Yep, with mixing in Street Fighter (Jada & Figuarts until Jada replaces all the imports) & Indiana Jones (Adventure Series), I am out of room on my Cobra shelf, lol.
I have nowhere to move them to, but I'm going to have to move my D&D Golden Archive shelf out, and give the nameless Cobra Troopers their own shelf to let the evil "management" spread out a little more & allow for new additions (and also allow for more troop building on the other shelf).
And while I've definitely gotten more than I initially intended to, I have still avoided most Retro, Tiger Force, and Python Patrol.
Target is starting to clearance the figure aisle. Metal Head $24.99, M&JY $31.49.
Update: my other Target absolutely nothing on clearance.
7/21 is the date Target has for Tiger Force Tiger Paw and Wreckage along with Roadblock and Tripwire. So it makes sense for there to be some clearance.
more leaked pics - Nemesis
Seeing Glenda and riding this Action Force high from Fresh Monkey Fiction makes me hope that we’ll someday get Scarlet repainted as Quarrel. They did make a modern version of her at one point in the 3.75” line.
If nothing else an extremely cheap and easy one can be made at home
Got Pulse notification for the Ferret shipping soon.
Got Pulse notification for the Ferret shipping soon.
Same here. Can't wait for this to show up so I can see in person how big it is compared to the other vehicles. Oh and the twins are waiting for their traditional ride.
Yup. The twins will be taking over the Ferret. The driver is gonna be out of a job.
Man, I really don’t care for Cobra La’s place in continuity, but there’s no way that Nemesis Enforcer and Golobulus don’t end up being really cool toys. I don’t think I can pass them up.
Yep, no patience for Cobra-La’s “traditional” place in Joe continuity (they did Cobra Commander dirtier in The Movie than they did Darth Vader in the prequels, and that is saying A LOT) but I loved the toys and their whole Lovecraftian vibe from the file cards, and I know I will go nuts for the Classified versions. I mostly just ignore the movie continuity in my head and treat Cobra-La (fuck I wish it had a different name) as a crazy ancient civilization of monsters that are a threat to everyone. Monsters are just cool, and insect warriors, snake-men, and a giant winged vampire-thing are right up my personal alley.
Not really my thing either. But I'm going to set up a little section when Once a man coco and Nemesis enforcer arrive. Not sure how far I'm going to into Cobra La but at the least I'm in for Nemesis Enforcer and Pythona who I wouldn't be shocked to see in the next year.
I got the notice for Ferret too. Hopefully have it by this time next week. I'm actually more excited for the tiger paw it really pops and Wreckage will be a nice addition to the tiger force team.
I'm hoping Hasbro releases a Bench Press figure. A repainted Rock N Roll body, Breaker head and a boonie hat. Easy peasy. Oh, and throw in a set of dumbbells, well, just because...