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Anyone get notification or movement  for the Nightforce Shockwave?  






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Pulse sent me a charge notice this morning.

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@canprime Target's date is 7/21. They have several items across different lines scheduled for that day.  Hopefully, enough will trickle in this week because I whiffed on at least four preorders set for that day.


Omg, Hasbro Pulse, can you be any more annoying with the constant confirming location and accepting cookies? I guess you can.  Thanks for sending my package DHL.

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The Toyvalanche is coming! Walmart preparing Night Force Shockwave. Pulse shipping Retros and Nightcreeper. Target should ship Tiger Force soon. 

Fun fun.


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@chooch555 Was it an actual charge on your cc or just a notification a charge will happen soon?

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Honestly -  it feels like Hasbro has three or four container ships they load up per year and just send everything all at once on those boats.    We had the product avalanche in the spring were a metric ton of Classified and Marvel Legends all landed at once.   And it's happening again now with this wave of classified, the retros and all of the various exclusives all dropping concurrently (at the same time all of Marvel's 85th Anniversary stuff is showing up)


The wallet fatigue is real, man.  

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@leor it says my payment was successful.  CC site says charge is Pending.

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My $38 Shockwave reorder changed from placed to preparing so that's a good sign.

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@chooch555 Ah ok. Thanks. Usually Pulse sends me notification of an item will ship soon about 5 days before another notification of payment successful and the cc getting charged. I have not seen any type of Pulse email notification this time around for the NF Shockwave which makes me nervous I might get charged before I can cancel. I probably should cancel the Pulse order since the Walmart order has moved from placed order to preparing. 

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Posted by: @nik

@normdapito Yeah that seems like exactly the problem. First time I've had that particular issue in my decades of collecting, and the only other QC problem I've had with Classified was my Range Viper missing the drum to his grenade launcher. In that case they had no replacement Range Vipers to send me so they sent me a Falcon, which I sold on ebay and then took the 10 bucks I got for it after shipping and fees and bought a loose grenade launcher from an ebay seller. It was a bit of a hassle, but it worked out in the end. 

Hopefully there will be no problem sending me a replacement Torch since he isn't a sold out Wal-Mart exclusive like the Range Viper was. On the bright side, if I do get a replacement Torch I can still use the defective one's accessories for other figures. Might mod the flamethrower by removing the permanent flames from the skull's eyes so he can have one that's all the way off when it's stowed. Although it is very Dreadnok to be so dangerous as to have a constantly flaming skull hooked up next to a fuel tank on your back. 


Unfortunately I just got an email from Hasbro and Torch is out of stock in their warehouse so they are sending me "a figure of equivalent value". Hopefully not Falcon again, please. I just ordered another Torch from Amazon, since they still have him in stock. Hopefully whatever Hasbro sends me I can sell easily so I can somewhat defray the 50+ bucks I've now spent on getting Torch in my collection. The figure is so great besides the defect, I'm honestly not even that mad about the whole thing. 


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Walmart shipped NF Shckwave for me. Time to cancel Pulse. 

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My Target had the Tiger Force Roadblock/Tripwire 2-pack but it was street dated so no-go. 

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I goofed up and accidentally have two Beachheads and I tried to be like "okay, almost all your favorite characters ended up with a stuck joint, having a dupe is a good thing" but the first on arrived and he's bloody perfect. Murphy's Law of action figure collecting, right? 

Also got Gnawgahyde and while I know most of his weapons are reuse, he's just a hoot of a figure. Great detail, great personality, Porkbelly continues Classified's trend of making the very best animal companion figures in the market right now at this price point, and I forgot Yobbo has an EYEPATCH. Peak Cobra ridiculousness. Man I love the 'noks. 

Should have Jinx and Torch tomorrow or Weds. 

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Torch arrived today and he's fantastic.  I kinda knew what to expect since he shares a lot of parts with Mindbender, but he still impresses.  Most of all, his plastic tolerances are perfect for this line and price.  Like his limbs feel solid and not bendy, but his hands are softer than the older figures which helps hold weapons.  I can bend them open and there's no stretch marks on the plastic.  I wish the old Cobra Troopers had hands like these so they could properly hold their guns better, but it's a solid improvement moving forwards.  Normally I hate soft plastic but on the hands it's kind of perfect.  I worry about them tearing at the wrist joint so it would be wise to be careful and move the wrists at the wrists, not by twisting the hand.

EDIT:  Long post but one more note about the hands, they kind of have a weird angle for holding guns, like some McFarlane figures have where they're tilted inwards toward the body instead of straight with the forearm.  And this is one time where I'd have preferred in-out wrists on the left hand to make holding the torch easier.

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Wreckage & the Tiger Paw is saying next Wednesday to the following Monday.

Anyone want the Tiger Paw? I don't, and won't even be removing it from the package if I can get him & his accessories out without doing so.

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