Haha, the only Classified figures I even own are the ones that came with animal companions, and now I want that dumb little snake-man. 🙂 Oh well, it's a cool figure and I'm happy for whoever manages to snag one.
"dumb little snake-man" lol! It is amusing how the full-snake CC is equal parts grotesque and adorable.
Pulse has Torch incoming! Can’t wait to finally open my Dreadnoks! Hope Monkeywrench isn’t too far off on the horizon.
I bought a Vypra figure off ebay fairly cheap. I didn't know this figure even existed till last night. She looks really cool. I know where most of the parts came from. But even with all the reuse it looks like a fun figure. When I get her I think I'm gonna paint the sword sheaths and quiver black. I think they'd look better that way. It'll be really nice when I get the blue Ninja 2 pack and put all the Ninja figures together. Ninjas ftw lol.
I’m still convinced somehow they will find a way to get the hooded version to us if only so they can sell us that classic buck a third time and make the most out of the mold.
Well, if Hasbro continues to steer clear of the hooded version of CC - there is a figure from Fresh Monkey Fiction's Crimson Moon line that comes with three different paint jobs of the hooded head
One of those could easily be coopted and repainted to give you the Cobra Commander you crave - if you get desperate that is.
SDCC 2024 marks the first year in a while that Hasbro will be directly selling its exclusives at the show rather than offering preorders and shipping the items out later. However, you won't simply be able to walk up to Hasbro's booth and buy these figures on a whim. Collectors will first need to head to the Comic-Con Exclusives Portal and reserve a time slot. Note that you'll need a valid SDCC badge to be able to reserve a slot. At that point, collectors can head to the Hasbro booth (#3213) and purchase the figures at the indicated time.
Hasbro's Comic-Con Exclusives Portal will open on Monday, July 8 and close on Thursday, July 18. Also note that select quantities of these figures will be made available on the Hasbro Pulse website after SDCC is over, but we'd expect demand to far exceed supply.
"but we'd expect demand to far exceed supply." Cue the ominous music. I read that on TNI yesterday. Is that an official press release or TNI speculating. This was partly why I was sour at the announcement of oam. The last time I jumped at an overseas sold SDCC exclusive was the Hellfire set and that turned out to be an easy get.
And good on them! Nobody liked those years where SDCC exclusives were available to everyone and easy(ish) to buy.
I wonder if Pulse members will still be able to order/preorder on the day of the con. I mean technically they payed to have exclusive access and I’d assume that counts for convention exclusives.
@leor I'm hoping that is the case as I became a Premium member this year after they updated their shipping policy for Canada.
I'm also hoping that Gamestop Canada can get in on some of the exclusives like they have in the past few years.
OK, so my retro card Snow Trooper finally made it to me from Amazon. The box looked like it had been dragged behind the truck for a while and then rehabilitated with some clear packing tape. No joke, parts of the box were torn off and taped over with clear packing tape. When I finally cut the box open it fell apart into multiple pieces.
Needless to say the retro card was not in great shape, folded with huge crease marks in multiple places on the card. Luckily the bubble and the figure inside were unmolested.
The figure itself is gorgeous. I honestly really like it and am happy to get the snow trooper without the metric ton of extra gear (with the significant extra cost) of the previous deluxe version. I have another two ordered through Pulse, but I'm really happy with this guy
EE just charged my card for Gnawgahyde, Beachead, Jinx, Doc, Torch, and Nightcreeper. Guess they are shipping soon.
I suspect more and more of the retro and latest wave of Classified start shipping in next week or so. I got the heads up on Torch. Looking forward to him. Should be fun.
This SDCC will be interesting. Are we past the supply chain issues? Hasbro not doing QR codes but rather appointments. Wasn’t that the way in the past too? You couldn’t join the queue until you time. Did they do digital queues like some theme parks?
I will be bummed out if I can’t get Coco, Death’s Heads, and Maul. I’m hopeful Pulse will get enough. I don’t expect for everyone but hopefully most that want it.
I never read the comics. Did they do Cobra La at all in the comics? I remember seeing commercials with Coco being scientifically reversed from the snake man to the new armored look. It was for the toys I think. I can’t remember if the commercials were for the comics at that point.