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Pulse says me NF Shockwave has shipped.

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Got notified that NF Shockwave arrived today.  Looking forward to checking him out tonight.  (Kind of appropriate for a Night Force figure, huh?)

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No idea if this is credible, but I saw this over on the reddit. Warning! Potential GI Joe Haslab spoilers!

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Haslab opinion

I've been wanting a Classified Parachute this whole time.  Finally!

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Latest banter on Haslab…I’m of mixed opinion. Must see what the actual offering is and cost. But I’m in the denial phase right now.


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Just opened up my Nightforce Shockwave and Night Pursuit RAM cycle.   


I'll hand it to them -  they made the cycle look different than the other two versions I already have - but I do kind of wish at some point they'd give me a tripod-rigging or mount so I could use the giant gatling gun as a stand and fire option rather than a side car just for some variety.


Also, I vastly prefer Shockwave in these Nightforce colors to the bright blue version we got the first time.  This version feels like he should be creeping on a night mission with Snake Eyes and not doing crowd control on Grad Night at Six Flags like the standard one.   


Anyway - really glad Walmart dropped the price on this dude and convinced me to pick him up.   Can't believe I was going to skip it.

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It would have been nice to have a different sidecar weapon for the RAM in one of its variations.  I understand why they haven't done that, but some variety would be cool. 

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Agreed on some variation of the sidecar or a tripod to make the gatling gun useable in a different way, but I keep buying the bike for the figure anyway so I can't be too upset. (Hey here's a dumb question - is there a place to store the drum on the gatling when it's set up inside the sidecar? Or is that just for when someone is carrying the gun, Roadblock style? I really can't figure it out.) 

I'm surprised at how many part swaps there are with Shockwave - no wrist guards, different upper sleeves/elbows, different belt, a different loadout for his knives and guns. And the NF version comes with enough weaponry to kit out a few other Joes who are short on guns. Might be the first variant figure who looks different enough from the original I could display him as a different character. (I can't tell if he's supposed to be wearing blacked-out eye makeup, Batman-style, or if Shockwave had a REALLY bad night yesterday, but that also helps make him feel like he could be a second character. Really happy with him. (Though I'll always have a soft spot for his too-bright, too-blue original color scheme - I'll always love Joes when they skew further away from realism but that's just a personal preference.) 

Torch will be here tomorrow or Thursday and man, I'm really just going to have to do an entire 'noks display. Between the trio, Zarana, Ghawgahyde, and Zartan himself, they make for a really nice display. 

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It's awesome that the Classified team knocked the Dreadknoks out of the park on the first try (some people might prefer Retro Zartan).  Just about any other Hasbro team would be making them over and over and fixing one thing at a time.  Instead we got unique sculpts, unique gear, great paint, just really nice-looking and fun figures that look like what (most of us) want.

docsilence reacted
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Picked up a lot of Joes in the last several months between the Pulse sale and various preorders of newer things. Opened a few here and there, but finally got to get into several yesterday across a range of releases - Torch, Tripwire, Torpedo, and Techno-Viper (holy alliteration!). Opened Helix, Shockwave, Nunchuk last week, and plenty more to go. 

I keep questioning why I'm even buying this line as I have *zero* attachment to GI Joe as an IP, and it's really eating up my budget - but every time I tear into one I'm reminded. These things are just waaay too fun, and some of the best figures being made - especially at their price.

Just a generalized appreciation/admiration post! I'm off to track down a retro Gung-Ho, because apparently I've gone from "Who cares about GI Joe?" to "Of course I need all the original looks!"

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I totally get it.    Opening up Torch and Gnawgahyde yesterday made me dig out Buzzer and Ripper to hang out on my desk all together.   And then opened up my retro Beachhead so he and my NF Shockwave were having a balaclava bro hang.    


I really didn't expect to fall this hard for Classified.   It really has become my favorite figure line going right now   (I still love my Marvel Legends,  but all the figures I'm getting from them right now are figures I actually already have on my shelf - just a little better,  which is less exciting) 


I think Jinx is supposed to show up today.   That just leaves Doc,  who is scheduled to show up Monday,  and Night Creeper who is now slated to be delivered on August 28th -  leave it to the "cool guy" to make the late, dramatic entrance. 

hmmberto reacted
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I can’t wait for the Cold Slither pay off in a year or so. 

Torch does look so much better with the sculpted on shades. I’m torn. I do like the option for Buzzer and Ripper to have their glasses off. Buzzer looks crazy with the goggles on but they don’t stay on well or really at all. My solution bought two and glued goggles on one. Rippers stay on okay. I still bought two of each. I have no control. 

These guys are real jackazzes but their figures are just a freaking blast. They kind of show up Zartan like the original figures did. I have extras of him too. I should make a more biker look for him. 


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Cold Slither would make a perfect PulseCon or Comic Con exclusive box set.

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I always found myself more interested in the Dreadnoks, than in Zartan.  He always seemed to be the square that brought down the group.  
Count me in for a Cold Slither release too.  

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I don't think we'll ever get Cold Slither in Classified.  Seems perfect as a Super7 Reaction set, though. 

I am loving the Classified Dreadnoks though.  Always liked them throughout their history, and it's nice to get some new modern figures of them.  I have Gnaw on preorder via WM when they accidentally listed him for $25.  Will see if they hold true to that price.   I know Heartwrencher is rumored to be coming in a 2pk with Falcon.  And Zandar was namedropped.  I think Monkeywrench was as well.  I'm more interested in Monkeywrench than the other two.   A great little team/gang is shaping up.

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