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Are there characters you DON’T want the classic version of?

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There’s no one I wouldn’t want. As long as they keep up the quality. Bring on classic looks, updated looks, even controversial looks. More the merrier. 

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@theknightdamien Think of a Valley Girl voice......."I can't even!!"  🤣 

I get what you're saying.   I'm old enough that when ARAH hit in 82 I was the perfect age for the line.   The OG 13 and up to the movie (87) would be when I was right in the thick of it for Joe.   So I tend to lean towards that era.  1988 and up it where I started tailing off and by the 90s I was completely out since I was in high school starting in 88.  

Now while I will never accept that V2 Firefly......ever!!!  (haha) I get the love for what you started with.   Also I'm with you and the others that I am not against pretty much any figure/subgroup being done in Classified.  Just have my preferences.   

As to Ninja Force I am down for a Bushido and Banzai as well as Slice and Dice.

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Yeah I was dogging on the more "basic" figures earlier in the thread but forgot how nicely they work for customs.  Like taking Falcon and adding gear from other figures into a whole new character.  I'm back on the "I dislike nothing" bandwagon.  There's some stuff I don't like, but I don't dislike anything.  Ok, when the articulation is poor, that's the only thing I dislike.

Ru1977 reacted
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Battle Force 2000 was the coolest thing 10 year old me had ever seen. I'm still not convinced it's been topped.

docsilence reacted
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@ru1977  My first ever Joe vehicle was, unfortunately for me, the Night Raven. So there's just no way I'm ever going to see a Classified version to sate that nostalgia. Hell, we never even got a proper one in 25A/ME.
Then I got the Defiant. So.. again.. not exactly going to see that in Classified. Then the Crusader.

Although, as discussed above, one of my favorite vehicles ever was the Tiger Cat, and I'd say there's at least a chance we get it?

@canprime  Oh, I forgot about Bushido. That's a cool design too. I'll take that one. I turned 5 in '88, by the way. Sometimes I forget how absolutely ancient you are. I'm surprised you had any Joes that couldn't wear Ken's clothes on their days off.

Ru1977 reacted
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@theknightdamien Ah man... I wish we had lived down the street from each other! I always yearned for a friend with the Defiant! I actually had the USS Flagg* and populated the deck with cheap, discount store planes that were the right scale to seat Joes at least. But together, we absolutely could have wiped Cobra right off the globe!

*I only had it for six months, sadly. We moved every year or two until I got to high school, so the summer after I got the Flagg for Christmas, it was demolished during a move. It's funny because my dad offered to help me pack for a move many years later, when I was an adult, and he only has a half hour of patience for me at any given time, so he did the exact same thing where I wanted to pack my collection well and he literally tore things apart and jammed them into boxes. I had a really nice Klingon Bird of Prey model kit he snapped the cannons off of, and also broke several of my McFarlane Movie Maniac figures. So I had flashbacks to the Flagg.

KnightDamien reacted
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@chooch555 Battle Force 2000 broke my 11 year old brain. It was like they found the genetic missing link between GI Joe and the sci-fi stuff I loved.

Chooch and Ru1977 reacted
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Battleforce 2000 was why I made my first call to Toys R Us for a stock check, heh, specifically Vector. It was such a great idea, and I was sooooo excited when I finally completed the set of figures and vehicles. A couple of the land vehicles were always included in my convoys.

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@theknightdamien I would love to see an updated Night Raven.   I am fine with it being an ARAH Haslab because the size, and price, of a Classified version would be scary.   Also I'm not certain they wouldn't play around with the dimensions on a Classified version to fit some pricing/size model.   For an ARAH update I would want them to fix the cockpit mechanism and the plastic thinness.   Also as I have said before a way to have the drone fit with a latching system that would allow me to also attach a Firebat instead would be awesome.

I had a Defiant back in the mid-2000s that and it was incredible, but even back then it was fragile in a number of spots.  I can only imagine what it is like now.   It is a shame we'll probably never see an updated one again.

And I prefer to think of myself as "dusty."   ALthough I do miss the good old days of playing with the one stick and rock in town.  😀 

KnightDamien reacted
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@ru1977 I still have a complete set of BF2000 vehicles (no figures though) and yeah they are great.    Granted some of them are still very "huh?" kind of designs.   But it was the 80s and 2000 was a long way away (although it is farther away from today than it was from 1987).

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@canprime ugh. That's all I can say to that. 😆

canprime reacted
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Wsit.  You had a rock?   You lucky snot.  

Anywho.. getting back around to the topic, I think I could pass on the “Mega-Monsters”.  They’d have to really overhaul those designs, and develop a better backstory to get my interest.  Other than that, I think I’d welcome anyone into the line.

….well, maybe not Crystal Ball….

canprime reacted
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Heheh Crystal Ball is a top 10 want for me at this point. I loved that guy, totally one of my favorite Cobra figures from that time. 
I would also absolutely go nuts for the Mega-Monsters. There’s a whole substratum of larger ARAH figures that were released as static or limited articulation, that I would go nuts for in Classified. SNAKE armor/robot, Deep Six v1, Mega Monsters, Star Brigade Armor Tech . . . if they did these guys with full articulation and updated Classified details, they might well wind up being my favorite figures in the whole line. Like ROBO-J.O.E.? Hell yeah. Bio-Viper? Amazing, gimme some bendy tentacles. And someone just try to tell me that a fully-articulated SNAKE armor wouldn’t be incredible. 

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@ru1977  I knew a kid with a Flagg but I don't think I ever even got to play with it. Always wanted to.

Also, no offense, your dad sounds like a dick.

@canprime The problem is I can't imagine them ever making a Night Raven that's even -close- to being acceptable for Classified. Like I said, they couldn't even make one the same size as the original so it would mostly be in scale with 25A. No way we get one scaled for 6" figures that doesn't look ridiculous.
I love the way the Rattler is turning out, but even that plane is noticeably smallish for the figures.

Definitely some stuff that I think will have to just remain back in the '80s and '90s. Hell, even if they made some of this stuff I can't imagine I'd be able to get it. I never thought I'd pass on an upscaled modern Turtle Sewer Lair, but I did because it's wildly expensive and takes up far too much space.

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@theknightdamien none taken! He absolutely was. When the magic of myth star wars costume tour hit our area, he was kind enough to get tickets an take me, but he lost it when he saw me examine the actual star destroyer model used in ESB for fifteen minutes and rushed me faster and faster through the rest, and of course the Fett ROTJ costume was one of the last things so I barely glimpsed. Back to Joe though, when I was 13 or so, he gave most of my RAH vehicles and figures to a kid down the street, deciding I was too old. Which I was probably but still. 

And I bring all this up not in some seething manner, just remembering.

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