@lightsyder stinger unboxing
NE is much larger than i thought he would be. The back of the box has CoCo in the clam, I wonder if that's a sneak peek.
Got my pre-orders in through Pulse. It'll be nice to beef up the Marauders.
Oh boy, yup, just like I said, I may not care much for the movies narrative, but that figure looks too sweet to pass up.
The ML Shield set dropped into my POL at the exact minute I was checking out with the Stinger. It threw me off for a sec because I didn't know why it was on the checkout page. I forgot I still had the set preordered. Didn't really need another one, but I kind of wanted another Sharon and two extra guys isn't the worst thing two have. And yes, I did ship a POL yesterday.
I also preordered a Stinger from Amazon and Pulse. Maybe I'll get some add-ons from Grid Iron.
What a great surprise! Man that Nemesis is a beast in all of the ways that makes it awesome! Just awesome!
I love Classified! It makes me feel young and broke.
$55 for the Lowlight-Spirit 2-pack? What in the Hasbro tax is this BS? Yeah I'll wait for a sale thanks.
I know I’ve seen pictures of the Marauder two pack previously but I don’t think it registered how vibrant the colors are on them. I like it.
So much Joe news today.
Got charged for the Ferret this morning - really looking forward to that. It's the perfect type of vehicle for the size display I favor.
Preordered Spirit and Lowlight on Pulse. Two of my favorite character designs as a kid, no way I wasn't preordering them. I held off on Sarge... I've never QUITE loved a real person being in my collection like that but I did get the original release. Not sure I need the Marauders version (I know, buying Marauders without Sarge is ridiculous but I really like the color scheme aesthetically).
Preordered the Stinger on Amazon. I'm a little worried about space but the VAMP is actually reasonable for a display, like the way this will balance that out.
And I'm definitely on team "CC is scarier when he's just a greedy, evil human man trying to rule the world" versus the Cobra-La stuff, but I also love the abject body horror of Cobra-La, so I'm in on those figures, whoever they make. I think my brain just registers them as the Joes version of What If or Elseworlds - the sci-fi body horror Joes universe versus the grounded, gritty original version. I can accept both versions exist mutually exclusive of each other (though yes, the cartoon really did do old CC dirty.)
Nemesis Immortal is MAGNIFICENT. I love how absolutely huge and intimidating he is: Classified is taking a page from MotU Masterverse and breaking away from standardized bodies to make a true monster. I hope they do more of this, when appropriate.
And does that alt-head look like he is wearing an organic version of Maximus’ arena helmet from Gladiator??
I wonder if the lower torso and arms are a “pre-paint” of Road Pig parts.
Nemesis Enforcer looks huge and incredible. He's going to dwarf Serpentor which is perfect. My only problem is when looking at the back of the box his wings are a little too spindly. There's too much unwinged arm before it gets to the wings themselves, making the wings feel unsubstantial.
So I was looking through BBTS at the classified stuff to see what was still available. And I ran across that Jodie "Shooter" figure. I like BBTS, but that price is a rip off for that figure. She's just a mix of movie Scarlet legs and Lady Jaye torso with a new head, and maybe new boots. And she doesn't even really look right. She kinda looks lanky, and a bit disproportionate. I like Sniper characters, and I didn't even know this one existed. But she honestly doesn't look enticing. Especially at the mark up price. Does anyone have her and have anything good to say about her? Most of the Joe's I have and see are really cool. Even the Snake Eyes movie figures have their good sides. But this one looks like it's not so great. Which is a shame, cause the character looks like one I'd like to have.
oh my
HOT DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this look. A nice, HUGE, figure. He is going to be so imposing on the shelf. I also love the the two swords, they look great with him. Cannot wait for more info.
Also can I just say how much I am liking "Lenny unleashed." With Emily away Lenny has come out to play. Lots of little slips and now a great reveal. Emily is back at SDCC, but until then let Lenny speak so he can spill some more tidbits of info. I know he had to get approval for today's reveal, but it is still fun to see.