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Are there characters you DON’T want the classic version of?

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I apologize if this has been discussed already, I didn’t see a thread that seemed comparable. I was thinking about Overkill, I really want to see him in Classified, I think there’s a lot of interesting things that can be done with the concept, but then I remember the original. It hasn’t aged well. I think the 2000 era cyborg passing as human version or the final take where it’s a robot wearing a human face are both infinitely more interesting than the classic multi-colored robot. Are there other characters you’d prefer to see an alternate take over the classic? 

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First of all, you're nutter-butters. V1 Overkill is awesome and exactly the kind of crazy nonsense that makes Joes fun and not so self-serious. But also like.. he's a Terminator Endoskeleton with a translucent chest and cross-hairs for an eyeball. That figure rocks and I desperately want them to make it in Classified.

While both have already happened (one VERY badly), I'll reiterate that I don't really care about Classic Storm Shadow at all. We still need, we still DESERVE, a proper Classified version of Ninja Force Storm Shadow - objectively the best Storm Shadow.

I also vastly prefer Sci-Fi v2 over v1. Not so much because it's more grounded or anything like that, but that's just the version I owned and therefore what I want most in Classified. I like, and will buy, both v1 and v2.

Destro is the other one for me. Give me gold mask, sword, and cape version of Destro ten thousand times over the lame original version. But that ship has sailed since we've had v1 already.

Akatsuki reacted
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I just don’t see it with OG Overkill, but I also never knew it existed until after they made the 2000 era versions, so it just looks bizarre to me by comparison. I don’t want them to not make him, but that’s not the version I want myself. I’d probably still buy it. 

I also prefer orange Slice, but that’s because it’s the one I had, red is probably a more logical choice but it just looks wrong to me. 

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I’d have no problem if Classified never got around to Crystal Ball. Then again, they gave Raptor the ill update…

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@theknightdamien Hm... I'm with you on a lot of that. I still like the second Storm Shadow best, but skipped the Classified version because it just didn't work for me. I was more okay with the samurai crotch flaps than most, but the head looked wrong to me. If they did a better version for his Ninja Force figure, maybe a retro one? I would be into that. Storm Shadow had the best figure design in the Ninja Force line to me.

I skipped Destro as I was never a fan of the character, but yeah the IG, gold helmet version would probably end up on my shelf. Also funny because I brought up the Sci Fi v1 and 2 in the other thread, but also Low Light. I'm not expressing any interest in a V2 of Low Light, but if they do one... will they just use the same head? Because V2 had a very different likeness back in the day.

I think #1 on my 'please make this' list is the Night Viper, but I would prefer a more subtle set of nocs on the helmet. I never had the long scope attached on my figure. So I guess that's the closest I have of a character I don't want a classic version of, but only slightly.

KnightDamien reacted
Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I would love to get original Overkill!! I loved that fully robotic golden green and red BAT commander with a 50 caliber double barreled machine gun in his chest! Definitely one of my most-wanted figures for Classified! 

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Ice Cream Soldier. I want him to actually look like ice cream.

valo487 reacted
Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Ice Cream Soldier was so cool. Loved that figure!! What a weird idea for a character name though. 

KnightDamien reacted
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I didn't want a classic Scarlett.  Didn't like the dance leotard then and like it in 1/12 scale even less.

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@theknightdamien See I'm the opposite.   I am fine with Classified never getting to most of Ninja Force.    Don't get me wrong, some of the designs are good, mostly the newer ninjas.   However the updates to classic characters are mostly terrible in my opinion.   

I know Pixel Dan is in love with NF Zartan, but I think it is just a terrible design compared to the original.   Scarlett is too superhero in her look and SE's design is weakened by the baby blue.   I do, mostly, like Storm Shadow.   

Anyway besides that I'm also good without Eco Warriors.   

Don't know that any of these choices count as "classic" versions of characters, but there you have it.

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I certainly don’t want a totally classic Cross-Country. Saying that, and saying the reasons why, tends to make some Joe fans Big Mad, which only reinforces my disgust for CC’s iconography. Confederate insignia have no place on a Joe.

Other than that, it’s less that I don’t want the classic versions, more that I might prefer another design a bit more. Like Shipwreck: I totally bought his classic look but what I *really* want is his Devil’s Due “longshoreman” look with the rubbed sweater and beanie cap. Renegades has my favorite Scarlett design. Definitely prefer Storm Shadow v2 and v3, desperately want Snake-Eyes v3/4/5 (although I love the first two designs as well), IG Destro, and ESPECIALLY Talking Battle Commander/Battle Corps Cobra Commander.

. A lot of what I actually want is for figures to look like the original file card art, specifically. 

Ru1977 reacted
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@aceofknaves I'm with you on Cross Country, but also Shipwreck! I really dig that version as well. But yeah, I definitely want at least some of these guys to really look just like the card art.

Good grief. Admin
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There's no character or version of a character from 1982-1994 that I don't want. I want them all, and as close to the source material as possible, even if I have to de-Lenny them as much as I can.

wildbill336 reacted
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Spearhead (and Max) was my final GI Joe purchase as a kid. The last figure I added to my collection. Beyond them, I'm very unaware of what else came. I probably have never seen half of the figures that came out since 1:18 Joe debuted. I might recognize some, but my years are from 1983-1987, those are the characters I'm most fond of, and there are very few I'd pass on. (I was unaware of Cross Country and that iconography, wouldn't add that to my collection)

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HEAT Viper's orange creamsicle color makes me a little nauseated, does that count?  He's also got those dumb pegs sticking off his head and legs.  HEAT Viper v2 all the way baby.  Put him on a big Roadblock buck and he'd look rad.

Actually I'm cool with any figure as long as it's well-done (NF Storm Shadow fails here) and not boring (Dusty and Falcon, looking at you guys).

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