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2024 GI Joe (Classified?) Haslab speculation and discussion

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@mrboshek Glad to see I'm not the only one doing this. I don't have the heart to toss the outer box yet (the art is too good!) but knowing I'll never get it back inside again I can guiltlessly recycle the guts.

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@leor Yep, I'm in the Denver area.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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I woke up to a FedEx notice saying it was out for delivery in Ohio, after sitting at label created for a few days.  I clicked the hold at location option, but received a delivered notice less than an hour later.  Nothing showed up on my doorbell camera, but I ran home at lunch & they set it by my back door.  It was a bit stressful, because the idea of a package like that getting stolen gives me an ulcer, but this time it worked out. 

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@chooch555 Ok cool. So there’s a chance mine shipped out already.

Super Camel
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Got my Dragonfly today.  I didn't think it would come today, but fairly early it was dropped off. 

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Posted by: @leor

@chooch555 Ok cool. So there’s a chance mine shipped out already.

You need to get the Fedex Delivery Manager app so you will know when you have packages on the way without waiting for the seller to e-mail you.



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Me looking at my label created 10/30 and no delivery yet.

maybe tomorrow?



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Don't feel too bad ... I don't even have a label created yet. 😕 

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Can't wait to get my notification so I can freak out on where its gonna go!

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I actually received my Dragonfly on Saturday. It's sad I had to call FedEx and file a complaint. I was given a tracking number and good thing I was this time. I didn't receive a tracking number for Giantman x 3. That was almost a disaster. I received the email notifications that the Dragonfly had shipped, then another  when it was in my area and when delivered. What I didn't receive was a location from the driver or a photo. I decided to check on the FedEx site, it listed I signed for the package. I'm talking my first initial of my first name and my whole last name. I was waiting to sign for the package at my apartment. I was pretty sure the driver dropped it off at the manager's office. However instead of taking the package to one of the front reception desks and having it signed by one the receptionists, the driver decided to take it to the back to the overflow room and sign my name. I picked up the package went to the front desk and asked if the driver came to the front to drop any packages. The receptionist said no, she went straight to the back to drop off packages. I got back to my apartment and called FedEx. I explained to the assistant on the phone what had happened. I said you do understand that that this is considered a Federal crime. You can't sign for someone without their permission and you can't sign that person's name even if you have permission to sign, you have to sign your name. The assistant said we understand and you are right, I will notify my superiors and they will put out a call to all managers to explain this to the supervisors and drivers. She said I can assure you the driver will be reprimanded for this action. I said okay, if it happens again I'm filing a Federal lawsuit. She said I understand and you have every right to. We ended the conversation with her reassuring me I won't have to.

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the dragonfly has arrived! I’m so excited!

I guess I should really get around to opening that HISS tank 🤔 


I had my dragonfly delivered to my job. Because even if I’m not there, at least security will sign for it.


I don’t trust fed ex as far as I can throw them…

I’ve been practicing so admittedly that is a very far distance

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Yeah, same so I canceled all my pre-orders with Hasbro Pulse that I could cancel and that weren't exclusives and pre-ordered the same items with EE and BBTS. EE normally uses UPS which I have zero issues with. BBTS store I will just pay the extra shipping to ship USPS.

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A shitty courier service has had mine for over a week, and gotten lost or whatever and returned to the depot 5 goddamn times. I am beyond infuriated right now.

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Of course my luck.

Haven't had to sign for a Haslab in the last 6 that I have had delivered.

What happens today?  Four minutes after I leave the house FedEx shows up and leaves a delivery notice requiring a signature!!!  😭 

I was gone for less than 15 minutes.   Now I have to wait until after 6pm to pick it up.

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Finally was able to pick up my Dragonfly.   

First impressions.......meh.











Damn if it isn't a thing of beauty.   Now I just need a bit more time to sit down and really get into the whole offering.

Oh and a shout out to the Hasbro Packaging team.   Someone clearly dropped the box because there was a gash on one of the side edges of the box.   It actually went through to the inner protective box as well.   So I was pretty worried about the Dragonfly box itself, but thankfully it didn't get that far.   So the box is in good condition.   Great job once again on the packaging.

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