Wow. Retro Beach Head is such a home run! He was my favorite “good guy” to play with other than Snake-Eyes as a kid (masks, man: they always do it for me) and a rare time I liked a good guy almost as much as the Cobras of the same year. This update is basically a perfect version of classic Beach Head. His rifle is undersized crap that instantly produces stress marks when put in a hand, but a quick swap with one of the chonky rifles with underslung grenade launcher from the Steel Corps set and he is good to go.
Cant wait to get the new Beach Head for the same reasons you mentioned. I just love the masks. My favorite Joes as a kid were Snake-Eyes, Beach Head, Shockwave, BBQ, and Steel Brigade.
Speaking of Walmart Shockwave, I noticed he has the same lower body as Retro Duke, whereas the old Shockwave had the lower body of W1 Duke (and new boots? Wasn't sure on the boots). I feel like these new legs have better proportions for Shockwave's upper body, as they're a little longer and thicker.
So while it sucks that we're losing Shockwave's double uzis, these new legs are arguably better. We're also losing Shockwave's pouch-filled belt, which was a floating piece (and often got in the way of bending at the waist due to collision with his vest), in favor of Retro Duke's molded-on belt, as well as Shockwave's forearm guards, which I personally think is a big miss. They would have looked great in Night Force green.
TLDR; there's a few changes that make Walmart Shockwave something other than a straight-repaint of standard Shockwave.
Kinda makes this NF Shockwave an easier decision to double dip on since he’s not a full recolored rehash of the original figure.
As for Beachead, while I prefer the retro, the CI version was pretty good. However the one lasting impression the CI version had on me since I’ve had him so long now is the beret. While I know the retro never had it, I keep thinking he needs it every time I look at him. I wonder if Falcon’s green colored beret will fit in the retro Beachead .
I've had Walgreens workers literally ask "did you not find what you wanted?" which like, is just an awkward thing to reply to when you're buying toys at a drug store.
I say maximize the awkward. Tell them you're delaying gratification. It leads to a greater sense of satisfaction when you do "buy the toy".
I actually prefer the CI BH and will be passing on the retro. Call me crazy.
Crazy. Ha.
CI Beachhead does have a good look with different weapons. I haven’t seen any but a repaint of the futuristic guns could look interesting. I swapped mine out initially with the Fortnite something-90 M-90(?). Then I gave him other weapons from the various Joes. It still had to have a little green in with the gunmetal gray and black.
Beachhead never played like the Sunbow cartoon in my head cannon. He was more a quiet type who kicked butt with Snake Eyes. More hand commands leading the squad than verbal ones. Flint was more the verbal commander. I never had Duke. It was Hawk, Flint, and Beachhead oh and Roadblock. Those were my leaders.
I’m looking forward to Reto BH and the eventual Retro Flint.
So I just looked and Amazon pretty much has all these new Joe Ms ready to ship this week. I may have cancel some from Pulse and get them there. I’m out all next week and don’t want to deal with missed packages.
Just got an eel and snow serpent from Amazon. Had no clue the snow serpent didn't have his signature gun and backpack with rocket launcher. I closed my eyes to the snow shoes as ain't no one using them inuit things today lol, so accepted the modern version. But the lack of other signature items, yeah that pretty much sucks.
What about you, guys?
Gridiron Studios just put out a load out pack for the Snow Serpent. I know it has the classic snow shoes in it but not sure what else.
Just about all guns look alike to me and I never had GI Joe as a kid so I couldn't tell you if anything they have in that pack might be a replacement for it but check it out if it's something you may be interested in.
I agree.Any of you guys getting any crimson moon or red shadow figures and the robot skull? Should this be it's own thread?
Yup, I’ve got the entire Crimson Moon line up preordered minus the red hood guys. And I’ve got the Roboskull, Wolf, and Skeletron all preordered as well. Super excited for all of them. Just a shame how far away Baron Ironblood and his crew are from being delivered, while the Roboskull looks like it’ll be coming at the end of summer.
without the accessory box, you can't tell the one from Aliexpress apart fromnthe other. They are legit, just the box had a misprint and didn't make the cut. I have 10 of em.Oh and I just picked up my Retro Eel from Gamestop (Canada).
Can I just say wow again. Talk about a great figure. I missed out on the regular release so this is my first time with the figure in hand. I love pretty much everything about it excpet the colour. He seems a little dark (greys and reds). Is the first release lighter in colour? If so I may have to still try and track one down (not the KO version that is seemingly everywhere now).
Going to have to see if I can snag another Retro version when it hits more retailers.
without the accessory box, you can't tell the one from Aliexpress apart fromnthe other. They are legit, just the box had a misprint and didn't make the cut. I have 10 of em.Oh and I just picked up my Retro Eel from Gamestop (Canada).
Can I just say wow again. Talk about a great figure. I missed out on the regular release so this is my first time with the figure in hand. I love pretty much everything about it excpet the colour. He seems a little dark (greys and reds). Is the first release lighter in colour? If so I may have to still try and track one down (not the KO version that is seemingly everywhere now).
Going to have to see if I can snag another Retro version when it hits more retailers.
The Gridiron Arctic loadout looks fantastic. $37.99 plus shipping.
I’m going to load out with whatever I can find in my stuff.
So many things coming in next two weeks I need to not buy enhancements yet.
It is a Dreadnoks kinda Sunday here. Just had Torch and Gnawgahyde dropped off by Amazon. Love both of them... Torch completes the classic 'Noks trio, but Gnawgahyde is just super fun.
Eager for the rest, especially Retro Beachhead and today's deliveries are fun.
One store within 50 miles of me has one Tiger Paw, out of twenty-two stores
@mrboshek Is it supposed to be out on retail shelves now?
I thought it was still early? Either way I would imagine it will be a bit before it hits more stores, at least for you guys in the US. Up here it is available as a fan channel, I think, because I did a preorder at Gamestop Canada, but local online etailers also have it up for preorder.