Any of you guys getting any crimson moon or red shadow figures and the robot skull? Should this be it's own thread?
I got notice that my retro Snow Serpent has shipped and is on the way. Should be here tomorrow. So - maybe will be soon for others, although July is a week away anyway.
Any of you guys getting ansmy crimson moon or red shadow figures and the robot skull? Should this be it's own thread?
There are threads for the Crimson Moon stuff and the Roboskull stuff in the "Other General Toys Board". And yes - I plan to get almost all of that stuff (though I don't care about the werewolf/zombie aspect of Crimson Moon at all)
Just got notification for the retro Eel shipping from Amazon, arriving tomorrow (!!!). I know they're all characters we've got already but I was just starting to feel that itch for more Joes so perfect timing for the Eel, Snow Serpent, and Beachhead to ship. Would love to get shipping notifications for the other two in the next day or two.
exactly the same here. I just want the uk Joe's. They look great.Any of you guys getting ansmy crimson moon or red shadow figures and the robot skull? Should this be it's own thread?
There are threads for the Crimson Moon stuff and the Roboskull stuff in the "Other General Toys Board". And yes - I plan to get almost all of that stuff (though I don't care about the werewolf/zombie aspect of Crimson Moon at all)
Any of you guys getting any crimson moon or red shadow figures and the robot skull? Should this be it's own thread?
Yup, I’ve got the entire Crimson Moon line up preordered minus the red hood guys. And I’ve got the Roboskull, Wolf, and Skeletron all preordered as well. Super excited for all of them. Just a shame how far away Baron Ironblood and his crew are from being delivered, while the Roboskull looks like it’ll be coming at the end of summer.
Looks like we're getting Once a Man CoCo!
Hasbro SDCC 2024 G.I. Joe Classified Series: Cobra Commander (Once a Man) Figure

That's kind of a fun exclusive. Since the Legends exclusive is one I really want anyway I'll be at the booth so I'll be picking this guy up for sure. Can't decide if he'd be worthwhile to pick up more than one for any kind of fodder.
Is the number on the side 136?
I think it says 130. Yup. #130. Confirmed.
More photos... (Golobulus on the box art. PulseCon maybe?)
I never loved the idea that CC wasn't just a human, but I will never say that transformation wasn't some of the most nightmarishly cool body horror we've ever seen in a mainstream kids' cartoon. I'd definitely pick one up if they release him on Pulse or whatever after SDCC.
Unrelated, got the new Eel yesterday - I do like that they give the generics different eye colors and skin tones so it's possible to have distinctly different troopers. But man, the original Eel's harpoon gun might be the worst weapon in this line. The new one's didn't warp in the package fortunately, but it inspired me to try to boil and flatten the original release's cos mine is basically shaped like an S. Boiled it and left it under a stack of books last night and it still isn't quite straight.
Roadblock just got a new accessory, love it! Golobulus in the background.
Perfect! This does nothing for me. No muss, no fuss.
OH wow, i like snake head CC. thats a must for me. also Golo is coming from the box art. what a time to be a GI joe fan...whats with that snake with the arms? dont know whats that?, looks creepy as hell.
Perfect exclusive. I like this figure a lot more than I was expecting. Not something I want for my collection, though, not for more than the regular $25 price point.
OH wow, i like snake head CC. thats a must for me. also Golo is coming from the box art. what a time to be a GI joe fan...whats with that snake with the arms? dont know whats that?, looks creepy as hell.
So CoCo can give hugs!