Grabbed a couple of these when Amazon had them under $8, they joe pretty nicely. Still more paint work to do.
So I found something at Ollies I'd never thought I'd find.
Lightyear XL07, which until now was only available overseas. Grabbed it for $12.99 at a store an hour from me. So I managed to grab of the the lightyear ships in this size. I know I'm gonna have to fiddle with it to get any joe to fit, but excited non the less.
@spongyblue Maaaaan, you already got me to run down that Capture & Protect mission ship based on your first post in this thread & I absolutely love it! Now I'm gonna have to try to track this one down too...
@ashtalon this must be it. I don't recall seeing this before, but after a little searching, it seems like customs started popping up over a year ago.
I actually like how the guy looks cramped behind the controls. That thing was not built for comfort.
@spongyblue Maaaaan, you already got me to run down that Capture & Protect mission ship based on your first post in this thread & I absolutely love it! Now I'm gonna have to try to track this one down too...
Thats one thing about that vanilla yogurt of a movie, they had some awesome ship designs. Now that everything is being clearanced out, I'm tempted to get all of the small scale ships.
Yep, I'm snatching up any cheap lightyear stuff that works with classified.
@classifiedcustoms That is incredible.
I have not seen that Lightyear toy before today, but man you did an astounding job with it.
Hell it even works in it's original colours as some sort of construction mech if push comes to shove.
Thank you very much for the kind words. Surprisingly most of the joints, so far, have had zero paint rub. I'm probably going to go back and do more fine detailing, my artist OCD is horrible. I've had a couple seizure cluster so progress has been slow. Though I'm work on giving one of the dollar tree robo dogs some joints from a $3 mcf hazmat batman that I picked up for the head to make a toxo-viper. The 7" mcfarlane stuff works with the larger joes.
What is this ?
A clear example of why a Classified scale Skystriker (or Night Raven, possibly Whale) would be a terrible idea. (haha)
From the looks of it that is a Skystriker in scale for the Super7 Ultimates figures (7").
That must be HUGE!!!!!!! I mean if the figures are 7" then the Skystriker has to be over 48" long (4 feet). Translate that down to 6" Classified scale and it probably still wouldn't come in under 4 feet in length. I think I remember Lenny saying it was closer to 5 feet. Either way it would be absolutely massive and dwarf anything from Classified (and most Haslabs) to date. Not to mention the price!! No way it could come in under $400US if the Rattler is $325US.
Either way.......I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
My wife would kill me.... but I'm definitely interested in one
I picked up one of these too, I'm going to try to kitbash it into some crazy Dreadnoks swamp/fan boat.
My wife would kill me.... but I'm definitely interested in one
I picked up one of these too, I'm going to try to kitbash it into some crazy Dreadnoks swamp/fan boat.
Good Luck!
I have it and I love the designs from Lightyear, but it feels like a tough slog to convert it to something else.