI Joe Classified Series

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Cold Slither with an instrument set that plays the song electronically would be nice. But if we are getting Cold Slither, then I demand Boy George SnakeEyes. 

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Oh my gawd, Cold Slither WOULD be the perfect Pulsecon exclusive. That would be ridiculous. And credit where credit is due, their exclusives have been phenomenal, just packed with goofy accessories and details. This line almost never misses. 

It is so strange to be so into this line considering I'm pretty much an angry pacifist in real life, so collecting toy soldiers is so out of character, but they're just such ridiculous fun. (Although I do have a preference for the weirdos over the more realistic guys - Jinx and Torch should be here any minute, and I do favor the ninjas and anarchists a bit. No shipping info on Doc or Night Creeper but I'm enjoying them drop in a few at a time.)

Red Ogre and hmmberto reacted
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Ok, not a Joe guy, no idea what Cold Slither is. This description got me laughing aloud at my desk.

In a desperate attempt to keep Cobra functioning and solvent, Cobra Commander "packages" Zartan and the Dreadnoks as a heavy metal band called "Cold Slither" and turns them loose as Pied Pipers on America's youth.

Absolutely amazing.

docsilence and NORM reacted
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Posted by: @panthercult

I totally get it.    Opening up Torch and Gnawgahyde yesterday made me dig out Buzzer and Ripper to hang out on my desk all together.   And then opened up my retro Beachhead so he and my NF Shockwave were having a balaclava bro hang.    


I really didn't expect to fall this hard for Classified.   It really has become my favorite figure line going right now   (I still love my Marvel Legends,  but all the figures I'm getting from them right now are figures I actually already have on my shelf - just a little better,  which is less exciting) 


I think Jinx is supposed to show up today.   That just leaves Doc,  who is scheduled to show up Monday,  and Night Creeper who is now slated to be delivered on August 28th -  leave it to the "cool guy" to make the late, dramatic entrance. 

ML will probably always be my bread and butter line but Classified really is stealing my heart lately - new characters to discover, plus every figure has so many unique touches and accessories that you just don't get with most MLs. In part because of the relatively more simple comic book costumes, but also the heavy reliance on reuse. We still get plenty of great figures in ML, and when we do get the combination of new character + new sculpt they're some of my favorites, but right now I feel like I'm getting that with basically every Classified figure I pick up. Not really, because the line still relies on plenty of reuse, but the base bodies have better standard articulation and the outfits tend to hide it a lot better.

Anyway. Off to find a Doc, which I should have preordered from DD when he was available!


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Posted by: @h-bird

right now I feel like I'm getting that with basically every Classified figure I pick up. Not really, because the line still relies on plenty of reuse, but the base bodies have better standard articulation and the outfits tend to hide it a lot better.


One other part of the reason that Classifed feels like a little more bang for the buck is because there is.   With the accessory load out and the costume detailing they can invest more in because G.I. Joe doesn't come with a licensing fee.     Marvel Legends and Star Wars Black and some of these other lines come with a built in cost attached so part of the budget is eaten up before the work begins due to the cost of the license.   G.I. Joe doesn't have that issue and so they can offer just a little more for the same asking price.


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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @h-bird

right now I feel like I'm getting that with basically every Classified figure I pick up. Not really, because the line still relies on plenty of reuse, but the base bodies have better standard articulation and the outfits tend to hide it a lot better.


One other part of the reason that Classifed feels like a little more bang for the buck is because there is.   With the accessory load out and the costume detailing they can invest more in because G.I. Joe doesn't come with a licensing fee.     Marvel Legends and Star Wars Black and some of these other lines come with a built in cost attached so part of the budget is eaten up before the work begins due to the cost of the license.   G.I. Joe doesn't have that issue and so they can offer just a little more for the same asking price.


Yeah absolutely. I feel like ML generally has been getting considerably better about this in general, but there was a while - and still the occasional release - that just feels so spartan. I don't collect Black Series, but I get an even more bare feeling from those product pics.

Hell, even some Mafex releases feel lackluster in the accessory department compared to the average Joe. They really do a great job of packing it in.


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Posted by: @h-bird

Ok, not a Joe guy, no idea what Cold Slither is. This description got me laughing aloud at my desk.

In a desperate attempt to keep Cobra functioning and solvent, Cobra Commander "packages" Zartan and the Dreadnoks as a heavy metal band called "Cold Slither" and turns them loose as Pied Pipers on America's youth.

Absolutely amazing.

This, was Cold Slither:

as a bonus, they could give us Scarlet, Cover Girl and Lady Jay as the “groupies”



Space Cadet
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Just got my Doc wave in minus Doc. Out of the 3 I received I think my favorite is Night Creeper. I got Torch just to complete the trio, but was never a huge Noks fan. Even thought about skipping them until Ripper and Buzzer were on sale during the Pulse sale. Jinx is a great update and I love everything about the figure but two things. She's extremely stiff articulation wise yet kind of rubbery in certain places where that tends to not happen. She also has the most delicate of features and feels slightly undersized head wise. 

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Posted by: @detectivehoag

Posted by: @h-bird

Ok, not a Joe guy, no idea what Cold Slither is. This description got me laughing aloud at my desk.

In a desperate attempt to keep Cobra functioning and solvent, Cobra Commander "packages" Zartan and the Dreadnoks as a heavy metal band called "Cold Slither" and turns them loose as Pied Pipers on America's youth.

Absolutely amazing.

This, was Cold Slither:

as a bonus, they could give us Scarlet, Cover Girl and Lady Jay as the “groupies”


Oh I read the whole page, and I'm totally into it. Just completely unhinged cartoon nonsense - would absolutely a set, it does seem like a great exclusive of some sort.


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Yeah -   got Jinx today.... and have to say I'm a tad underwhelmed.    I probably shouldn't be,  but the knees look ridiculous, and the masked head looks a little odd sitting atop the exposed neck and chest,  but the unmasked head looks like Daniel-san from the Karate Kid,  so...

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@h-bird It's the fact that they use the word "solvent" that kills me every time I read that description. The most 80s plot of all time. We spent too much money on guns and jet fighters, guys, let's package our dumbest team members into a rock band to raise money for our cause! 

Gawd, 80s cartoons were the best. I'd give anything to go back in time and find out what substances everyone preferred in the writers rooms. 

Got Torch and Jinx today. Aside from his guns and flame thrower being a little gummy, really like Torch (I am loathe to admit the sculpted on glasses do work a bit better than the removable ones the other two have, though I wish all three were made the same). I like the Jinx figure a lot, but they'll definitely get me for another if/when they make her classic look instead. 

hmmberto reacted
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Oh yeah. Were they called the Average Joes? It had Rock n Roll (guitar) , Clutch (drums), Footloose (keyboard) or was it Shipwreck and those three ladies singing the back up chorus. Something like that. They had to reverse the effects with a wholesome song and they sang the Joe theme song for Real American Hero.


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@prophet I only wish they had a scene where the Average Joe Band was battling Cold Slither at the same time.   A sort of live Battle of the Bands with back and forth playing against/off one another.

I also wouldn't mind if someone could flesh out the Cold Slither song, but I know that it was just a quick catchy hook (mostly).

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Posted by: @canprime

@prophet I only wish they had a scene where the Average Joe Band was battling Cold Slither at the same time.   A sort of live Battle of the Bands with back and forth playing against/off one another.

I also wouldn't mind if someone could flesh out the Cold Slither song, but I know that it was just a quick catchy hook (mostly).


Are we gonna go deeper on this? I know we can, I already worked it out in my head because I have nothing to do all day.

Cold Slither is on a nation wide tour. The opening band? The Misfits.

jem, the misfits, interview

Yeah, those Misfits. They know there is more to Cold Slither than meets the eye, but they have a huge boost in album sales, so they don't care. Their manager Eric Raymond just merged his record company


With his long long cousins from Corsica and CEO's of Extensive Enterprises, Tomax and Xamot Paoli

Joe-Tomax v5 animated

During the tour, Zartan and Pizzazz would spend a lot of time doing vocal warm ups together, usually in the back of the tour van. Pizzazz had to drop out of the tour for a few months for "health" reasons.  Years later Zartan introduced his daughter Zanya to the rest of the Dreadnoks.

zanya gi joe for Sale,Up To OFF 75%

Everybody always wondered where she inherited the green hair from.  Anyway, back to story at hand, the Joes have to musically combat Cold Slither and find a way to neutralize the hypno effects. Since Cold Slither is using Dr. Venoms brainwave scanner tech in their instruments, Joe has to get high tech as well. 

They reach out to Jerrica Benton from Starlight Music

Music producer Jerrica Benton

known for her advancements in music technology. The "Synergy" music platform gives them the edge in combating Cold Slithers effects so much, the Joes dont even have to play instruments anymore, just dancing along is enough.  GI Joe Satin


Chooch, NORM, Red Ogre and 4 people reacted
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New Falcon headsculpt looking good. Gonna have to get that set just to do the head swap on the original Falcon. 

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