One other thing I'm noticing, and it could be absolutely nothing, is that CoCo in that poster is the redesign and not the ARAH version that is about to come out in the retro wave. I liked the first go around of the redesign and hope they bring forth another version. I did classic CoCo, but I think there have been so many other versions over the years that are just better.
I canceled my Walmart preorder for the Night cycle after seeing Preternia's post about the sale for $38.48.
So, I couldn't justify owning a third iteration of the RAM cycle and had skipped ordering this before - but the sale price popped up and i caved. Just couldn't resist it on sale.
I have a problem y'all.
@spongyblue, I can agree with that. I think in general I've liked the updates more than the retros.
But I've also had some fun mixing and matching. Like putting V1 Gung Ho's plate vest on the more Marine-looking V2 or gearing up commando Snake Eyes with his ninja sword and pack. It's obviously more expensive, but it gives me the updated look I like with the more recognizable look I expect.
Some day I hope to have enough courage to try putting the lion tattoo Roadblock arm on the retro version. As for Cobra Commander, I think the retro version with the Wave 1 cape, belts and sword would look pretty tight.
@panthercult I think most of us share the same problem. I know I do!
Got Torch and Gnawgahyde/Porkbelly/Yobbo from Pulse yesterday, and they are some fun and gorgeous toys, I tell you what. Unfortunately my Torch has completely fused left elbow joints. Tried boiling and all it did was expose the seams in the joints enough to where I thought I might be able to move them, but that just caused the plastic of the inner elbow piece to start tearing. Put in a claim for defective product with Hasbro Consumer Care, and they've done right by me in the past so I'm optimistic that I'll get a replacement.
If it was just one of the 2 elbow joints on that arm I probably would have just lived with it, but getting zero articulation on that whole elbow is no bueno. On a positive note, I'm absolutely ecstatic to have a super-articulated warthog in my collection. Getting to be quite the menagerie around here.
As for Cobra Commander, I think the retro version with the Wave 1 cape, belts and sword would look pretty tight.
Got Torch and Gnawgahyde/Porkbelly/Yobbo from Pulse yesterday, and they are some fun and gorgeous toys, I tell you what. Unfortunately my Torch has completely fused left elbow joints. Tried boiling and all it did was expose the seams in the joints enough to where I thought I might be able to move them, but that just caused the plastic of the inner elbow piece to start tearing. Put in a claim for defective product with Hasbro Consumer Care, and they've done right by me in the past so I'm optimistic that I'll get a replacement.
If it was just one of the 2 elbow joints on that arm I probably would have just lived with it, but getting zero articulation on that whole elbow is no bueno. On a positive note, I'm absolutely ecstatic to have a super-articulated warthog in my collection. Getting to be quite the menagerie around here.
Sounds like the rare instance where they didn't use different plastics for the elbow joint. In cases like this, they mistakenly leave out the ABS (hard) plastic for the elbow, and just fill the whole mold with PVC (soft) plastic. When the joint is fused like that, it's typical that the arm from the bicep swivel to the wrist is made entirely of PVC, making it one solid piece, even though it looks like a separate elbow joint. It's happened to one or two of my ML figures, but never with Classified. So it seems like it's not a very common incidence, but it is totally irreparable, unfortunately. Hopefully you get the correct figure as a replacement.
Received Jinx yesterday. She's ok. I don't mind the sleeveless look, I think it's an update that doesn't hurt the figure. I don't know if the tattoo sleeve was necessary. I like the slick hair as opposed to the spiked look she had in the movie. The weapons seem sparse, even compared to the original vintage figure. Articulation is ok. Everything works fine, except the torso joints. The upper diaphragm joint, even as limited as it is, doesn't seem to want to stay in place, and the waist joint feels similar. There's definite rotation from both, but not a lot of pivot. Her feet also don't feel entirely flat, so it's tough to balance her. Could just be my copy. I don't think I'll ever wind up using the masked head or blindfold. All in all, she's like a B- figure.
Are folks having good luck with stuff being shipped from Gamestop? All my Amazon orders got pushed back and the sale is SUPER tempting but I don't want to cancel something and have GS fall through. Just curious if they really do have all this stuff in stock cos with their sale I might go on a spree today.
@docsilence I ordered Doc, Jinx, and 2 Night Creepers earlier in the week and they are out for delivery today
@justice Thanks. Doc and the Creepers aren't available in my region but I was just able to order Jinx and Beachhead along with a few Star Wars figures. I'm going to place a separate order for Gnawgahyde wtih one of the expensive Marvel figures I have preordered on Amazon to game the 40% discount thing a bit.
It looks like GameStop will come through for me too. My order should be here tomorrow. I placed my original preorders late, so I got passed over for certain figures already shipped by BBTS, Amazon, and Pulse. BBTS must have had enough stock to cover Torch and Gnawgahyde, but not a figure like Jinx.
I ordered stuff from them too for their sale and they shipped them, albeit separately. 1 I already got and 1 should be here tomorrow.
@normdapito check her lines on the side and see if they line up properly. Mine didn't. Seems like when they painted them her legs were twisted wrong so when they got to the thighs it got put in the wrong spot. The figure itself I do really like. I may at some point try to get an extra Elodie Yung head though for a long hair version since she played Jinx in the live action movie. But mine doesn't have the torso issues you're mentioning as bad. They feel like they work fine, but they are a bit limited, which is partly because of the overlays. The feet are definitely not flat, but you can heat them up and flatten them to make them better. And I ended up buying some Storm Shadow accessories off ebay and modifying the swords a bit and giving her those to give her some better variety, and they look really nice with her.
Gnawgahyde already shipped, alone. There's a few figures I'm hesitant to cancel on Amazon until they ship (Beachhead, I'm looking at you) and I can't get Doc, Torch, or Night Creeper through Gamestop but looks like I'll save some scratch on three different lines of figures. I won't cancel orders from indie sellers but if Amazon is pushing back shipping dates I have ZERO guilt canceling orders there, though if a figure is sold out anywhere I'll hold off til the box is on a truck before I cancel.
I ordered 4 retro Eels from GameStop. Each one has already shipped but separately. Does GameStop pull online orders from their physical stores? Like your order will appear at a second or third store to get pulled if the first store can’t fulfill the entire order?