I, too, just got charged for Beachhead from EE. I'm kinda wishing I had ordered Doc on there, too, he turned out real nice. Right now I have only maybe 25% of upcoming figures pre-ordered, usually it's closer to 100%.
They really need to rework the torso articulation on the female bucks. Jinx should be flexible. It's really disappointing that she can barely move her torso. I want to be excited for her but I know what it will be, I'll pose her for an evening then put her on the shelf and never pose her again because it's just not fun. Glad they redid the female ninja legs at least, those female blue ninja legs were booty.
They were reused from Akiko and Vypra with the latter's new feet. Kind of a cheap out. But the figure still looks nice nonetheless, and Akiko isn't bad aside from the arms and feet.
Received Beachhead from Amazon yesterday. Very nice figure, plenty of gear. I don’t really know what to do with the bag of charges or the gas grenades. The strap looks odd around his body and gets in the way of the backpack, so I just hung the strap around his pack. Then I clipped the grenades to the strap.
@prophet Selfishly I'm hoping whatever is left over goes up on Pulse for Premium members first since I am one now. However I wonder if this is a case of the over correction that has been speculated online. Hasbro cut back production finally, but now we are seeing more sellouts and less inventory (seemingly) at retail. So will the same happen to these exclusives? I don't know, but I don't think we'll see the same thing we saw with Dr. Mindbender and Serpentor where they kept producing them for what? A year after?
I'm with you in wanting CC, Death's Head and Maul (my first BS figure in I don't know how long).
Cobra La never appeared in the original Marvel run. I think I read/heard somewhere that Larry was totally against the concept and as such he never used them in the comics. CC was reverted back to "human" form in the cartoon and got the armour so the toy commercial was probably just using that animation.
Man, I got excited coming in here and seeing folks getting the new retros from Amazon, but when I hopped over to check my orders not only do the Serpents still say July 13, but Beach Head got pushed back to then too after previously saying the 6th.
I had heard that about Hama. I wonder how deep Skybound will go. They have showcased Nemesis so far. I may buy that Coco trade to read.
The Joe show reminded me just how vast this Joe story is and Classified as large as it is has scratched the surface.
Kinda peeved my Amazon preorder for Night Creeper (that I made the day order went up) got pushed back to mid August. Was really looking forward to another of my favorite characters, but I feel like all of my preorders have been getting delayed lately.
Anyway, I picked up Quick Kick, a character I had no interest in but fills a critical missing demographic in my Joe team. Pretty good figure, and I really like the chocolate bar accessory.
I dont really care for the Cobra La stuff, but I have to admit that the figures look good. Convention exclusives are kinda frustrating thought. Does anyone know if there any plans to release the previous exclusive characters in the line somehow? I really would like to get Chuckles at some point.
I always assumed that with Retro being opened to all stores, we would see the exclusives released there at some point. Retro Chuckles and Mindbender. Even Serpentor without the chariot. Maybe even non Nightforce version of Shooter.
I always assumed that with Retro being opened to all stores, we would see the exclusives released there at some point. Retro Chuckles and Mindbender. Even Serpentor without the chariot. Maybe even non Nightforce version of Shooter.
Yeah with Retro being a bigger part of the brand now I kind of expect to see some version of Serpentor, Dr. Mindbender and Chuckles getting another release through the Retro subline. It's been what? 2 years since Mindbender and Serpentor? So maybe that is long enough to warrant another release. I mean they had a hugely quick turn around for the Eel and Retro Eel so I don't know that time is a deciding factor. However I do hope they get around to re-releasing them at some point. Of course that means they'll all probably come with less accessories.
Although what if they did a Retro release of Serpentor with his Air Chariot? Make it very much like the original box and Serpentor can have just the one, old ARAH style head/cowl/helmet and change his cape to be look more like the original. That way Hasbro gets reuse out of both the Serpentor mold and the Air Chariot mold.
I think next year’s exclusive with chariot will be Iron Grenadier Destro and his Despoiler. I am curious what becomes of the Retro line. Mindbender and Serpentor seem like great options for the Retro card. Same for Flint and Roadblock. I guess we’ll see when SDCC comes around.
Yeah it’s just a matter of time I would think. Hasbro loves reuse with minimal repaint so them being rereleased at a later time with less accessories seems highly likely.
One a Man Cobra Commander looks great! I hated what happened to him in the movie, and yet I stilled loved that movie. Very nostalgic for me.
I ordered the blue Ninja set from BBTS, but it's gonna sit in my PoL for a bit since Jinx is probably coming soon. I think once she hits I'll ship it, unless I hear of something else also coming out soon. Almost every time I ship my PoL something releases within a couple days that I preordered lol.
As of Friday my Beachhead and 2 Serpents still said July 13, so imagine my surprise when I checked yesterday morning and saw that they were out for delivery!
Both are great. Beachhead has a surprising amount of reuse. Didn’t realize he still used the CI head, just painted nicer.
Wasn’t huge on the Serpents guns so they got the AK style rifles that came with Sarge and Cobra Officer(?)
I don't like the Cobra-La stuff, but that figure looks like a beast and I'm really excited to see how he looks on shelves with other Joes. Not convinced I need to buy it, but I'll enjoy pictures for sure.