@canprime most ML arms I've used have worked with none to little altercation. Worst I've to do is trim the end or shave the peg.
Thanks for that. I kind of figured but I was hoping to hear from someone who had actually done some parts swapping.
As to the Dragonfly............WOW!!
That was some great product unboxing there.
First another round of applause to the art team (artist) for the box art. That is some crazy good work and I love the fact that you can basically open both flaps of the box and have a huge panoramic piece of art. Also I love the flight of Dragonfly's being pictured. I can see them heading into battler getting ready to hit a convoy of HISS tanks.
The Dragonfly itself was stunning, and man even in the video it looks to be a beast. Is the green a lighter shade than what was rendered? Or is it just the lighting in the studio?
The flight stand looks great and I love the sticker options for it and in general. Although I am not too keen on the "Zombiefly" set. The accessories and blast effects are just great and look really well done. Even the giant ones are pretty great and I was not sure about them because of their size.
The figures......oh man the figures.......
Wild Bill looks great!!! My preference would have been for two heads, one with the sunglasses on and a second without the sunglasses on. Mostly because I have not been too happy with how that has turned out so far with other Classified figures. Still he is a great looking figure.
Glenda look great. I love that the harness can fit any figure, outside of the huge characters, and I'm sure someone will be hanging from the Dragonfly. Otherwise she is as expected after getting Retro Scarlett. As someone else said I will probably be keeping her with the helmet on.
Ripcord is great and I'm glad to hear the shiny black is being corrected. But man does his load out look great. That backpack is going to have more people calling for similar offerings with other figures going forward. Not sure I want that for all figures, but definitely more than just Ripcord. Love the helmet, but man he looks like he is going to be a pain to get everything on properly.
Crazylegs is a nice update and I love the parachute Riggers hat. I'm sure his brown wash on the padded areas will show up better in hand because it didn't come through in the video.
Finally an update, and a great one too boot. Can't wait for this bad boy, c'mon end of the year.
Seeing Glenda and riding this Action Force high from Fresh Monkey Fiction makes me hope that we’ll someday get Scarlet repainted as Quarrel. They did make a modern version of her at one point in the 3.75” line.
Not Classified, or toy, related.
I found this channel on Youtube (A.I. Film Forge) and they do little one minute "trailers" for different IPs. They use AI to create them and most of them take popular IPs and give them a makeover. Usually anywhere from the 1920s-1980s depending on the property.
Anyway here is the link for one of their most recent: GI Joe 1950s Super Panavision:
@boy_wonder I could see it happening down the road. it would be cool if it came with the action force RAM cycle like the original. Not really sure how the action force licensing works. I thought Hasbro still owns the likeness but with all of the companies making there own versions I'm not sure.
DragonFly looks amazing! I am so pumped for this one. I love my HISS but from every angle this seems to be a better offering. Ripcord really stole the show for me. That is a excellent figure. On a some what unrelated note I wonder why they didn't use the smaller rocket blast effects from the DF for the Stinger instead of scrap irons
That Dragonlfy showing was awesome. The figures are great as well. Glad I backed it. The kids are gonna love that chopper.
I'm going to hold off on watching the Dragonfly video until mine arrives, I want to experience it for the first time that way. Very excited for it, though!
In the words of the Grail Knight in Indiana Jones "You have Chosen.....wisely."
I’m excited the missile effects are painted properly.
I feel odd. Right off the bat I wasn't thrilled about the new Storm Shadow and Iron Grenadier, or the upcoming Jinx. But the looks, even though quite different from their ARAH look that I love and want, grew on me. I appreciated them for what they are.
So, I pre ordered them. But it didn't sit well. Yes, they are ok, but they aren't what I want. Thats $75 before tax worth of figures that have a look I don't want. So, I cancelled them. Not saying I won't ever pick them up, but I just really don't want or need them. I really hope they do much closer to ARAH representations of all 3 of those.
But I felt crazy having just pre ordered them to turn right around and cancel them.
@supercamel-1982 with how many figures I'm seeing on my shelves, and how many more particular figures/looks I still want down the line, it's getting tough to drop $25 a pop on everything. It was fine the first couple years but now I just want what I want. Even if I just bought Cobra Commander knowing I want the ARAH version more lmao.
Oh you guys.....
C'mon. Stay on the treadmill and keep buying no matter the price!!! haha
I'm with you on that though. Here in Canada the average retail price for Classified is $35Cdn. Plus tax makes it just over $40Cdn per regular figure (in most provinces). That doesn't account for TRU pretty much charging scalper level prices as well ($43-$45 per regular figure before tax). Then of course you start going up from there for deluxes, vehicles, etc.
I have tried to stick to a no preorder policy so as to try and get figures on sale when possible. However I have to break that rule frequently. Mostly for exclusives, but also for some troop builders. I definitely don't troop build like I did near the beginning of Classified. Now I stick to 1-2 per troop builder.
Still, even with the prices I love this line as it is hitting some many sweet spots for me. So I'll probably still be in for the short term. Of course I'll re-evaluate if the prices up here start hitting $40Cdn (before tax) at all retailers.
I seriously cherry pick Classified. I do not need to be a completist with this line at all which, ironically, is why I love the line so much and have bought more than I originally intended. SIGH. I love all the retro carded figures and just picked up Recondo yesterday. Great figure. I didn't like the Tiger Force colors so I passed on it. I have always loved jungle related characters and this one is perfect. I love Duke and Scarlet too. I love how faithful they are to the original 3 3/4 inch figures.
I cherry pick Classifieds too but end up getting 90% of them besides the random special squads. Space is now slowly becoming an issue. I have no space to display any of the new figures and I'll probably need to start retiring some to the old closet bin.