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Battleforce 2000 seem like a great response team for Cobra La. Tech v Organic.


Chooch reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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The Ferret was back for a few minutes this morning. Missed it again. I hate Pulse exclusives. 🤬

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I loved the original Cobra La figure set so much. Need Royal Guards as well. But definitely felt like Cobra Commander got such a raw deal in that movie. I still need those Cobra La figures. I played with those originals so much back on the day just as monster opponents. 

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The fan reaction to the transformers movie changed the course of the gi joe movie. I honestly believe if they named it anything other than cobra la, fans would been less harsh, it was such a weird name. Hell they went in edited the end and made sure to have Duke survive, after being ripped apart over killing Optimus Prime. It'll always hold a special place from childhood.


Forgot....... Cobra-Lalalalalalalalalalal!

Boy Wonder
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@aceofknaves yeah, I like the idea of them being their own faction that’s at odds with both GI Joe and Cobra. I think of them as GI Joe’s version of MOTU’s Snake Men and the Red Shadows as their version of the Horde. All different groups who don’t like each other. Hated the idea of Cobra Commander inexplicably suddenly being a literal snake man who’s hundreds of years old and has been secretly working for this ancient clandestine civilization for the whole series. (Granted, I’m also not keen on him being a failed car salesman. I don’t know what my ideal background for Cobra Commander is and frankly I’m not sure if I want to know, lol)

My favorite story about Cobra La was the writer who said he came up with that name as the dumbest placeholder possible so they’d have to come up with something better in the future but then Hasbro was like “Great! We love it!”

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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I don't know if it's been posted already, but Secret Galaxy has a great video on the history of the Joe movie.

pogo the clown
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it is like someone reading a wikipedia page with ads

thewyldman reacted
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Heheh yeah the whole “used car salesman” thing sounds goofy in abstract, but I *do* like the idea that rather than some extra-human supernatural force, Cobra Commander is very much human and grounded in the believable reality of a craven, greedy capitalist who blames the world for his own shortcomings and grows a pyramid scheme into a series of rallies that grows a militia of malcontents drawn in by his cult of personality and the promise of power and profit. I honestly always thought that the file card/early comics version of the Commander was legitimately terrifying, sowing discontent and profiting off global conflicts while developing his own private army. “Absolute power! Total control of the world!”. Scary stuff, even scarier today I’d warrant. Cobra Commander, handled right, is a truly frightening villain.

Akatsuki and Revox reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @pogo-the-clown



it is like someone reading a wikipedia page with ads

Well now, that's on you for not using an ad-blocker. 😁

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Cobra La was place holder Shagra La since in Himalayas. 

I liked the idea of the secret sect coming from South America. I think it would have been better.


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Cobra La is also a third faction in my Joe head canon. An ancient society mad at the humans for killing the planet and they themselves becoming a dangerous Eco extremist group trying to wipe out the human race. You can be sympathetic to their cause but balk at the brutality they inflict even upon the innocent. 

If they make a Once a man Coco, I’m just going to treat that figure as Cobra La infecting Coco until Dr Mindbender and the Cobra scientists can reverse engineer the infection.  

Red Ogre reacted
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Posted by: @aceofknaves

Heheh yeah the whole “used car salesman” thing sounds goofy in abstract, but I *do* like the idea that rather than some extra-human supernatural force, Cobra Commander is very much human and grounded in the believable reality of a craven, greedy capitalist who blames the world for his own shortcomings and grows a pyramid scheme into a series of rallies that grows a militia of malcontents drawn in by his cult of personality and the promise of power and profit. I honestly always thought that the file card/early comics version of the Commander was legitimately terrifying, sowing discontent and profiting off global conflicts while developing his own private army. “Absolute power! Total control of the world!”. Scary stuff, even scarier today I’d warrant. Cobra Commander, handled right, is a truly frightening villain.

Umm, this sounds oddly familiar. But I'm gonna try to keep real world politics out of it lol.


Akatsuki, classifiedcustoms, TENIME and 4 people reacted
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I'm not personally interested in Cobra-La, but my fully-grown adult son and I saw the movie when it was in theaters recently, and I swear whichever character is released with the Time Worm is going to be under the Christmas tree for him that year.

Out of everything that happened in that film, it was that dumb little Lowly Worm timer that stuck with us the most.


(Now that I think of it, I wonder if I could somehow make a "slipped into a coma" version of retro Duke.  Is there a way to reseal a cardback blister?)

mr potatohead
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Don't know if it's because he came with a baton or what, but since I got Mutt I really, really want another type of dog to go with Shockwave.  Initially I was thinking great sniffers like Doberman Pincher, German Shepard or Bloodhound they use in drug busts; but I think the skillset would probably be different for bomb-sniffers or whatever other work a SWAT k-9 unit might do, so some drug-sniffers might not work.  German Shepard still seems like a good candidate as they are highly intelligent and trainable for quick commands.  Also, they have that classic police-dog look.  Anyone have specific knowledge or thoughts on this, and also are there any lines that might have dogs in scale with with Joes that at least have decent POA that aren't crazy expensive?

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You can always hang in there for the inevitable Law and Order Classified release:


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