@panthercult D'oh how could I forget about the exclusives (Con, Store and Pulse). Yeah they have been hitting the fans with that for awhile now.
@vicious7171 I like what they did for the Razor Crest Haslab. The carded figures were both numbered differently (Has001/002) and came with different accessories (or painted differently accessories). The cards and figures were otherwise the exact same as the retail releases. So you didn't have to worry about missing out because you could get them in your collection at retail.
I mean the Joe team did that with Retro CoCo so why not stick to that formula?
Yeah that is one of the reasons I am glad I got out of DC Multiverse. Todd has gone insane with the variants, store, McFarlane Toys exclusives that I would hate to have to try and track down even a third of what he is offering.