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Favorite Classified Toys of 2024

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Top tens, favorite vehicles, whatever!




My Top Ten:

1.  Quarrel

In no particular order,



Retro Beachhead

Retro Scarlett

Recon Diver


NF Falcon

Big Boa

Retro Cobra Commander


My favorite vehicle of the year was the VAMP, but I also like the Dragonfly and Tiger Paw.  Overall this year has been a huge hit for the good guys; I might finally prefer my Joe collection over my Cobra one, which hasn't been the case since Cobra Island.

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Ugh, these top ten lists are always a comedy of errors for me.   As soon as I post a list I immediately want to change some of my choices.

Let me start small and add as we go:

Vehicles:  Ferret and Stinger for sure with the Dragonfly because it finally shipped this year even though it was purchased last year.  Then of course the Tiger Paw repaint.


Techno-Viper, Doc, IG BAT, IG, Nemesis Immortal, Retro CC, Retro Eel (never got the regular release), Retro Duke, Retro Scarlett, Retro Beachhead

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Retro Cobra Commander



Quick Kick






Mutt & Junkyard

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Man, this is a tough list. Order's a little malleable, but I think mine are:

  1. Retro Scarlett
  2. Mutt and Junkyard
  3. Doc
  4. Retro CC
  5. Retro Duke 
  6. Gnawgahyde (and pets)
  7. Nemesis Enforcer 
  8. Retro Stalker
  9. Quarrel 
  10. Falcon 

I might bump Falcon for Retro Beachhead but Beachhead might be the only modernized version I like equally to the his retro version so I was already very happy with the one I had before retro was released (though I like retro better for sure). 

I can't pick a favorite vehicle because I have not stopped messing around with ANY of them. Okay obviously the Dragonfly takes top spot by nature, but the rest? All hanging out in my office, frequently taken down and wheeled across the floor like I'm eight. 

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I only had two Classified figures at the start of 2024, so alllllll the others were bought this year. Which I just counted and it's.... 54. Yikes. So I had to really research to figure out which ones came out this year, heh.

  1. Retro Beachhead (Definitely my favorite of this year. He was one of my favorites as a kid, but I'm soooo glad they didn't do the mouth outline now. I did get the original Beachhead too, despite having a rule about no multiples of anyone aside from Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, but I did a cheat)
  2. 60th HALO Jumper (My cheat was putting the original Beachhead's head on the HALO Jumper, which looks really cool with the helmet and nocs)
  3. Airborne (I never had Airborne as a kid and always wanted him. He was on my wishlist from the moment I decided to go all in with Classified, but was one of the most recent ones I opened. I tend to savor opening them and had saved him for when I wasn't having a good day, but absolutely love him. With a new rifle.)
  4. Wreckage (I vacillated on him a while but when I had a chance at one at Target, I didn't hesitate. I sold the Paw right away and haven't regretted getting Wreckage at all)
  5. 60th Marine Sniper (Another one I had on my list as soon as I knew she existed, I was able to get a second body off ebay to use both sets of hands/heads)
  6. Night Force Falcon (Even though he came later, and was a total schmuck in the movie, Falcon was one of my favorites as a kid simply for being a green beret. And he was a way better character in the comics. That said, I knew I was never getting his figure but the Night Force version is just too awesome. I did get his original figure and put the NF head on, but really just can't stand that body either, so he's remaining with Night Force)
  7. Mad Marauder Spirit (Spirit is another I didn't have as a kid, same with Low Light, so this set was a no brainer)
  8. Night Creeper (Another one I was on the fence about until I opened him, really love the design)
  9. Mad Marauder Low Light (I actually had the version 2 figure as a kid, just because of his nocs really, so being able to put some on the version I prefer is wonderful.)
  10. Storm Shadow V2 & Jinx (Storm Shadow and Jinx are actually still unopened, waiting on top of the wardrobe for another bad day. As is Firefly.)



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There are so many. Gonna have to think.

Vehicles: Dragonfly is worth every penny. It’s just the best. I’m thinking of how I will modify it to give me all the bangs for the bucks I want. Simple tweaks. Wild Bill and his metal steed are fantastic. Looks great with the VAMP and RAM. Joes have a good fleet to tackle Cobra now.

OK Top Ten:

Honerable mentions- Doc and Night Force Shockwave. Great offerings. I like below better. Best Accessory:Sarge’s Iddy Bitty Bag.

1-Retro Scarlett


3-Nemesis Immortal

4-Quick Kick

5-Wild Bill

6-60th Marine Sniper

7-Tie Retro Duke/Beach Head

8-Retro Coco

9-Iron Grenadier

10-Tie Twighlight Guard/Steel Corps Commander

