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Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @canprime

And what are your thoughts about seeing it again?

The intro is awesome of course. This is my 8th time seeing it. I love it. kinda messed up what Cobra-La did to CC.

Based on the movie, i would like a 'Big Lob' figure made.

I'm sure the team has Big Lob somewhere in their playbook.  Probably just waiting for the right spot to get him into the line.

Yeah I watch the movie, on Youtube, at least a couple times a year.  I know there are a bunch of fans who don't care for the movie, or more specifically Cobra-La, but I like them.   Burgess Meredith as Golobulus was fantastic voice work.   I mean the Penguin (or Mikey from Rocky) never came across as someone who could carry that kind of gravitas in their voice, but damn if he didn't. 

I have the intro to the movie saved in my Youtube account so I can watch it whenever.   I probably watch it at least a few times a month.  Gotta give it to the ARAH team back then.  They really knew how to produce kick ass theme songs.


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Looks like we're playing the same games as Retro wave 1.  My Beachhead got delayed for the second time from Amazon.  Was originally slated for early June, then pushed to this week, now August 28th from the email I just got.  Nothing on the Snow Serpent, yet, but I'd seriously be shocked if that didn't also get pushed back.  I guess Hasbro is just having a hard time doing the toy thing these days.   Wave 1 ended up in stores before Amazon got theirs so I'm not going to stress out over it but it is annoying that we're still doing supply chain nonsense.  My Targets are in mid-reset/inventory mode.  Once that wraps up and more new product gets to the pegs I'm sure I'll have my Beachhead long before Amazon.

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Posted by: @canprime

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @canprime

And what are your thoughts about seeing it again?

The intro is awesome of course. This is my 8th time seeing it. I love it. kinda messed up what Cobra-La did to CC.

Based on the movie, i would like a 'Big Lob' figure made.

I'm sure the team has Big Lob somewhere in their playbook.  Probably just waiting for the right spot to get him into the line.

Yeah I watch the movie, on Youtube, at least a couple times a year.  I know there are a bunch of fans who don't care for the movie, or more specifically Cobra-La, but I like them.   Burgess Meredith as Golobulus was fantastic voice work.   I mean the Penguin (or Mikey from Rocky) never came across as someone who could carry that kind of gravitas in their voice, but damn if he didn't. 

I have the intro to the movie saved in my Youtube account so I can watch it whenever.   I probably watch it at least a few times a month.  Gotta give it to the ARAH team back then.  They really knew how to produce kick ass theme songs.


The ending is alittle flat but overall its great. Don johnson does the voice of Falcon


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EE delivered the Doc wave to my doorstep today. 

Glad to have Doc. Something about the Classified Joes finally having a field medic on the team makes the whole team a lot cooler. 

Jinxi is also very welcome to add another Arashikage to the clan and now she and SnakeEyes and Storm Shadow can mix it up with Vypra and the blue  ninjas and….……

…….Nightcreepers look pretty cool. Never had them as a kid but I can’t decide which head looks cooler. 

Torch…..finally then O3 Dreadnoks are complete. They all look good together. Now Zartan and Zaranna got the gang rolling plus……….…….…..

 ……..Gnawgahyde with Timon and Pumbaa adding to the ‘noks is really making these swamp dwellers a real threat to the Joes now. 

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Posted by: @zombief-body

Looks like we're playing the same games as Retro wave 1.  My Beachhead got delayed for the second time from Amazon.  Was originally slated for early June, then pushed to this week, now August 28th from the email I just got.  Nothing on the Snow Serpent, yet, but I'd seriously be shocked if that didn't also get pushed back.  


Yeah,  I just got the e-mail that my retro Beachhead was pushed back into August now as well.   But weirdly my Snow Serpent was dropped off more than a week ago (and it's still one of my favorite figures I've opened all year).


Also today got the Amazon update that Doc, Jinx and Night Creeper were pushed back to late August as well.   Honestly,  since all of the Legends 85th Anniversary stuff got pushed up into the last week of July I'm kind of relieved.



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Got the pushback alerts as well but Beachhead got included too and he's the only one I'm annoyed about. I could use a few weeks break between deluges but Amazon had him shipping Friday until I got the email tonight. Probably the only one I'll buy if he shows up in stock elsewhere sooner. 

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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @zombief-body

Looks like we're playing the same games as Retro wave 1.  My Beachhead got delayed for the second time from Amazon.  Was originally slated for early June, then pushed to this week, now August 28th from the email I just got.  Nothing on the Snow Serpent, yet, but I'd seriously be shocked if that didn't also get pushed back.  


Yeah,  I just got the e-mail that my retro Beachhead was pushed back into August now as well.   But weirdly my Snow Serpent was dropped off more than a week ago (and it's still one of my favorite figures I've opened all year).


Also today got the Amazon update that Doc, Jinx and Night Creeper were pushed back to late August as well.   Honestly,  since all of the Legends 85th Anniversary stuff got pushed up into the last week of July I'm kind of relieved.



Just got that email on the other Classified figures (which are already reported as showing up at some WMs) too.  Plus Legacy United Tidal Wave which I had forgotten I had pre-ordered.  No biggie on him, may need to cancel him anyway, hefty price on that guy.  Yeah, I hope the early releases for the 85th Legends hold.  I need that Danny Ketch GR, like NEED it!

Edit: Just got an email from Amazon that 85th Astonishing Wolverine is now next week, the 9th (and Studio Series 86 Bumblebee the 11th).  Come on Ghost Rider!!

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@zombief-body Toys R Us Canada had SS86 Bumblebee and SS86 Swoop on shelves last week (at limited locations).  So they are probably going to both be hitting fairly quickly.  Astonishing Wolverine is hitting some local e-tailers as well right now.   Then of course leor posted about the Classified figures already showing up from EE, and Walmart Canada has Gnawgahyde scheduled for July 16th delivery, hopefully.  

So Amazon may be a bit behind in the schedule, or they could surprise everyone and start dropping those preorders  earlier than expected.  Much like everyone else I am good with some delays though because even though I don't preorder as much anymore, I'm still picking up a lot of stuff and if it hits all at once I may not be strong enough to resist getting it all right away.

It kind of feels like late last year all over again with a deluge of stuff coming, seemingly, all at once.


Oh and someone on another board I frequent posted a pic with the Ferret Scout using the Retro Snow Serpent goggles and it really does make her look full on motocross rider.  It definitely completes the look.

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@nightwolf Can I just say....Why haven't we seen a Miami Vice revival in this era of 80s retro love?  C'mon we need to see a new generation guided by Crockett and Tubbs!!!

Then we can get both O-Ring figures with a Ferrari Testarossa and Classified versions to boot!!!  Ok I know, but I can dream right?

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I got my Beachhead from Amazon last week. It really is a crapshoot with which distribution centers get what. I didn’t order the Eel or Serpent from Amazon, they’re coming from Pulse, but there’s been no movement there. 

In related news, Pulse shipped Torch, and should be here Friday. No movement on the rest of the wave.

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Posted by: @canprime

Can I just say....Why haven't we seen a Miami Vice revival in this era of 80s retro love?  C'mon we need to see a new generation guided by Crockett and Tubbs!!!

Good idea, i would like a reboot of Miami Vice. Don johnson is a big thing down here in Miami. I mean, they did do GTA based on Miami so doing a reboot should be easy.

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Pulse is also shipping Gnawgahyde along with Torch. I also received the Retro Eel from Amazon a few days ago and Retro Snow Serpent is coming next week. 

What threw me off was Studio Series Bumblebee and Astonishing Wolverine just shipped from Amazon just like the other poster said. I know they got bumped from August to late July because the due date was updated on my account and remained that way since last night. Then they shipped this morning and I got the email notification sometime much earlier in the morning. 

I still kinda get ticked if stuff just bumps up too early. 

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Dunno if it's been talked about here but I got an email that the Dragonfly was bumped back to December.  Probably old news by now.

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Posted by: @vicious7171

Dunno if it's been talked about here but I got an email that the Dragonfly was bumped back to December.  Probably old news by now.

Yeah I got the email as well.

I'm pretty sure Lenny or B-Mac mentioned something about it during the Dragonfly unboxing so it wasn't a big surprise to me.  Wish it was sooner, but at least it looks like it will still be this year.  Though with the way things get shipped I won't be too surprised is some backers don't get their Dragonfly until the new year.


vicious7171 reacted
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Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @canprime

Can I just say....Why haven't we seen a Miami Vice revival in this era of 80s retro love?  C'mon we need to see a new generation guided by Crockett and Tubbs!!!

Good idea, i would like a reboot of Miami Vice. Don johnson is a big thing down here in Miami. I mean, they did do GTA based on Miami so doing a reboot should be easy.

I'm a big fan.  You can reboot Knight Rider in current day.  You can reboot Airwolf in current day.  They did the A-Team and I enjoyed that flick.  Miami Vice needs the 80s.  The 80s was just as big a character in that series as Crockett or Tubbs.  I did enjoy the movie that came out 20-years ago but it really was just a couple of episode from the show mashed together and didn't really do much at theaters.  I guess what I'm saying is make it a period piece if you have to do it but it's like doing the stinging social commentary in Robocop.  It just doesn't ring true if divorced from the era it's meant to be part of.  That said I'd find it hard to do Miami Vice today, you'd just get another generic cop movie with an 80s soundtrack.  That series was lightening in a bottle.  Sorry if I'm rambling, but as someone that enjoyed that show in it's original run, it's hard to see it being as influential if rebooted today.

@Norm:  Damn, screwed by Amazon again due to location.  I live in CA, why are these things not shipping to a major chunk of the market!?  We even just built a new DC in my town.  It's just swinging into operation so hopefully things will change.  However, I've got plenty of other things coming this month so maybe letting the wallet breathe is a good idea.  However, as Canprime said, it may yet all hit when I least expect it!


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