@canprime last year, the "It's Chad" guy on YouTube said his Hasbro leak told him the Night Raven and Whale were coming as 3.75 vehicles (non Haslab), as well as a Collector Club style figure subscription. Everything is in limbo now after Hasbro's less than good financials. Mine and my brother's Night Ravens both have broken cockpits and I have third bought on eBay around 15 years ago. That one has a good cockpit, but the seller glued the front landing gear cover upside down without disclosing. I'd be in for a shiny new one.
This is my brother's Night striker. It's so close. The fan circular fan housing has it's support tab broken and one of the fins has a tiny broken peg. I've been searching the boxes for a missile launcher. Otherwise, it's complete. Real replacement parts ain't cheap.
A 3.75” WHALE and Night Raven seems like someone wishlisting. As does a figure subscription.
A Classified Snow Cat would be close to same size as the HISS. Not sure I see it happening at retail, although there are some repaint possibilities with it to help mitigate its cost.
I think a Classified X-30 Conquest would be cool but not for a while. I think it’s a more feasible plane to fight the inevitable Rattler. Certainly more feasible than a Skystriker.
A Cobra sea vessel is an interesting thought, but I’m not sure what it would be. A Moray seems almost too big for Classified. Something smaller, like a Sea Ray, Water Moccasin or Piranha, could be a retail release.
I think the Rattler seems kinda obvious as the next Cobra Haslab. It’ll be large but not super ridiculous. Maybe the wings could even fold up to help reduce storage space.
The Wolverine doesn’t seem that interesting to me. I want vehicles which can interact more with figures. Other than having a driver plop into it, there isn’t much more figures can do with the Wolverine. At least the Snow Cat could haul some guys on the back and sides.
Another thing I was wondering is how close do Classified versions of the vehicles need to stick to to the original RAH versions that scale with their RAH figures. This was evident to me with the Classified Vamp where I think modifying this vehicle to have an official seat for the machine guns would have been good. Can a Classifieds Wolverine be modified to be a two seater or maybe some side railings to support one trooper on each side of the vehicle to provide small arms fire protection for the driver? Same with Skyhawk adding another seat. Can a Skystryker be modified to be smaller like a Conquest? A more compact Tomahawk making it just slightly bigger than the Dragonfly? A Mauler, Mobat, or Slugger just slightly bigger or roughly the same size as the Hiss?
Rattler makes sense as an answer to Dragonfly. That thing is 34”? Or was it 37” long? Anyway I can see Rattler just about that length. I also see wings designed to fold up. The next logical step would be a Joe Tank. I’m sure whatever it is the Haslab will continue the evolution of the Classified line.
Can a Classifieds Wolverine be modified to be a two seater or maybe some side railings to support one trooper on each side of the vehicle to provide small arms fire protection for the driver?
The way I see it, the original HISS and Wolverine vehicles were released the same year and cost the same ($6.39, if you can believe it). If the HISS can get upscaled enough to include a rear troop compartment, the Wolverine can be HasLabbed into a 2-seater easy-peasy.
In fact, the Ramen Toys' tank vehicle is already a 2-seater, although here they're squeezed together a bit to fit into the swappable turret ring.
Honestly, the Ramen tank in Wolverine mode looks good enough to meet all my Wolverine needs, but I'd still like to see what HasLab did with it. Worst case scenario I just convert the Ramen one to bridge layer mode and leave it like that.
@mrboshek Yeah I saw the video by It's Chad and I think at the time that was probably the plan for Hasbro, but then they gave Super7 the license for O-ring. So now it is probably up to Super7 and unfortunately they'll probably do some of the higher demand items, but they won't be cheap.
It's hard to believe but some of the ARAH vehicles are over 40 years old now. I find that anything with thin plastic (Night Raven, WHALE, etc) tend to have either broken already, or become very brittle to the point of not wanting to handle them too much for fear of breaking them. That is only going to get worse as the years go on so that is why I hope someone tries to get to some of the bigger, more iconic vehicles and redo them so we can get a couple more decades out of them without fear of breaking apart.
The 25th/ME era did a great job re-releasing and updating vehicles so they are good for another decade or two at least.
@ashtalon The Haslab HISS was a bit upscaled, presumably to give it a bit more heft/value to collectors. The ARAH Snow Cat was the same length as the HISS but a bit shorter. Then of course the Snow Cat was a two seater versus a one seater for the HISS. So many variables to consider.
I haven't looked, but isn't the Classified VAMP a bit shorter than the ARAH version? Not glaringly so, but a bit more squat? I could see them doing the same thing with a Classified Snow Cat. Make it a bit shorter, and if they are planning future reuse, maybe the launcher can be reused with a MK2 VAMP? Also they can skip the lights and multiple figures for a retail release.
So a slightly modified Snow Cat with one figure and no lights could probably be offered at retail without the accompanying Haslab price.
Of course I am just spitballing and who knows, however the SW team did offer up Boba Fett's throne room through Pulse (not a Haslab) and it was a very large and expensive item. I can imagine the same might hold true for Joe vehicles outside of a Haslab.
I've seen the It's Chad video too. Its where the rumors about the Thunder Machine and Snowcat started. I do feel we will see both of them in some capacity in the next year or two. Like I said in my early post I wouldn't be shocked if they end up changing course and making them a lower price point Haslab like the Giant man. I do know a few guys participated in a Joe focus group and they were given 4 choices for Haslabs to choose from. The only thing they could say is out of the 4 options there was no water vehicles.
Really at this point YoJoe June is around the corner and I am sure we will have more details on the next Haslab and the future of vehicles in the line. As I said in my earlier post the only one that would really shock me is if they announced the Whale. Yup I am well aware the size and price would be huge but its my grail for the time being.
If anyone is interested I posted the video from It's Chad below.
If math is right. Scaled up Classified is about 2.5x bigger than o-ring vehicles.
Dragonfly length just over 13 1/2 becomes just over 34”. Rattler as long as it is wide around 17” makes it 43” long and wide.
That’s pretty big.
@snake-eyes-8181 Well now you've piqued my interest.
I know you can't say anything specific, but I'll ask another question anyway. Was it an even split of Joe/Cobra vehicle choices (so 2/2) or all one faction (don't need to specify if giving away too much).
If math is right. Scaled up Classified is about 2.5x bigger than o-ring vehicles.
Dragonfly length just over 13 1/2 becomes just over 34”. Rattler as long as it is wide around 17” makes it 43” long and wide.
That’s pretty big.
That would make it the second longest Haslab behind the Khetanna. If the wings are that wide as well then it is probably a given that they will have to fold up in some fashion to make it reasonable for both display and storage. Probably the only saving grace is that it is a pretty thin vehicle outside of the wingspan. So much like the Dragonfly it would be big, but because of the shape it may not look that big.
On the positive side, Haslabs haven't shied away from large items (Khetanna, Unicron, Ghost) that eat up way too much space. So a Rattler wouldn't be out of whack for them to do based on space. On the negative side it could mean a bigger price than the HISS. I hope not, at least by too much, because we have been spoiled by the previous Joe Haslabs all being $300 or less. Going above $300 may be a test of what the fandom is willing to pay, even for an iconic vehicle.
@canprime I wasn't part of the focus group. Just reiterating what was said at the time. I did sign up if they do another one. from what the guys could say it was three land vehicles and one Air vehicle. They were shown a few different designs for each.
I was able to find the original posts about it. Here are a few of them
"There are NDA's involved. But I saw 2 Joe vehicles, 2 Cobra. With 3 variations on each one. No idea if other groups saw the same ones or not."
"Digital renders. No, they 3 style for each one. A classic, modernized, and really modernized."
"No sea. One air. And one is actually cheaper than any Joe Haslab.
Sorry for being so vague, but I'm covering my own ass. I figured a few nuggets couldn't hurt and maybe help keep the topics on track. Plus I don't want to spoil it. If anyone else blabs then I can always say more."
"Mauler, Skyhawk, Water Moccasin and Rattler?
2/4 Again, there could be more. Just going off what I saw."
I personally would like to see a MOBAT. It would be a good vehicle to go against the HISS Tank. Plus the year after Cobra got a tank the Joes got the anti-armor Dragonfly to respond. If the Joes get armor this year it would make sense Cobra would get the anti-tank Rattler the next.
Ok after watching the most recent "A Punk With Toys" Youtube video where he does some speculation about a possible Rattler Haslab I figured I would bump this thread again.
Anyway, if it is a Rattler what would you like to see? Tiers, accessories, lights, other flourishes?
Oh and the big one (to me) is colour? I know Hasbro does toy colours not cartoon colours so it is probably a moot point/question, but I'll ask anyway. Would you prefer the dark blue of the toy, or the lighter blue of the cartoon?
As to APWT's Youtube video, here is what I would like to see for the figures (some of which he covered):
Wild Weasel (obvious)
Gunner/Co-Pilot (whatever they want to call it)
Ramp Rat (ground crew)
Now APWT had a Strato-Viper as a fourth figure, but I don't know if the Classified team will go that route. I think they might try for another Cobra Trooper type, maybe something along the lines of Air-Viper/Halo Jumper type. Especially if they are doing a 60th version of the HALO Jumper they could probably reuse a bunch of parts.
As for accessories, the usual bombs, missiles that already come with the Rattler, blast effects. I like APWT's suggestion of blast effects that can be attached as a sort of flight stand for VTOL mode. A flight stand of course. Hopefully like the Skystriker so you can have dynamic posing. Removable panels was another idea that was solid. Then of course lights in the cockpit.
Outside of all that, which was almost all covered by APWT, I think the only thing I would add would be a weapons transport for the missiles and bombs, similar to what they did with the Skystriker.