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Mine all shipped from Grapevine TX which must be a distribution center.  Everything I've ever ordered from Gamestop has come from there.

Speaking of Gamestop, does their find in store option work at all for anyone anymore?  I've checked stock on the app for multiple items while in the store and I can be looking at the items and they all say not found in that store on the app.  Is it just broken?  It's been this way for me for a couple of years.  I used to use it frequently to locate figures but since it stopped working I've only gone in the stores a couple of times because it is so awkward in there, especially when you find nothing.  Would be nice to know what they have without having to go in.

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Wow. Retro Beach Head is such a home run! He was my favorite “good guy” to play with other than Snake-Eyes as a kid (masks, man: they always do it for me) and a rare time I liked a good guy almost as much as the Cobras of the same year. This update is basically a perfect version of classic Beach Head. His rifle is undersized crap that instantly produces stress marks when put in a hand, but a quick swap with one of the chonky rifles with underslung grenade launcher from the Steel Corps set and he is good to go.

Akatsuki reacted
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Amazon shipped me my second retro Snow Serpent earlier this week -  but I'm content that everything else got pushed back to August.   I honestly don't need it all hitting right now and am not racing to Game Stop to get it earlier.   


I do want that Beachhead but waiting another month for it won't hurt me.   I'm still bracing for impact from the Marvel Anniversary orders - but all of those look like they are scheduled to arrive while I'm in San Diego.  


I am eager to see what newness they show off in two weeks.   I'm sure it won't be a ton that we don't already know about, but I'm hoping there's a surprise or two.

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@normdapito Yeah that seems like exactly the problem. First time I've had that particular issue in my decades of collecting, and the only other QC problem I've had with Classified was my Range Viper missing the drum to his grenade launcher. In that case they had no replacement Range Vipers to send me so they sent me a Falcon, which I sold on ebay and then took the 10 bucks I got for it after shipping and fees and bought a loose grenade launcher from an ebay seller. It was a bit of a hassle, but it worked out in the end. 

Hopefully there will be no problem sending me a replacement Torch since he isn't a sold out Wal-Mart exclusive like the Range Viper was. On the bright side, if I do get a replacement Torch I can still use the defective one's accessories for other figures. Might mod the flamethrower by removing the permanent flames from the skull's eyes so he can have one that's all the way off when it's stowed. Although it is very Dreadnok to be so dangerous as to have a constantly flaming skull hooked up next to a fuel tank on your back. 

NORM reacted
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@panthercult Y'know, I was actually totally fine with waiting til August or September, I was in a similar frame of mind as you (okay except Beachhead, I REALLY want him) but the 40% off convinced me to at least get the ones that were available now. Wouldn't have swapped my orders without the discount (Getting Gnawgahyde cheaper was nice). Wouldn't mind having orders spread out over the summer anyway.

PantherCult reacted
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Posted by: @nik

In that case they had no replacement Range Vipers to send me so they sent me a Falcon

Gross!  Next time put a warning for disturbing content, I was eating!!

nilocomic and nik reacted
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There seems to be a sneak peek Walmart Collector Con event prior to the 25th that’s happening next Thursday?  Is there an official time for this event?

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Posted by: @justice

Mine all shipped from Grapevine TX which must be a distribution center.  Everything I've ever ordered from Gamestop has come from there.

Speaking of Gamestop, does their find in store option work at all for anyone anymore?  I've checked stock on the app for multiple items while in the store and I can be looking at the items and they all say not found in that store on the app.  Is it just broken?  It's been this way for me for a couple of years.  I used to use it frequently to locate figures but since it stopped working I've only gone in the stores a couple of times because it is so awkward in there, especially when you find nothing.  Would be nice to know what they have without having to go in.


It seems to only work if they have more than one in stock, then it’ll show up as available on their site. 

Otherwise if you have the 6 digit item number, you can call or go in and ask them to look it up to see if any close by stores have that item in stock, which it’ll show even if they just have one. 

I’ll take GameStop over Walgreens anyway. Nothing beats that awkwardness. I go into GS pretty often looking for things and it’s never weird. They’re nerds too, when they ask what brings me in I just say I’m poking around at the figures and they get it. 

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@boy_wonder GameStop is more awkward for me because it's almost always just me and the employee and you have to walk right by them. At least in Walgreens they were usually busy checking out people and paid me no attention.

Only showing an item in stock with more than 1 is basically useless at GameStop but that makes sense I guess. Wouldn't want angry people coming up there for something they saw online and it's not there. I can't think of any figure that my store ever has more than 1 of though.

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Toy collectors avoiding eye contact with Gamestop employees.



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I'm with Boy Wonder.  I just straight-up tell the Gamestop worker what I want.  Walgreens, there's no point.  They don't know.  I've had Walgreens workers literally ask "did you not find what you wanted?" which like, is just an awkward thing to reply to when you're buying toys at a drug store.

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Gamestops online stock feature has been broken since the end of last year when they changed everything. I talked to my local GS people's about it. He said just to call and ask if there's something they may have and he can check their computer or even tell me where it may be near by. He said the app is all but useless for that now.

I bought 2 Clone Trooper/BD 2 packs for their sale thing. Same item. Both shipped from different places separately. I have a feeling it's a distribution thing. If they have wearhouses or whatever, they only have a limited number of them at any given site. Otherwise, it's probably shipped from a store near where it's ordered. I'd bet more on the later, cause I can't see Gamestop having actual wearhouses.

I got the blue Ninja 2 pack in from BBTS. Really cool set, especially for the price. It comes with alot of stuff. The Snake Eyes reuse is a bit inventive. And I don't mind the Akiko mold with the flats. Only thing I do wish they would've included was a loose arrow that could maybe go in the quiver and attach to the bow like the one Storm Shadow gets. I liked how they made that work on the figures it comes with. I think at some point I may just do some kind of small Ninja display with some of my Ninja figures. But space is a factor. I really do like the Classified Ninja figures though, they are really cool. I haven't gotten one I don't like.

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So... Amazon playing games with me.  After I just got done saying how it was kind of a relief not to be getting my Joe's until August, last night I get a flood of e mails telling me all my pending Joe's are arriving this week.   Cheeky bastards.

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Just got updates too - on the upside, Torch is shipping this week whom I couldn't get at Gamestop, but I wanted to wait on canceling Beachhead and Jinx until GS actually sent shipping notification and I got them, too. I'm choosing to believe they moved up the shipping dates SPECIFICALLY because I tempted fate and ordered them elsewhere. Half-tempted to get an extra Beachhead in case there's any QC issues like stuck joints. 

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Getting closer to the Walmart exclusive Shockwave and Ram shipping date. Like many here, I reordered the set on Walmart to get the sale price. Have not seen the Pulse notification for these yet either. Hoping Walmart ships first and can cancel the Pulse order. 

Also Tigerforce Roadblock/Tripwire set and Wreckage/Tigerpaw are just around the corner as well. 

Possible new preorders during or after SDCC plus the Haslab. 

Very expensive Joe month. 

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